Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Revised Dark Nebula Sector Data

So we’ve gone through the Dark Nebula sector data currently up on Traveller Map. We’ve fixed some buggy world names, tweaked the stellar data following the same principles used on the Spinward Marches, added new Traveller5 system details, adjusted some high pop worlds, increased the number of Aslan bases, and even located some missing worlds from old J. Andrew Keith adventures.

And while I’ve pulled all this information together into the T5 format, I needed to convert it over to Mongoose Traveller, which is the system I use for running games. MgT presents sector data in a simplified and slightly readjusted format. The biggest differences are probably in the trade classifications: MgT basically uses the same classifications from Classic Traveller without the new ones from Traveller5, and adds the new trade codes Lt (low technology) and Ht (high technology), which are unique to MgT.

MgT also uses different base codes for Aslan bases. A few of these have no equivalent in T5: Corporate Facility (ACF), Research Station (ARS), and Ihatei Camp (AIC). Comparing MgT sectors with Traveller Map Data, MgT seems to consistently use Code N (Naval Base) for T5 Code T (Tlaukhu Base), and Code ACS (Aslan Clan Stronghold) for T5 Code R (Clan Base).

The MgT 1e Aslan module (2009) as well as Pirates of Drinax adventure (2017) detail several Aslan-specific government codes: G (Small station or facility), H (Split control), J (Single on-world clan control), K (Single multi-world clan control), L (Major clan control), M (Vassal clan control), and N (Major vassal clan control). These codes harken all the way back to CT Aslan (1984). Although neither The Great Rift (2017) nor Pirates of Drinax use these Aslan-specific government codes, I did convert the Dark Nebula data using the T5 Allegiance codes.

The Traveller Map allows users to produce maps in a similar style as used by MgT books, which is a pretty nifty feature. So without further adieu, here’s my house take on Dark Nebula:


Earle, Subsector A of Dark Nebula, contains 29 worlds with a population of 33.8 billion. The highest population is 30 billion, at Earle. The highest tech level is D at Aohoikiy and Aleikhes.

The Union of Harmony is a small interstellar polity with systems in both Reavers Deep and Earle subsector. The Union incorporates both Human and Aslan populations, as well as members of the Ulane minor race native to Ul.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Ahuawiyoi0607E8C45L4-9Fl NiRHierateG
Aiaokheh0305ACS NC4344N5-9NiHierateG
Aleikhes0710NA7556L7-DAg Ga Ht NiHierateG
Amar0601MA797232-9Lo NiUnion of HarmonyG
Aohoikiy0207ACSA4001HB-DHt Lo Ni VaHierateG
Eahaeah0206E5234L8-7Ni PoRHierateG
Earle0307ACS NC532AH9-9Hi Na PoHierateG
Elulor0805C8B3855-8FlAUnion of HarmonyG
Fteite0807E100576-7Ni VaG
Haiaokoa0408C4007J6-ANa VaHierate
Hfautekaoao0301C5632H9-9Lo NiHierateG
Hye0809B796200-9Lo NiG
Iyoao0510D99A3NA-8Lo Ni WaHierateG
Limenas0502B685202-BGa Lo NiUnion of HarmonyG
Nalale0801C41089A-7NaUnion of Harmony
Oifalrouw0109ACF ACSA6462K5-9Lo NiHierateG
Oiwohas0707NA1006L6-BNa Ni VaHierateG
Oukheayekh0107C1006MA-8Na Ni VaHierate
Sanis0605C545448-8NiAUnion of HarmonyG
Sowhkeiy0407E3008K6-8Na VaHierateG
Uileawi0210C66A8M5-ARi WaHierateG
Uiwe0106ACSD1003K9-ALo Ni VaHierateG
Ul0603MA683698-ANi RiUnion of HarmonyG
Ularin0501E859166-6Lo NiUnion of HarmonyG
Usun0503MB10086B-CHt Na VaUnion of HarmonyG
Yeasea0201E5843HA-7Lo NiHierateG


