Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Taorl Riftliner and Hleakakhea SDB

Riftliners operated by Tyeyo Fteahrao Yolr (Tyeyo Dustspice Importers) stage in high orbit above Auhahkei (Riftspan Reaches 3039 A86768B-C). The corporation is controlled by females of the Ikhtealyo clan.

A recent thread on Reddit called for examples of Aslan megafreighters that could cross the Great Rift. Across all editions there really aren’t many published freighters in that size class, much less Aslan freighters.

But the discussion prompted me to take another look at a compelling ship design that seems to have fallen by the wayside: the Taorl Riftliner from GURPS Traveller: Alien Races 2.

The Taorl might not be a superfreighter or megafreighter, but in some ways it’s far more useful than either ship for an Aslan clan: a versatile jump tender that can ferry smaller ships and cargo between star systems or even across the Great Rift itself. A Taorl is built to make Jump-3 while carrying over 10,000 tons of payload.

Note that although early drafts of Traveller5 included a striking Jesse DeGraff illustration described as a “Taorl Exploratory Merchant (RL-KS13),” this would be a much smaller (1,000 ton) ship than the Riftliner. I think this T5 picture is more likely to be a misidentified Khtukhao Clan Transport (R-FB22). (See the deckplan on page 62 of Alien Races 2.)

I broke out my copy of the High Guard 2022 Update to work up a MgT conversion of the Taorl. I really had to tinker around to get this ship right: the GURPS design includes a spacedock for all the secondary craft. A spacedock is an airlock hangar bay that “can be totally evacuated or filled with air” (GURPS Traveller: Starships 64). This is basically equivalent to an MgT full hangar (High Guard 66). However, converting the Taorl with a full hanger requires a 30,000-ton hull to hold all the secondary craft. And more importantly, the use of a single monster hangar doesn’t really match the GURPS description of the ship acting as a tender.

I then tried converting the Taorl as a 20,000-ton ship with docking spaces, which seemed closer to the mark. Then finally I landed on a 10,000-ton design with external docking clamps, allowing the ship to carry over 10,000 tons of secondary craft externally and still make Jump-3, which seems to live up best to the jump tender concept.

While working on the Taorl conversion it occurred to me that I hadn’t come across a design for an Aslan system defense boat, even though such craft are reportedly common inside the Hierate—as would be expected for such a territorial people. While the Aslan often utilize Imperial and Solomani designs (and vice versa), they also adapt them for their own purposes, as seen in the Hleakakhea, an SDB commonly carried by riftliners.

Taorl Riftliner

The Taorl Riftliner is a general-purpose clan vessel, manufactured throughout the Hierate in a number of variants by many different clans, but is especially common along the edge of the Great Rift. A Taorl (which roughly translates as “aesthetic fortune; honor, responsibility”) primarily functions as a jump tender, carrying secondary craft and other payloads attached to the exterior of its hull. A standard loadout for a Taorl consists of eight 95-ton shuttles and 24 separate 400-ton payloads. A loaded riftliner is ovoid in shape and is often said to resemble a Terran conifer cone, with payload pods and shuttles arranged like overlapping scales around a central axis.

Specialized Taorl pods are produced for different payloads. All such pods displace 400 tons and have 120 hull points. A Fuel Pod holds 400 tons of fuel and costs MCr18. A Cargo Pod is equipped with a small TL12 power plant to provide gravity and environmental controls, holds 394 tons of cargo, and costs MCr22.5. A Low Pod holds 650 low berths, has a small TL12 power plant and medical bay, and requires 1 engineer and 5 medics. A low pod costs MCr93.870. A Passenger Pod has 70 staterooms for passengers, a small TL12 power plant and medical bay, and requires 1 steward and 1 medic. A passenger pod costs MCr62.64.

An unloaded Taorl carries enough fuel to make two consecutive 3-parsec jumps, and even a fully loaded Taorl outfitted with 10 fuel pods can make a single Jump-3 and another Jump-2, enough to traverse the Great Rift.

When encountered, the riftliner will be carrying a mixture of up to two dozen 400-ton payloads; these may be any type of pod, Hleakakhea system defense boats, Eakhau traders, or Hkiyrerao research ships, depending on its mission. Any of the 24 Class IV docking clamps could be adapted to carry even larger secondary craft of up to 2,000 tons.

The Purchase Cost of the Taorl reflects a discount for standard design, but does not include the cost for any 400-ton payloads.

Hull Points 4,000

Crew Captain/Pilot, Executive Officer/Purser, Officers x4, Astrogator, Sensor Operator, Engineers x70, Maintenance x10, Smallcraft Crew x8, Administrators x5, Medics x2

Maintenance Cost Cr468,707 per month

Purchase Cost MCr5,507.096

Taorl Riftliner
TL12 TonsCost (MCr)
Hull10,000 tons, Standard500
M-DriveThrust 1203406
Power PlantFusion (TL12), Power 10,351690690
Fuel TanksJ3, 4 weeks of operation6,258
SensorsCivilian Grade13
CraftDocking Clamps (Type IV) x244801,920
 Pods x24
 Docking Clamps (Type II) x84040
 Shuttles x8117.4
SystemsShrine to Heroes40.5
 Fuel Processor (1,000 tons per day)502.5
 Medical Bays x4168
StateroomsStandard x12048060
 Low Berths x126636.3
 Jump Control/30.3
Common Areas12012

Hleakakhea System Defense Boat

The venerable Hleakakhea is a lower tech adaption of the TL12 Guardian-class SDB, and is as ubiquitous in the Hierate as the Guardian is in the Imperium. A Hleakakhea is named for an air-breathing aquatic animal native to Kusyu that lives in warm coastal estuaries across the planet. Hleakakhea are ambush predators protected by tough, bony armor and can grow to nearly 4 meters in length, and hunting them was formerly a popular sport before overharvesting drove the species to the brink of extinction. Remains of prehistoric Hleakakhea have been found over 6 meters in length, though that particular subspecies is believed to have died out during Kusyu’s last ice age.

The Taorl Riftliner was originally designed to carry four hryo of Hleakakhea battleriders before clans realized the possibilities of other payloads. In wartime, unarmed riftliners will carry Hleakakhea or larger battleriders for self-defense—the “conquer or die” tactics forced on battleriders and their tenders are well-suited to the Aslan psyche.

