Thursday, October 10, 2024

Non-Naval Bases in Dark Nebula

After generating a pile of non-naval bases for Aslan worlds in Dark Nebula sector I then wanted to see if the results were relatively consistent with the narratives developed for various worlds in The Deep and the Dark. With relatively few exceptions, the new base codes seemed to compliment the world descriptions:

Aleikhes (Dark Nebula 0710) - The capital of the powerful Yerlyaruiwo clan and the ancestral seat of the leading Yureare pride (pg. 201). As expected, Aleikhes has a Clan Stronghold base. The clan megacorporation Tlasayerlahel also maintains the highport with associated shipyards, consistent with an Aslan Corporate Facility base. Tlasayerlahel also runs a Research Station focused on meson spinal technology. 

Aowoiktes (Dark Nebula 1705) - A non-aligned world in the Buffer (pg. 209) ruled by a coalition of exohierate clans led by the Yeahtauheih. Aowoiktes has several Clan Strongholds and Corporate Facilities associated with on-world clans, as well as Ihatei Camps scattered across the surface.

Arakhal (Dark Nebula 2729) - A border world on the edge of Solomani space and controlled by the Iyare, vassals to the Arao’e (pg. 254). Naturally enough, Arakhal has an Ihatei Camp populated with Aslan hoping to make their mark in a future conflict with the Hisol’i.

Bacci (Dark Nebula 1123) - A non-aligned world just inside the Buffer and ruled by the technophobic Awiykhalr, a former vassal of the Yerlyaruiwo (pg. 239). The Ihatei Camp is filled with second sons from Hierate and exohierate clans. While many are just passing through, most are seekers called to the harsh spiritual discipline of the Awiykhalr philosophy.

Cuoon(Dark Nebula 2105) - A non-aligned water world in the Buffer occupied by the exohierate Iyoilyaoei (pg. 209). In addition to being the Iyoilyaoei Clan Stronghold, Cuoon contains a Research Station devoted to bootstrapping the colony to a stellar tech level. 

Elahkilr (Dark Nebula 2203) - A non-aligned world in the Buffer (pg. 210). Elahkilr is the Clan Stronghold of the exohierate Hraiiyeeiyea clan.

Erelefo (Dark Nebula 2335) - A Khaukheairl garden world in Yokhui subsector (pg. 268). The world is a Clan Stronghold for the ambitious Kyorloiwahiry pride, and the clan corporation Oakhowus maintains an on-world Corporate Facility.

Erloufteaw (Dark Nebula 0725) - A split control, hostile world dotted with played-out mines and abandoned settlements (pg. 235). Scattered bands of second sons have set up miserable Ihatei Camps across the planet.

Ftahalr (Dark Nebula 1208) - A non-aligned world, stronghold of the Aehikew clan, who are guardians of the treaty world (pg. 205). In addition to serving as the Clan Stronghold for the Aehikew, Ftahalr also has a Research Station devoted to promoting human-Aslan relations and preventing future interspecies conflict.

Hakhyas (Dark Nebula 2027) - The capital of the venerable Owyahiy clan, former members of the Tlaukhu now fallen on hard times (pg. 248). Hakhyas is the Clan Stronghold for the Owyahiy. The clan has not been able to mount a significant migration fleet for decades, and now the capital world is becoming crowded with Ihatei Camps filled with restless males without immediate prospects.

Htehekah (Dark Nebula 1127) - An interdicted world under the control of the Tlaukhu vassal Ewehi in fief to the mighty Yerlyaruiwo (pg. 240). The Yerlyaruiwo maintain a Research Station in system, though the purpose of the facility is a closely guarded clan secret.

Iopfen (Dark Nebula 1217) - A non-aligned industrial world inside the Buffer (pg. 223). Iopfen is dominated by the exohierate Ausikhahear, exiled from the Hierate for adopting human customs such as gambling. The Corporate Facility reflects both the Ausikhahear mines as well as their high stakes casinos.

Khaiai(Dark Nebula 0425) - A split control world designated for ritual clan wars (pg. 235). Khaiai has a large Ihatei Camp populated with males hoping to serve as mercenaries for one of the warring clans. 

Ktaherl (Dark Nebula 0837) - A rich, split control world inside the Hierate (pg. 261). The Corporate Facility is controlled by Eawaol Khtesa, a cross-clan venture specializing in the breeding and training of elite racing animals such as khta.

Leftearl (Dark Nebula 0615) - The clan capital of the small but prosperous Eakhtawa clan (pg. 219). In addition to containing the Clan Stronghold, Leftearl is also the headquarters for the clan controlled company Ahterle Iy’ou, which provides asteroid mining and other resource extraction services.

O’awiy (Dark Nebula 2525) - A border world on the edge of Solomani space (pg. 257). The mainworld is currently held by the Lahtouyo in fief to the Staoiyloulr, which is in turn a vassal of the mighty Yerlyaruiwo. O’awiy is ostensibly the Lahtouyo capital, but the Class E starport is much too poor to qualify for a Clan Stronghold base. A large Ihatei Camp is swollen with males spoiling for a chance to battle the hated Solomani. 

Oakhiyye (Dark Nebula 1240) - The capital of the combative Hwriayro, a multi-world clan. Oakhiyye contains the Hwriayro Clan Stronghold as well as a Research Station focused on planetary engineering. The Hwriayro hope these technologies will allow them to recreate their lost clanworld, now occupied by the Solomani.

Oifalrouw (Dark Nebula 0109) - A cold, low population world held by the Multworld Hlaotiyoiho clan (pg. 202). Oifalrouw contains a Corporate Facility controlled by the clan mercenary company E’al Htoukha, and is used as both a training site and a venue to demonstrate company capabilities to prospective clients.

Oiirl (Dark Nebula 2430) - A high population Hierate world controlled by the Hkihaohe (pg. 248). Oiirl is the Clan Stronghold and its Corporate Facility is the headquarters of the clan corporation Hwais ei Hkihaohe, which designs and manufactures high quality starships.

Pannusgario (Dark Nebula 1003) - The non-aligned capital of the ancestor-worshiping Fteaaikhe’ clan (pg. 206). Pannusgario contains the Clan Stronghold, a Corporate Facility for the clan corporation, and a sprawling Ihatei Camp. The Fteaaikhe’ have opened their world to any second son willing to be initiated into their clan cult, creating a large and highly motivated military force composed of desperate, landless males.

Saftahfeal (Dark Nebula 2221) - The capital world of the trading clan Tlerlearlyo (pg. 249). Saftahfeal is a Clan Stronghold; the Corporate Facility base code reflects the many on-world corporate headquarters for various Tlerlearlyo companies. 

Syailei (Dark Nebula 1724) - The capital world of the Estoieie’ (pg. 250). Syailei contains a Clan Stronghold, a Corporate Facility, and a Research Station. The Corporate Facility is the headquarters for Steasehaor, an Estoieie’ company focused on warship design. The Research Station is engaged in the development of advanced naval weapon systems. 

Teaoiyekh (Dark Nebula 2839) - A rich world on the edge of Solomani space, controlled by the Hlyueawi (pg. 272). Although Teaoiyekh is the domain of the Hreakhela’, one of the Hlyueawi’ s oldest and strongest prides, the Class E starport is too poor to qualify for the Clan Stronghold. The system does contain a Research Station, though the nature of the work done there is known only to the Hlyueawi.

Yohkui (Dark Nebula 2138) - An important, industrial planetoid belt controlled by several different Hierate clans (pg. 268). A consortium of Tlaukhu clans operates an in-system Research Station working on advanced starship hulls and propulsion systems.

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