Aotrei, Subsector B of Dark Nebula, contains 33 worlds with a population of 12 billion. The highest population is 5 billion, at Pannusgario. The highest tech level is E at Uaoya.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Arahao1008C544733-5Ag LtG
Brensat1609A8A3689-8Fl NiG
Canshar1304MA696444-CHt NiG
Chesall0903C200688-7Na Ni VaG
E'ioa1505D686655-6Ag Ga Ni Ri
Eikhuihi1303B898347-8Lo NiAG
Ftahalr1208MB522853-7Na PoG
Hasyesya1108C000333-AAs Lo Ni VaAG
Helene1005C665866-7Ga RiG
Hfieao1207E576000-0Ba Lo Lt NiG
Hrowele1107E774220-5Lo Lt Ni
Hyeirih1506E310000-0Ba Lo Lt NiG
Nihoipo1504E649236-5Lo Lt NiG
Oheou1501B898326-6Lo NiG
Oldhall1002C000200-CAs Ht Lo Ni VaG
Reawaiy1402C647234-8Lo NiG
Syasaral0909DAA5499-8Fl NiG
Trienamm1203C200262-7Lo Ni Va
Uaoya1305MA422556-EHt Ni PoG
Uaweisa1205B7B2676-AFl NiG
Yoaieal1104E9A897A-8Fl HiG


Ruih, Subsector C of Dark Nebula, contains 31 worlds with a population of 30.5 billion. The highest population is 30 billion, at Murphy. The highest tech level is B at Yeyofui'.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Aeia1907C100756-7Na VaG
Aowoiktes1705MB433787-ANa PoG
Bathanfel1805C788143-4Lo Lt NiG
Bontennes2001A300522-ANi VaG
Carn Gafall2408E100500-9Ni VaSolomaniG
Cengmang2410X552646-1Lt Ni PoRSolomani
Cuoon2105MB96A621-7Ni WaG
Datja2302E673122-5Lo Lt NiSolomaniG
Dloh2208E100354-8Lo Ni VaSolomaniG
Doning1804MA431523-ANi PoG
Earlure1901C738332-ALo Ni
Febung2108B572312-9Lo NiG
Himitt2206C764630-3Ag Lt Ni
Kemsung2202E678100-5Lo Lt NiG
Mamalt2404C310376-8Lo NiSolomaniG
Meskok2308C654768-5Ag LtSolomaniG
Mosarelel2407C88856A-8Ag NiSolomaniG
Murphy1902D200A98-7Hi In Na VaG
Niysk2405E867424-2Ga Lt NiSolomaniG
Nogal2406D100204-7Lo Ni VaSolomani
Relkema2008C542586-6Ni PoG
Rindnoir2201E9487A6-5Ag LtSolomaniG
Rodsban2002E552000-0Ba Lo Lt Ni PoG
Sordno2010E422899-7Na PoG
Tauoilais2109C799111-8Lo NiG
Wanlir2403E9C4000-0Ba Fl Lo Lt NiSolomaniG
Wisu2402A546214-8Lo NiSolomaniG
Yeyofui'1708MA548344-BLo NiAG


Akuusir, Subsector D of Dark Nebula, contains 29 worlds with a population of 1.4 billion. The highest population is 1 billion, at Column. The highest tech level is E at Linate. The Solomani Confederation administrative center for the subsector is at Column.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
541-6682601X541668-5Lt Ni PoRSolomaniG
Angle3005FA977223-ALo NiSolomaniG
Baconan3104C574534-7Ag NiSolomaniG
Bedegrayn2608D000577-7As Ni VaSolomaniG
Caprona2607D77A404-5Lt Ni WaSolomaniG
Chacimu2503C664453-5Lt NiSolomaniG
Colcan2805FB9C5268-9Fl Lo NiSolomaniG
Column3202FB537988-DHi HtSolomani
Dengmi2605CA88486-4Lt NiSolomani
Fonfado2606EAA856A-8Fl NiSolomani
Frasden2801D100567-8Ni VaSolomani
Karziv2603D4318BC-7Na PoASolomaniG
Lachbes2501D738146-6Lo NiSolomani
Linate3204A200544-EHt Ni VaASolomaniG
Morlisbon2609FB873696-5Lt NiSolomaniG
Mosgat2901C554474-5Lt NiSolomani
Patawidmam3009B310201-ALo NiSolomani
Penrovbi3008B000421-AAs Ni VaSolomaniG
Rana2710B543100-BLo Ni PoSolomaniG
Renfrew2904FA8B3541-9Fl NiSolomaniG
Romart2810C542344-5Lo Lt Ni PoSolomaniG
Satwor2610FA867632-AAg Ga NiSolomaniG
Savosk3208C788534-4Ag Lt NiSolomaniG
Strova2903B422567-BNi PoSolomaniG
Temgassung3205C777422-5Lt NiSolomaniG
Tenaway3003C0006A8-7As Na Ni VaSolomaniG
Wang2506D789899-2Lt RiSolomaniG
Wormen3106E100000-0Ba Lo Lt Ni VaSolomaniG