Many of the larger and wealthier clans have replaced the Hleakakhea with TL13 designs based off the Dragon class, while the leading Tlaukhu clans field improved TL14 Dragons imported directly from the Imperium. These Dragons are reported to be faster, protected with bonded superdense armor, and utilize advanced stealth tech.

Hull Points 176

Crew Captain, Purser/Executive Officer, Officer, Pilots x3, Engineer, Gunners x6

Maintenance Cost MCr0.013176 per month

Purchase Cost MCr158.121

Hleakakhea SDB
TL11 TonsCosts (MCr)
Hull400 tons, Streamlined-24
ArmorCrystaliron, Armor:116613.2
 Radiation Shielding-10
M-DriveThrust 41632
Power PlantFusion (TL8), Power 2562512.5
Fuel Tanks16 weeks operation20-
Bridge 202
ComputerCore 15/fib-3
SensorsMilitary Grade24.1
 Improved Signal Processing14
WeaponsSmall Bays (particle beam) x210040
 Missile Barbettes x2108
AmmunitionMissile Storage (480 missiles)40-
Armored BulkheadsBridge20.4
 Power Plant2.50.5
 Maneuver Drive1.60.32
 Fuel Tanks1.60.32
SystemsFuel Processor (20 tons/day)10.05
 Medical Bay42
 Shrine to Heroes40.5
StateroomsStandard x8324
Common Areas80.8

Copyright Information

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2024 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Materials produced by Digest Group Publications (DGP) are copyright © Roger Sanger. Any use of Digest Group Publications’ copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this Web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights. Usage is intended to follow the guidelines announced by Roger Sanger on the Traveller Mailing List for preserving the overall Traveller milieu.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Adjusting World Sizes for Atmosphere

Recently I was taking a hard look at the Traveller Map data for a handful of Aslan sectors. Afawahisa is a sparse border region three sectors from Dark Nebula and really only developed in Mongoose’s The Great Rift boxed set (2017). Given that the sector had been subject to such a recent publication I was surprised to find that the Afawahisa data was still listed on Traveller Map as “In Review.” But what does that mean?

Much of the sector data for the Charted Space setting was originally developed in the 1980s and the 1990s using a wide range of world generation methods. The resulting data was of highly varying quality and consistency, and in some cases reflected dramatically different historical periods such as The New Era setting. As people began to collect these different datasets and place them side-by-side the glaring differences in data became increasingly apparent.

For over a decade all sector data for the Official Traveller Universe has been subject to ongoing review as part of the T5 Second Survey project. The T5SS is an informal, fan-run effort originally coordinated by Don McKinney, who described it on the Citizens of the Imperium boards as “driven by Marc Miller to stabilize, correct, and control the UWPs of the OTU so that there’s a solid canon base of data for future reference.” The T5SS updated the legacy sector data to reflect both Traveller5 worldgen and a consistent 1105 dating. Since 2013 Joshua Bell’s Traveller Map has hosted the results.

One common change a T5SS review pass would make to sector data would be to adjust world size to reflect the Atmosphere code in the Universal World Profile. As described over on the Zhodani Base, “A problem with the random generation of worlds in Traveller is that small worlds (where size < 4) … might get an ordinary breathable atmosphere. This is a problem, since the minimum molecular weight retained for a [small] planet shouldn’t allow that.” Basically, small worlds cannot retain most atmospheres over billions of years: the constituent gases escape the gravitational pull of the planet and dissipate into space.

Don McKinney came up with a very elegant hack to fix this common problem. As he described it in comments on the Zhodani Base post, “I prefer changing the UWPs: if Atm 1/A/B/C, Size 3+; if Atm 2/3, Size 4+, and if Atm 4-9, Size 5+.” The great benefit of Don’s adjustment is that it neatly addresses the size problem without affecting the trade codes or (usually) past write-ups of the world. I was surprised to find, then, that the adjustment wasn’t made to the Afawahisa data.

Sadly, Don passed away unexpectedly in 2015 and I suspect that Afawahisa just didn’t receive a full T5SS review while The Great Rift was in development. I wanted to write this blog entry because Don’s nifty size hack was never well publicized and even today folks will occasionally wonder why Traveller Map UWPs don’t line up with the published UWPs from early GDW supplements like The Spinward Marches.

One problem with the way the size hack was generally applied to UWPs was that the Size code was often adjusted to the lowest possible result, which inadvertently created an inordinate number of worlds with Size 3 and Atmo 1, Size 4 and Atmo 2 or 3, and Size 5 with Atmo 4–9. This drove me nuts working on Magyar and Dark Nebula, and is a good example of how, when working with sector data, it’s very easy to accidentally create new problems when trying to fix old ones.

I wanted to develop a simple table that would allow me to apply Don’s hack but also introduce a random element to the revised Size code. In traditional Traveller worldgen planetary size is generated with 2D - 2, which creates a range from 0 to 10 (A) with a median result of 5. The distribution of results falls along a bell curve, with a 16.66% chance of producing a Size 5 world and a 2.77% chance of producing a Size 0 or 10 world. A Size of 5 is roughly 6 times more likely than a result of 0 or 10. Atmosphere is then generated by Size plus Flux, which can create an Atmosphere code ranging from 0 to 15 (F).

World Size Odds
World SizeSurface
Gravity (Gs)

To create a Size adjustment table that included some variability, I first looked at what world Sizes were appropriate for each Atmosphere code from 1 to 9. I zeroed out the inappropriate results and then prorated the percentages for the appropriate entries. The proration maintains the relative frequency of world sizes: for a world with a thin oxygen-nitrogen Atmosphere (5), a Size of 5 is still roughly 6 times more likely than a Size of A.

A trace oxygen-nitrogen Atmosphere (1), for example, requires a minimum world Size of 3 with a maximum Size of 6. So I removed results of 0–2 and 7–A and prorated the percentages for Sizes 3–6. A Size of 5 is still the most common result (30%), with a Size of 3 being the least common (20%).

Prorated Odds of World Size by Atmosphere
World Size

I then recast the table to use a d20 to generate adjusted world Size based on Atmosphere code. (I know, I should have reformulated this as a native 2D table but a straight d20 was so much easier—and I primarily use this in an Excel lookup table.)

Adjusted World Size

A world with a UWP of X164000-0 has a standard oxygen-nitrogen Atmosphere code of 6 that could not be retained with a Size of 1. To adjust the Size, roll a 1d20 and consult the column for Atmosphere 6. A result of 4 produces an adjusted Size of 5. A result of 17 produces an adjusted Size of 8.

Copyright Information

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2024 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Materials produced by Digest Group Publications (DGP) are copyright © Roger Sanger. Any use of Digest Group Publications’ copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this Web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights. Usage is intended to follow the guidelines announced by Roger Sanger on the Traveller Mailing List for preserving the overall Traveller milieu.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Lot 47

Our latest Into the Interface session of Mongoose Traveller was a bit of a housekeeping episode as we transitioned to a different phase of the campaign following the end of “The Professor’s Charter.” No session with the crew of the Starjammer would ever be complete without at least one running gunfight and one near PC death, though.

Ship’s Log

Ship Name Starjammer.

Port of Registry Kline (MAGY 3012 A642987-E).

Ship Type U-CA33 Armed Packet.

Registration # 338-C-2725.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 152-1104

2345. The Starjammer exited jumpspace in the Double system, 799,200 km (2.67 light-seconds) from the mainworld.

2351. Ronald established contact with High Fargo starport, announcing arrival from Solomani space. The starship had returned to Imperial space after 680 days cruising systems in the Solomani Confederation and beyond.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 153-1104

The far side of the Double mainworld. This arid hemisphere is uninhabited except for a handful of small mining settlements.

0014. Juno announced that she had received 17,606 messages for the crew, which she filtered down to 8 xmails.

0154. The Stajammer encountered a 30,000-ton robotic fuel blimp, outbound for the innermost gas giant, Mandan.

0238. The Starjammer reached High Fargo, the orbital component of the Double starport, and was directed to Hangar 18.

0346. An inspection team from the Imperial Starport Authority came aboard, led by Chief Inspector Kaudu Ipda. As a Law Level zero world, Double did not conduct separate planetary customs or immigration inspections. Chief Inspector Ipda reviewed the Starjammer’s registry.

The Imperial team carefully checked the crew manifest to verify the identities of all crew members, who were also subject to a medical exam from an SPA quarantine officer.

Captain Cryo declared the entire ship subject to customs, including the 20-ton ship’s boat salvaged from the wreck of the Speedwell.

The SPA team then began a thorough inspection of the entirety of the Starjammer.

0700. The SPA quarantine officer issued a clean bill of health for the Starjammer and the crew.

1011. Lieutenant Maya Sigrun, a young Imperial Navy officer with the Liaison Office, came aboard. She pored over the ship’s log and interviewed Captain Cryo and XO Wayne. She asked probing questions about starship encounters in Solomani space as well as all interactions with Solomani Confederation officials.

1304. Lieutenant Sigrun debarked the Starjammer.

1323. Chief Inspector Ipda issued a customs clearance, noting that the ship’s boat was subject to a Cr204,660 Imperial tariff, equal to 6% of the estimated salvage value of MCr3.411. Howard paid the tariff from the ship’s account. Howard also paid the initial berthing fees and arranged for refueling and resupply of the ship’s life support systems.

1400. Sonny and Captain Cryo debarked the Starjammer to attend an appointment with Sir Dawid Mofren, the Imperial legate to Double.

1533. Sonny and Captain Cryo returned to the Starjammer.

1700. The crew met in the lounge on A Deck to discuss the contents of Lot 47. Howard explained that the vault contained several million Solomani credits in large denomination notes, which would be fairly easy to convert to Imperial credits.

The stock certificates, also worth millions of credits, were divided into registered and bearer instruments. While the registered certificates were essentially worthless, the bearer certificates could be redeemed for the value of the stock. While a few of the associated companies, such as Austal Asset Management, had been dissolved in the years following the Rim War, other companies were still being actively traded. As an example, Howard noted that the vault contained bearer certificates for over 3,000 shares of the Solomani biofirm ConTech. With ConTech stock trading at over Cr450/share, those certificates alone were worth nearly 1.5 million credits.

The vault also contained millions of credits worth of old insurance policies. Daren noted that most of the companies originally holding the policies had been consolidated or absorbed by the Anise General Insurers corporation following the Rim War. Anise General Insurers had since grown to become one of the largest insurance providers in Magyar sector.

Howard explained that as the Rim War had ended over a hundred years earlier, most beneficiaries were likely deceased, though with anagathics, cryosleep, or cloning some might still be alive. Tracking down the beneficiaries or their descendants would be extremely difficult, particularly since so many records had been destroyed during the War. Brogue suggested that, given the large size of some of the policies, some entrepreneur might be willing to conduct the research necessary to match the old policies up with potential claimants.

Finally, the vault contained dozens of data crystals. Many of these crystals contained only personal ephemera, such as family holograms, old correspondence, outdated financial records, and so on. A handful of crystals were encrypted and appeared to contain highly sensitive information, possibly of a personal nature.

The crew then discussed how to best dispose the proceeds from Lot 47. Various modifications to the Starjammer were proposed and rejected before the crew began to hone in on adding stealth capability to the ship. Richy explained that most stealth tech used synthetic polymers that could be sprayed in a very thin coating to the entire exterior and once cured would permanently bond with the hull. The material absorbed radar and lidar beams and masked heat emissions.

Refitting the ship with the most advanced materials would cost hundreds of millions of credits, making this option really only suitable for military vessels. But Richy noted that a lower tech material, like the Ling-Standard Products CloakTech-X, would cost a tenth of that and still be useful against most ships the Starjammer would be expected to tangle with. After consideration Sonny asked Richy to arrange for refitting the Starjammer with CloakTech-X after the overhaul.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 154-1104

1017. Captain Cryo announced to the crew that he has resigned his position, effective immediately. Cryo explained that, with his Navy pension, he had more than enough income to retire and was ready to do something different.

1232. Richy reported that he had met with the starport’s Ship Services Department to schedule the Starjammer’s annual maintenance overhaul and the installation of an improved stealth coating to the hull. The overhaul was scheduled to begin on 156-1104 and end on 170-1104; installation of the stealth coating would begin on 171-1104 and complete on 183-1104. Application of the stealth material was estimated to cost MCr30.0.

1600. At the end of the afternoon watch, the crew of the Starjammer debarked for The Double Trouble, a starport bar, to fête Cryo’s retirement.