Kyaenkha, Subsector E of Dark Nebula, contains 33 worlds with a population of 2.3 billion. The highest population is 1 billion, at Au'aiyyee. The highest tech level is E at Ftyuealoi.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Au'aiyyee0220B1009H3-DHi Ht In Na VaHierateG
Ayeiyfua0311E1006J3-8Na Ni VaHierateG
Chorikhnare0815E868422-3Lt NiGerontocracy of OrmineG
Etlaorla0315ACSCAC51M6-AFl Lo NiHierateG
Ftaikhao0116ACSB79A3KA-ALo Ni WaHierateG
Ftyuealoi0416AAD55J6-EFl Ht NiHierateG
Hakekhea0619E5463K7-7Lo NiHierateG
Hipera0814B657898-9GaGerontocracy of OrmineG
Hkyewao0519ACSB2005M5-BNi VaHierateG
Htaheatelr0411ACSC2001N8-ALo Ni VaHierateG
Htealyahwa0112ACSA5857M5-CAg Ht RiHierateG
Huuira'alr0317ACS NB4104H4-CHt NiHierateG
Kahkeheas0520ACSA7775N7-BAg NiHierateG
Kikeasa0314NC4001LA-7Lo Ni VaHierateG
Ktarua0614C5636N6-8Ni RiHierateG
Leftearl0615ACSB2007K7-DHt Na VaHierateG
Nishror0812E684223-2Lo Lt NiGerontocracy of Ormine
Ouleawos0114C5563M8-8Lo NiHierateG
Oyuyes0316D7993N6-7Lo NiHierate
Parolere0716C652458-6Ni PoAGerontocracy of OrmineG
Rosal0720E66788C-2Ga Lt RiAG
Siniob0819A200223-CHt Lo Ni VaG
Tyakhyo0115ACSD1003M9-ALo Ni VaHierate
Uioirli0811E100342-7Lo Ni VaG
Waeorsya0120E1002H6-7Lo Ni VaRHierateG


Akhlare, Subsector F of Dark Nebula, contains 27 worlds with a population of 110 billion. The highest population is 50 billion, at Akhlare. The highest tech level is E at Nichekoralo.

The Gerontocracy of Ormine is a small interstellar polity dominated by Ormine, a minor race of long-lived pseudo-reptiles native to Akhlare, which is also the capital of the Gerontocracy.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Akhlare1313MB577AA6-AHi InGerontocracy of OrmineG
Alaooh1111E8A3AD9-8Fl HiA
Aseahya1611C100113-ALo Ni VaG
Eaisakh1120C545102-5Lo Lt NiG
Ewuia0918D30089D-7Na VaAG
Hopeshre1014D595422-6NiGerontocracy of OrmineG
I'etle0916B100247-CHt Lo Ni VaG
Ihkasya1020B547100-ALo NiG
Ikharistei1620MA20068A-9Na Ni VaG
Iopfen1217D310ACC-8Hi In NaAG
Kipelaresh0914MB100358-BLo Ni VaGerontocracy of OrmineG
Merpikhnomi1116E544653-5Ag Lt NiGerontocracy of OrmineG
Meshmo1215B1006BB-8Na Ni VaAGerontocracy of OrmineG
Monlin1617B100444-CHt Ni VaG
Nichekoralo1512MA000334-EAs Ht Lo Ni VaGerontocracy of OrmineG
Osa1112E6A2342-8Fl Lo NiAGerontocracy of OrmineG
Othinamor1314E5A1422-8Fl NiGerontocracy of Ormine
Papohirme1412MB20087C-8Na VaGerontocracy of OrmineG
Qyarn1420D5219BB-8Hi In Na PoA
Rormepeni0915E8B4443-8Fl NiRGerontocracy of OrmineG
Sherarehi1615C100695-9Na Ni VaGerontocracy of OrmineG
Thithmasha1612D555523-6Ag NiGerontocracy of OrmineG
Thometha1213C427688-7NiGerontocracy of OrmineG
Usiyao1418A666623-7Ag Ga NiG