2124. Wayne informed Sonny that he was studying to take the Limited Master’s Exam and would like to be considered for the vacant captain’s chair.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 155-1104

0323. Boone, Ronald, and Brogue, the last crewmembers unaccounted for, returned to the Starjammer.

0700. Howard presented Cryo with his final salary payout as well as six vouchers for High Passage as severance.

1200. Brogue and Sonny headed to Crazy Saiful, Small Craft Dealer, to sell off the Speedwell’s ship’s boat. Saiful proved to be a canny and persuasive negotiator, purchasing the boat for MCr3.4.

1405. Daren reported that he had successfully cracked one of the data crystals, which had used outdated Solomani military encryption. The crystal appeared to contain a paymaster’s list, detailing a series of covert payments to individuals and businesses on Austa (Magyar 2503 C796ABE-B), a former Solomani world captured by the Imperium in the war.

Daren cross-referenced the list against more recent databases and discovered that while some of the recipients had died or emigrated to the Confederation over the last century, many more had stayed behind and their descendants still held prominent positions in Austa society.

Sonny surmised that the list belonged to Solomani Security, the sprawling intelligence arm of the Confederation. The wartime government of Austa had been notorious for its repressive and exploitative treatment of the Vilani majority, and the list probably recorded payments to Solomani informants and collaborators. Brogue suggested that the public release of this list might compromise or embarrass many influential families living on Austa—and that such families might be willing to pay and pay well to keep the list out of public view.

Howard pointed out that SolSec would probably not like to see such a list made public, either.

1426. Daren reported that reading the data crystal appeared to have triggered the transmission of an automated message of some sort. None of the data crystals seemed to be emitting a location beacon.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 156-1104

0700. Howard paid the remaining crew their monthly salary.

0756. Boone, Ronald, and Richy boarded a shuttle bound for the surface of Double, where they planned to take their two week vacation.

0800. Sonny turned the Starjammer over to High Fargo’s Ship Services Department for the annual maintenance overhaul.

0911. Sonny, Daren, Wayne, Howard, and Brogue took rooms at the TAS Hostel on High Fargo. While Wayne planned to spend his vacation studying for the Master’s License exam, Howard intended to study for the medical boards to finally get his doctor’s license.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 162-1104

0900. Howard began the medical board certification examination.

1200. A newly-issued Travellers’ New Service bulletin began to circulate throughout High Fargo starport, reading as follows:

102-year-old Starship Wreck Found in Solomani Space. [Tolson/Clown (Magyar 2106 A432ADH-E) 149-1104.] In 1000, as Admiral Miiri Kemper’s Imperial fleets began to press into Magyar sector, high ranking Solomani Party officials on Austa/Anise (Magyar 2503 C796ABE-B) evacuated their loved ones from the fighting of the Solomani Rim War. The Speedwell, a Type M subsidized liner bound for Tralp/Voyager (Magyar 1913 D968998-8), was hastily loaded with family members and personal effects. But after jumping from Austa the liner was never heard from again and presumed lost.

Recent reports claim that the missing ship may have been discovered in the outer system of Desolation/Eery (Magyar 1506 B401200-E), an obscure system just inside Solomani space. While still unverified, these claims could represent a remarkable find for historians of the Rim War, as well as potential closure for the many living descendants of those passengers who disappeared aboard the Speedwell. The loss of the Speedwell has been the subject of considerable speculation and litigation over the last century …

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 163-1104

0800. Wayne began the Limited Master’s License exam.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 169-1104

1640. Wayne completed the Limited Master’s License exam.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 170-1104

1113. Starship Services notified Sonny that the Starjammer’s annual maintenance overhaul was complete, no major problems had been identified, and all components were operating within specifications. The ship was re-certified for safe operation.

1511. The Travellers’ Aid Society contacted Wayne to inform him that he had passed the Limited Master’s Exam, allowing him to serve as the master of a starship of less than 1,000 tons.

2138. Boone contacted Sonny to report that he, Ronald, and Richy were having so much fun that they wanted to extend their vacation another two weeks. Sonny explained that additional shore leave could be granted but that it would be unpaid. Boone asked if he could receive an advance on his pay. The transmission was abruptly terminated.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 171-1104

1147. Sonny reported that Starship Services had begun the application of stealth material to the Starjammer’s hull.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 172-1104

1328. Howard completed the medical board certification examination.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 173-1104

0523. All of High Fargo shuddered from a massive explosion. Sirens and alarms sounded throughout the station as crew from Emergency Services and Starport Security responded.

0531. The TAS Hostel messaged all guests to ask them to remain in their rooms until further notice.

0533. The small military garrison of High Fargo starport was placed on high alert. The garrison, which consisted of a single platoon of 75 Imperial Marines drawn from the 3,411th Line Regiment, was normally assigned to the 131st Subsector Fleet at Seloo (Magyar 2102 A4319BA-E).

0800. Most emergency alerts throughout the starport were canceled. The TAS Hostel notified all guests that they could leave their rooms.

0912. Brogue reported that the explosion had occurred at Crazy Saiful’s, and that Saiful and his entire extended family were believed dead.

1630. The Kobayashi School of Medicine informed Howard that he had successfully passed the boards and was licensed as a ship’s surgeon with the ability to practice medicine, including writing prescriptions, handling most ailments, and dealing with other doctors.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 174-1104

1929. Dr. Howard Berrera celebrated his new medical license by treating himself to dinner at The Vantage, a high-end restaurant offering premium views of the Double mainworld below.

2130. A man approached Howard’s table to congratulate him on passing the boards. He casually placed a hand on Howard’s shoulder. Within a few seconds Howard began to feel dizzy and complained he was having difficulty focusing.

2136. Starport Emergency Services responded to reports of a man collapsing at The Vantage.

2227. Sonny was notified by the management of the TAS Hostel that Howard had been admitted to the Starport Medical Bay.

2250. Sonny, Wayne, Brogue, Daren, and Killzilla, Daren’s security robot, arrived at MedBay. Dr. Arzikar Leu, the attending physician, explained that Howard had been admitted unconscious and in acute respiratory and cardiac distress. While the trauma team had been able to stabilize Howard’s vital signs he was in a coma.

Dr. Leu then began to question the crew about Howard’s drug use. As Double was infamous across the subsector as a destination for drug tourism, Dr. Leu clearly expected to hear that Howard indulged in any number of illicit drugs such as Soma-6, Happinesce, or Glitter.

The doctor’s demeanor changed when Sonny suggested that Howard may have been poisoned, perhaps by the Solomani. Ashen-faced, Dr. Leu quickly punched in revised instructions for Howard’s toxicology panel.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 175-1104

0104. Dr. Leu reported that the tox screen had come back clear for all drugs except alcohol, but noted that Howard’s symptoms were consistent with exposure to Nuroced, a deadly nerve agent favored by the Solomani military and nearly undetectable. While Howard remained unconscious he appeared to be responding positively to aggressive anticholinergic countermeasures, the standard treatment for Nuroced poisoning.

0235. An unassuming man dressed as a surgeon arrived in MedBay and began heading for Howard’s room. Sonny, who realized that this did not represent a shift change, began approaching the newcomer. In response the man drew a gauss pistol and began firing.

MedBay erupted into chaos. Medical personnel ducked for cover and alarms rang as gauss needles, accelerated to hypersonic speeds, zipped overhead. Sonny and Brogue drew their own gauss pistols and returned fire as Wayne racked his shotgun and Daren blasted away with his huge revolver, hitting nothing. Exasperated, Daren threw down his gun and ordered Killzilla to lay down a beat, maximum volume, while he began to freestyle lyrics dissing the would-be assassin.

In the course of the gunfight Wayne was hit and Brogue seriously wounded. Killzilla blasted the assailant with laser fire and in response the man drew a monomolecular sword and attacked the robot, slicing through its armor before being gunned down himself.

0251. An SPA security team arrived on the scene. While Brogue and Wayne received medical treatment, security interviewed Sonny and Daren.

0300. Imperial Marine guards were posted to MedBay.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 176-1104

0900. Assistant Chief of Security, Lan Giero, arrived at the TAS Hostel to conduct follow-up interviews. Giero revealed that the man killed in MedBay had arrived at High Fargo four days earlier on a packet chartered out of Justice (Magyar 2007 C842897-8) and was recorded on a station security feed in the vicinity of Saiful’s shortly before the explosion.

The man’s identity papers were almost certainly faked: he was listed as Ethan Pachis, a native of Plage (Magyar 2008 C432A64-E), a poor and overpopulated Imperial world under military rule. Giero believed he was almost certainly Solomani and likely a SolSec operative.

Giero asked why Pachis would have been interested in the crew of the Starjammer, but neither Sonny nor Wayne had any idea. Giero then revealed that he had only just realized that the Starjammer had recently visited Desolation, and was’t that the Solomani system where the wreck of the Speedwell had just been found?

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 181-1104

1746. Howard was released from MedBay. Although he complained about persistent headaches and was still a little shaky on his feet, he was expected to make a full recovery. Sonny paid the entire Cr50,000 medical bill from the ship’s account.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 183-1104

1231. Sonny reported that the LSP CloakTech-X coating had been successfully applied to the Starjammer’s hull and the ship would be released once the bill was settled.

Sonny announced that the ship’s account was nearly drained and that he did not have the funds to cover the stealth refit. Crew members kicked in additional money from their personal savings, but Sonny determined the account was still insufficient. Sonny asked the crew to scour Double for the most lucrative jobs they could find.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 184-1104

0836. Richy, Ronald, and Boone returned from their extended vacation.

1227. Brogue relayed that one of his contacts in the Cargo Department had reported the arrival that morning of a scheduled liner out of Tolson (Magyar 2106 A432ADH-E). Aboard were four women, exactly alike in appearance and dress, who debarked and quickly fanned out across the starport making inquiries about the Starjammer and its crew.

1354. Sonny received a priority message from an unknown sender requesting a meeting at 1900 in the lounge of the TAS Hostel. After a brief discussion Sonny accepted the invitation.

1755. Howard and Brogue arrived early at the TAS lounge in order to case the place. They soon realized they were beaten to the punch by a striking dark-haired woman already sitting at the bar. Dressed in a stylish black business suit, she waved them over and complimented them for their initiative, saying that she herself had only showed up at 1700.

A factory standard Modesti clone. Source: ConTech Labour Solutions Catalog (1100). Image used without permission.

The woman introduced herself as Dee and seemed to know who they were, even referring to Howard as “doctor.” Howard pegged Dee as a Modesti, a tough and streetwise model of clone produced by ConTech and often employed as a bodyguard, courier, or enforcer. The three made small talk for a bit. Dee revealed that she and her three sisters were employed by Anise General Insurers and were interested in the insurance certificates found in Lot 47. Dee reassured Howard and Brogue that her employer had little interest in violence and would much prefer to conduct a quiet business transaction.

1900. Sonny, Daren, and Wayne arrived at the TAS lounge as Killzilla rolled back and forth on patrol just outside. They were soon joined by three more Modesti clones, who introduced themselves as Ay, Bee, and See.

Ay quickly got down to business, noting that while the insurance policy certificates were essentially worthless to the crew of the Starjammer, they held considerable “sentimental” value to Anise General Insurers. She explained that the discovery of the certificates would create undesirable legal and financial uncertainty. Given the extreme age of these documents and the complicated series of post-war transactions, these policies would cost millions of credits in legal fees and take years or even decades to sort out, leaving very little in the way of benefits to any established descendants.

Much better, argued Ay, if these documents simply never were found. Daren asked what Anise General Insurers might be willing to offer in exchange for having this headache disappear. Ay offered Cr500,000 but when Daren sprung up to leave she quickly upped the offer to MCr1.0.

After some additional haggling Daren was able to negotiate MCr3.0 for the policies, though Ay insisted that the entire Starjammer crew would have to sign a non-disclosure agreement covering the policies themselves as well all interactions with Anise General Insurers.

2214. Ay and her sisters observed the crew signing the NDA. Sonny then turned over the insurance certificates. See pulled out a relatively small sheet of plastic material which she unfolded to form a small box. She placed the documents in the box, closed the flat, and pressed a button that incinerated the documents. Bee then gave Sonny a case containing MCr3.0 in large denomination notes.

After the women left Sonny noted that the payment gave the ship’s account just enough money to pay off the stealth work and make payroll.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 187-1104

0700. Howard paid the crew their monthly salaries and paid Starship Services the balance of the stealth work.

0800. Captain Masada announced that the Starjammer would depart Double the following day, and that all crew were to be aboard by 0600.