Kilrai’, Subsector G of Dark Nebula, contains 31 worlds with a population of 3.7 billion. The highest population is 2 billion, at Strin. The highest tech level is D at Ehoioi.

Humans often spell Kilrai’ as Kilane in Anglic.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
A'awiy1716MA959678-CHt NiG
Alaoyaah1714B431758-ANa PoAG
Crain2216D525340-7Lo NiSolomani
Ealarl2014C97A575-ANi WaG
Ehoioi2218MA789213-DHt Lo NiG
Embrall2115MA000434-BAs Ni VaG
Ftyeiyar2017D100125-7Lo Ni VaG
Hleahao2018D310221-7Lo NiG
Horrace1916A431658-CHt Na Ni PoAG
Ikhaeal2111C653131-8Lo Ni PoG
Ila'ouh1911B542120-ALo Ni PoG
Kakhisil1915B6A1444-BFl NiG
Khiiyw1715C553457-8Ni PoG
Khlyuhakh1919B88A4N9-CHt Ni WaHierate
Khoakta1918MB200211-ALo Ni VaG
Loyse2113C545687-6Ag NiG
Morain2012C9A4556-AFl NiG
Pritchard2214MB300357-CHt Lo Ni VaG
Sharp2117E100335-7Lo Ni VaG
Shiro2317C433211-8Lo Ni PoSolomaniG
Stop Gap2416C684200-9Lo NiSolomaniG
Strin2316C1009AD-8Hi In Na VaAG
Taeahehe2011C743301-9Lo Ni PoG
Van Kemp2315MB500596-BNi VaAG
Yakolev2215A6B6677-CFl Ht Ni
Ye1813D423547-7Ni PoG


Danvers, Subsector H of Dark Nebula, contains 29 worlds with a population of 1.1 billion. The highest population is 900 million, at Iruma. The highest tech level is C at Waq and Morsang. The Solomani Confederation administrative center for the subsector is at Waq.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Aiolio3214D310200-9Lo NiSolomaniG
Estepona3011B8A6555-BFl NiSolomaniG
Gakdorjaro2913A622756-BNa PoSolomaniG
Gulland-Malek3117D551643-4Lt Ni PoSolomaniG
Hichape2713C100377-7Lo Ni VaSolomaniG
Ipallan3213E66A167-7Lo Ni WaSolomaniG
Krasiynsk2717C100587-ANi VaSolomaniG
Liggair2718C676687-5Ag Lt NiSolomaniG
Merejace2815A78748B-BGa NiSolomaniG
Morsang3116FB85A587-CHt Ni WaSolomaniG
Nabebe3015D685569-2Ag Ga Lt NiSolomaniG
Nabokov3118DAE6532-3Fl Lt NiSolomaniG
Neween2619FB788633-5Ag Lt NiSolomaniG
Ninnihrang2812A562656-9Ni RiSolomani
Pangringgan3120C557431-4Lt NiSolomaniG
Rales2712A5446A9-7Ag NiSolomaniG
Ro Hyeres3218FA759635-8NiSolomaniG
Shobind2911A794689-8Ag NiSolomaniG
Shrimia3119B7C3644-9Fl NiSolomaniG
Tortsad2516C100446-9Ni VaSolomaniG
Turnovo3020D766762-4Ag Ga Lt RiSolomaniG
Wangmetjem3217E573212-6Lo NiSolomaniG
Waq2819FB100777-CHt Na VaSolomani
Wolsone2613C542698-5Lt Ni PoSolomani