Double (Magyar 1907 A541500-E) 188-1104

1059. The Starjammer decoupled from High Fargo and made for the Leriss (Magyar 2208 E9428B8-6) jump point.

1442. The Starjammer jumped out of the Double system.

Copyright Information

The image of Double was generated using DALL-E2. The image of a Modesti clone was found on Generated Faces.

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2024 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Materials produced by Digest Group Publications (DGP) are copyright © Roger Sanger. Any use of Digest Group Publications’ copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this Web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights. Usage is intended to follow the guidelines announced by Roger Sanger on the Traveller Mailing List for preserving the overall Traveller milieu.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Starjammer Crew Updated

The crew of the Starjammer experienced a shakeup during the last game session, as Captain Cryo turned in his papers and retired, forcing a search for a new captain. The following post updates the crew manifest to reflect the revised positions. The manifest incorporates our house rules for crew certifications, combat qualifications, and adjusted salaries.

The owner of the Starjammer is the synthetic person Bodyguard 3185D31A, better known as Sonny. Sonny was designed using the Traveller5 rules for Synthetics and adapted for Mongoose Traveller, long before the Robot Handbook was out. In MgT terms, Sonny is probably best described as a “biological robot or ‘biobot’ … a living organism, albeit one that may have been grown in a vat and implanted with an electronic brain inside its bony skull” (87). At some point I will try to recreate him using the MgT rules but they look pretty crunchy.

Name Bodyguard 3185D31A, “Sonny” Position(s) Owner Aboard
Species Synthetic HumanGender MaleUPP 7BA821
Incept 025-1094 Homeworld N/A
Service N/A Rank N/A
Certifications Grav Vehicle Pilot’s License, Small Craft Pilot’s License, Spacecraft Pilot’s License.
Augments wafer jack (TL12).
Possessions advanced polycarapace, gauss pistol, stunstick, broadsword, medikit (TL 14), Translator/1 wafer, Expert Medic/2 wafer. Assets Cr6,640

Comments Bodyguard 3185D31A is a synthetic person produced by Kline Synthetic Technologies, one of the larger Imperial manufacturers of synthetics. KST services Imperial territory in Daibei, Magyar, and the Solomani Rim. The Bodyguard is a high-end Verisim-8 model, built to closely resemble a human in all ways but possessing superior physical characteristics. Verisim-8 models are produced in small batches at the Mirjam Advanced Manufacturing Center on Kline (Magyar 3012 A642987-E) and are customizable to the buyer’s specifications.

The Bodyguard can only be identified as a synthetic through a retinal scan or by a close examination of his fingerprints, which contain the KST logo and his serial number. He requires weekly amino enzyme supplements in order to process human foods.

Sir Cedric Radimir Garner, Baronet of Montlivan (Magyar 3222 C688456-A), ordered the Bodyguard as a present to his only son, Daren Rigby-Gardner, with the express purpose of keeping the young wastrel out of trouble. The synthetic has been nicknamed “Sonny” due to the Baronet’s supposed preference for the synthetic over his own flesh-and-blood, a claim that could actually be true. What is indisputable is that the Baronet emancipated Sonny after only eight years of service and has placed the Bodyguard on a Cr10,000 annual retainer to continue guarding his son.

By successfully testing into his Limited Master’s License, the astrogator Wayne Masada became qualified to serve as the captain of the Starjammer, which increased his monthly salary from Cr8,000 as executive officer to Cr10,000.

Name Captain Wayne Masada Position(s) Astrogator/Pilot
Species HumanGender MaleUPP 576953
Birthdate 179-1065 Homeworld Gerwalk (Magyar 2631 C100941-D)
Service ex-Scout, 1 term; ex-Merchant, 3 terms Rank 4th Officer
Certifications Authorized Spacecraft Mechanic Certificate, Broker’s License (Fugue), Limited Master’s License, Limited Mate’s License, Qualified Operator (Laser Pistol, Vacc Suit), Sensor Operator’s Certificate.
Augments wafer jack (TL12).
Possessions lightweight polycarapace, gauss rifle, shotgun, stunstick, broadsword, aerosol grenade, comm unit (TL10), medikit (TL10), light intensifying goggles (TL7), probe drone. Assets Cr119,800

Comments Wayne Masada attended the University of Neidenhafen on Gerwalk, but failed to graduate. He then enlisted in the Imperial Scout Service and was sent to the Apollon IISS base on Beta (Magyar 3128 C576ADA-9) for induction and basic training. Wayne was assigned to the Survey Office, External Mapping Branch, which is responsible for maintaining the basic navigational charts and databases for areas outside the Imperium.

During his first term Wayne conducted surveys of neighboring Solomani Confederation worlds, including Morgenstern (Magyar 2625 E999589-8), a minor, non-industrial world notable only for a reported Ancients site. Wayne observed an unusual number of Marathon-class fleet couriers passing through the system and his ship was promptly captured by an Independence-class Solomani patrol cruiser. He was briefly detained on espionage charges until an exasperated IISS Administrator, Helen Lúcia, could negotiate his release. This minor diplomatic incident spurred Lúcia to ensure that Wayne was discharged from the Scouts.

Wayne then spent his next three terms in the merchant service, working for Celestine Transfers, a small interface line with cross-border runs between Kugle (Magyar 2423 A522656-E) and Elnor (Magyar 2223 A554611-C) and surrounding worlds. Twice Wayne was caught up in legal disputes with Solomani customs authorities, but he was able to avoid any serious fines or convictions. In his second term Wayne was promoted to Senior Crewman and during his final term Wayne was promoted to 4th Officer. In his final years in the service Wayne met Dame Wilda Pernel-Traves, the Imperial representative to Kugle.

Chief Engineer Richy Jamoor was formerly the 2nd officer of the Starjammer and becomes the second-in-command with the promotion of Wayne. Although Richy is incredibly well qualified as a chief engineer, entitling him to a monthly salary of Cr5,600, he does not have a Limited Mate’s License and so does not receive an XO salary of Cr8,000.

Name First Officer Richy Jamoor Position(s) Chief Engineer
Species HumanGender MaleUPP 2C4CA3
Birthdate 272-1068 Homeworld Kline (Magyar 3012 A642987-E)
Service ex-Navy, 3 terms Rank Sublieutenant
Certifications Authorized Spacecraft Mechanic Certificate, Cargomaster’s Certificate, Chief Engineer’s License, Drive Tech’s Certificate, Qualified Operator (Cutlass, Gauss Pistol, Snub Pistol, Vacc Suit), Rad Tech’s Certificate, Sensor Operator’s Certificate.
Possessions hostile environment vacc suit (TL14), snub pistol, cutlass, portable computer (TL14), Translator/1, combat drug, data display/recorder (TL13). Assets Cr92,200

Comments Richy attended the Imperial Naval Academy (Magyar Branch), located at Seloo (Magyar 2102 A4319BA-E). He was assigned to Flight branch, 109th Fleet. For most of his three terms he served on Gionetti-class light cruisers as part of the 180th CruRon. The 180th was occasionally used for cross-border raids into the Solomani Confederation.

Howard Barrera, who had been the Starjammer’s medical officer and purser was able to easily qualify as both a medical doctor and surgeon given his ranks in Medic and his relatively high DEX score. The new title increased his monthly pay from Cr4,425 to Cr4,575 but more importantly fulfills a longtime aspiration.

Name Second Officer Howard Barrera Position(s) Ship’s Surgeon/Purser
Species HumanGender MaleUPP 797A77
Birthdate 193-1065 Homeworld Wicker (Magyar 2728 A742843-C)
Service ex-Army, 4 terms; ex-Merchant, 1 term Rank Corporal
Certifications Certified Medical Technician (CMT), Medical Doctor’s License, Qualified Operator (Advanced Combat Rifle, Gauss Rifle, Grenades, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Vacc Suit), Surgeon’s License.
Possessions advanced polycarapace, advanced combat rifle, auto pistol, auto rifle, shotgun, frag grenade, smoke grenade, vacc suit. Assets Cr98,400

Comments Howard joined the Imperial Army and was inducted into the Unified Army of Fugue, 1st Wickerine Guards, 272nd Division, 73rd Lift Cavalry Field Army. He received basic and medical specialist training on Wicker and showed great aptitude for the speciality. He participated in Operation Sagamore, a police action on Gjerdingen (Magyar 3123 X5758A9-5). There he received a citation for Meritorious Conduct Under Fire.

During his second term the 1st Wickerine Guards were involved in a controversial cross-border action on the balkanized Solomani Confederation world of Fatagin (Magyar 2229 B667878-A). Fossur, one of the largest Fataginian nation-states, had been caught supplying weapons of mass destruction to insurgencies inside the Imperium. The Confederation itself denounced Fossur as a rogue nation, and Operation Bright Volt was intended to be a fast-moving, punitive raid on Fossur’s weapons-making complexes. As Imperial naval forces engaged local system defense forces in high orbit, Imperial marines and army units were inserted onworld. The entire operation was intended to last less than 100 hours but the ground forces quickly became bogged down fighting entrenched Home Guard and Solomani regular army troops. Hours turned into days, which turned into weeks. After 38 days of fierce fighting the Imperial ground forces were withdrawn, narrowly avoiding a larger war with the Confederation. During this action Howard received his second MCUF.

During his third term his unit was assigned to garrison the high-population world of Beta (Magyar 3128 C576ADA-9), where Howard was promoted to Corporal. These deployments gave Howard all-too-many opportunities to practice his speciality. During his service Howard continued to study medicine on his own with the dream of becoming an Army doctor.

For his fourth term the Wickerine Guards were posted to garrison Iatur (Magyar 2628 C510A9E-B), a high-population border world. Howard was a skilled and experienced trauma nurse in line for both a commission and a doctor’s license. There Howard discovered that Major Erk Raines, the chief emergency doctor for his Army hospital, was diverting HerkVees (SuSAG Herakles-V combat drugs) from the regimental supply to the local black market.

Howard cooperated with the military police, who rolled up the scheme and arrested all involved. But Major Raines did not go down without exacting revenge on Howard, trashing the medic’s exemplary service record and effectively blocking any future advancement in the Army.

Howard received an honorable discharge, but his dreams of becoming an Army doctor had been destroyed. Bitter, Howard then joined the merchant service, where he spent one term working for Celestine Transfers, an interface line moving goods back and forth between the Imperium and the Solomani Confederation.

The Sensor Operator Ronald Gill was promoted to 3rd Officer through the reshuffle of the Starjammer officers.

Name Third Officer Ronald Gill Position(s) Sensor Operator
Species HumanGender MaleUPP AE9636
Birthdate 152-1063 Homeworld Vallance (Magyar 3219 A6B4598-E)
Service ex-Other, 5 terms Rank N/A
Certifications Sensor Operator’s Certificate.
Possessions lightweight polycarapace, gauss rifle, gauss pistol, laser rifle, shotgun, daggers (2), stunstick. Assets Cr33,840; Life Insurance Policy

Comments At an early age Ronald was recruited into the service of Lerato Botha, a senior figure in the Jarslavi Cartel, a sprawling criminal network operating on both Solomani and Imperial worlds of Swan, New Mars, and Albadawi subsectors. Ronald was quickly identified by the Cartel as a highly effective enforcer. During his first term Ronald was injured but not seriously, and his pluck deeply impressed his superiors.

All told, Ronald served five terms with the Cartel, steadily rising up through the ranks. At one point he was betrayed by one of his fellow enforcers, Thando Kariuki, who claimed Ronald was a Ministry of Justice confidential informant. Fortunately, Ronald was able to maintain his innocence. At another juncture Ronald was able to hijack a shipment of illegal cybernetic augments from a rival criminal, Savva Medved. While the heist was lucrative to Ronald and the Cartel, he gained her as a bitter enemy. During his fifth term Lerato Botha came to regard Ronald as his own protégé and introduced him to several other senior members of the Cartel. However, shortly thereafter Lerato was killed in a shootout with Ministry of Justice agents, which helped prompt Ronald to “retire” from the organization.

Lerato had a Life Insurance Policy that activated a clone of himself that has been force-grown to adulthood and implanted with recorded memories, allowing him to “live” again.

The former smuggler “LT” Brogue Enyo is the cargomaster and a backup gunner for the Starjammer. With Gunner 0 he could test into a Turret Gunnery Certificate and draw pay for that position also.

Name Deckhand Brogue Enyo Position(s) Cargomaster
Species HumanGender MaleUPP 7B5B65
Birthdate 301-1060 Homeworld Sinott (Magyar 2512 A431742-E)
Service ex-Other, 6 terms Rank N/A
Certifications Cargomaster’s Certificate.
Possessions lightweight polycarapace, gauss pistol, submachine gun, cutlass, broadsword, frag grenades (2), combat drug, fast drugs (2), anti-rad drugs, portable computer (TL14), medikit (TL12), infrared goggles, EM probe. Assets Cr18,800

Comments “Lieutenant” Brogue had a long and successful career as a smuggler and occasional thief, evading authorities on both sides of border.

Boone Russell, the Starjammer’s chief gunner, has an outside chance for qualifying as a bridge officer with Astrogration 0 and Pilot 0. His two biggest limitations are disinterest and a lack of ranks in Electronics.

Name Deckhand Barry “Boone” Russell Position(s) Chief Weapons Officer
Species HumanGender MaleUPP CB9557
Birthdate 060-1064 Homeworld Ferstenberg (Magyar 2704 C00079A-B)
Service ex-Marine, 3 terms; ex-Other, 2 terms Rank Lance Corporal
Certifications Authorized Spacecraft Mechanic, Qualified Operator (Battle Dress, FGHP, Gauss Rifle, Grenades, Laser Rifle, Saber), Turret Gunnery Certificate.
Augments wafer jack (TL12).
Possessions boarding vacc suit (TL12), laser pistol, laser rifle, shotgun, monoblade, cutlass, frag grenades (2), smoke grenade, cowboy hat, boots, belt buckle. Assets Cr20,140; Travellers’ Aid Society membership

Comments For his first term, Boone completed ground assault training on Gyurenek (Magyar 2912 B778458-C) and was issued the standard Redding assault battledress and an FGHP-15 fusion battle rifle. He was assigned to the 9th Line Company of the Imperial Marines 1,548th Line Regiment, 20th Fleet, Anise. As part of a Marine Task Force, Boone was deployed on a police action to Asrow (Magyar 3006 X598548-5), an interdicted world. During Operation Black Pinion, Boone’s commander, Force Captain Baltazar Benes, made a significant miscalculation resulting in Boone’s platoon being torn apart by a withering crossfire. Boone reported the Captain, who was demoted.

In his second term Boone was transferred to the 7th Line Company, which was assigned to a counter-insurgency Marine Task Force deployed to the high-population world of Austa (Magyar 2503 C796ABE-B). Boone was promoted to Lance Corporal, but a disastrous relationship with his commander’s daughter put him in the crosshairs of Force Commander Audra Houston. For his third term Boone was transferred to the 2nd Line Company and deployed on a counter-insurgency mission to Typoer (Magyar 3210 X6428AB-5), an interdicted, low-tech pariah world wracked by two centuries of civil war. There he received a citation for Meritorious Conduct Under Fire. However, Boone quarreled with Gunnery Sergeant Raj Lishun and was forced out of the service.

Boone spent the next two terms working as a scavenger on Typoer, salvaging useful material from the ruins. In his first term Boone experienced a mysterious loss of memory while excavating radioactives from the bombed-out city of Zonule. During his second term he encountered his old enemy Baltazar Benes, then employed as a mercenary hunting down insurgents. In the firefight that ensued Boone was able to escape and make his way off-world.

Daren Rigby-Garner, technically a member of the Imperial nobility, is a minor celebrity in Magyar sector and the Starjammer’s artist-in-residence.

Name Deckhand Daren Rigby-Garner Position(s) Entertainer
Species HumanGender MaleUPP 22146C
Birthdate 031-1064 Homeworld Beta (Magyar 3128 C576ADA-9)
Service ex-Other, 5 terms Rank N/A
Certifications none.
Augments wafer jack (TL12).
Possessions advanced polycarapace, handgun, stim drug (10), metabolic accelerator (2), fast drug (5), panacea (10), light intensifier goggles (TL9), mobile comm (TL10), portable computer (TL14), hair gel. Assets Cr569,547

Comments Daren Rigby-Garner (professional name HotLolz69420xxx) was born to Sir Cedric Radimir Garner, Baronet of Montlivan (Magyar 3222 C688456-A) and Dame Augustina Rigby-Garner. His parents separated shortly before his birth on Beta (Magyar 3128 C576ADA-9), his mother’s own homeworld. Raised at Brantine, her family estate, he enjoyed a privileged childhood. But not even his mother’s connections could get him into university, so he embarked on a “gap term” of pure indolence, where he became caught up in a conspiracy of nobles against Comtesse Agatha haut Ikin, the Imperial consul to Beta. The Comtesse’s sensational affair with not one but two different courtiers was widely reported across the subsector.

He then turned his attention to art, officially changing his name to HotLolz69420xxx and becoming a celebrated lifestyle holographer, where he met Alexis Padmore, a Regional Executive for Cynosure Entertainment. HotLolz enjoyed immediate success, joining Beta’s celebrity circles. However, in his next term he attempted to do more serious pieces that criticized the Solomani Catholic Church. The resulting scandal outraged Beta’s highly religious audience, effectively ending his holography career.

Daren spent his next two terms as a drifter, wandering around the subsector with a vague hope of somehow resurrecting his career. His one constant companion during this period was his android “valet,” a gift from his estranged father. During his fourth term on Sinott (Magyar 2512 A431742-E) Daren met a friendly entrepreneur, Timo Waller, with a talent for providing illicit goods and services. But during his fifth term Daren fell afoul of Zoya Kozlov, the matriarch of a criminal organization spanning Anise subsector. On Doak (Magyar 2709 B313401-D) an investigation by the Ministry of Justice dismantled Zoya’s narcotics operation and she has placed the blame on Daren, who somehow escaped unharmed.

Daren has recently embraced sobriety and recast himself as an investigative reporter. He has acquired a heavily modded Popov Robotics Vigil 1000 security bot, similar in design to the the popular AN-427 model produced by ICAM Technology. The robot, named Tech-9 “The OG Killzilla” provides additional protection.

Copyright Information

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2024 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Materials produced by Digest Group Publications (DGP) are copyright © Roger Sanger. Any use of Digest Group Publications' copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this Web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights. Usage is intended to follow the guidelines announced by Roger Sanger on the Traveller Mailing List for preserving the overall Traveller milieu.