Siei, Subsector I of Dark Nebula, contains 39 worlds with a population of 74.9 billion. The highest population is 50 billion, at Khtyu. The highest tech level is E at Khtyu.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Ahaiehea0726ACSA7868K6-CGa Ht RiHierateG
Akhatoea0622E3005K7-7Ni VaHierateG
Akhearlafei'0828E86A3N7-9Lo Ni WaHierateG
Ao'iyaulra0627NA9985N7-DAg Ht NiHierateG
Atayekhe0421B5461HA-9Lo NiHierate
Auyal0825C7953KB-9Lo NiHierateG
Eiyea0128ACSB8B36N9-9Fl NiHierateG
Erloufteaw0725C7A26HB-8Fl NiHierateG
Fuarl0223E3003M4-7Lo Ni VaHierateG
Heiaieai'0524C2008N6-ANa VaHierateG
Hlyerl0429C0005H6-9As Ni VaHierateG
Hoireh0523E1007J9-8Na VaHierateG
Ihkeh0629E3106H3-7Na NiHierateG
Iylhreyu0829C8856L3-8Ag Ga Ni RiHierateG
Iyuasea0724E5416J6-6Ni PoHierateG
Iyyoiy0321ACSA6A34H9-BFl NiHierateG
Khaiai0425C5562H9-7Lo NiHierate
Khteau0628ACSC9A44J5-AFl NiHierate
Khtyu0827A310AN6-EHi Ht In NaHierateG
Ktaol0327ACSB8C59H7-DFl Hi HtHierateG
Kteatau0130E9981N3-7Lo NiRHierateG
Ruiloih0328ACSB1001K3-ALo Ni VaHierateG
Seilrye0227ACSC1004K8-8Ni VaHierateG
Stofakhail0630D2002NA-7Lo Ni VaHierateG
Teaiyre0427ACSB4234K8-DHt Ni PoHierateG
Uahke0530C5533J6-9Lo Ni PoHierateG
Wuhtiaweh0329B6233J9-CHt Lo Ni PoHierate
Yasai0722ACFEA763K2-6Lo NiHierateG
Ye'aeaoafokh0330ACSD400AK5-CHi Ht In Na VaHierateG
Yehta0226NC1008HB-ANa VaHierateG


Yataw, Subsector J of Dark Nebula, contains 29 worlds with a population of 100.6 billion. The highest population is 80 billion, at Bacci. The highest tech level is E at Kusyu.

Kusyu is the homeworld of the Aslan major race. Humans often spell Kusyu as Kuzu in Anglic.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Ahehuikh1124A998552-BAg NiG
Aiearye1428B8C66K6-9Fl NiHierateG
Aiwai1523E5999K8-7Hi InHierateG
Aowaelr1529ACS NB5629H6-BHiHierateG
Bacci1123D77AADE-5Hi In Lt WaAG
Foiseihyaluh1522E8643M7-7Lo NiHierateG
Ftaosye'1225ACSB4314H7-DHt Ni PoHierateG
Heahelie1629E8B31N6-8Fl Lo NiHierateG
Hlitilar1224E1006L6-7Na Ni VaHierateG
Hoirhesyea1223ACSC7557K8-8Ag GaHierateG
Htehekah1127E1005N5-ANi VaRHierateG
Hyesiyr1622ACSA1006J8-ANa Ni VaHierateG
Ilkhah1027ACSB4343KA-9Lo NiHierateG
Iyohkeih1427E5436K7-5Lt Ni PoHierateG
Iyokh1430ACSA3004K9-CHt Ni VaHierateG
Kusyu1226ACS NA8769H6-EHi Ht InHierateG
Lahaih1627B2005J9-DHt Ni VaHierateG
Leihkyeau1025C310631-8Na NiG
Riyikahail1628ACF ACSA7A21K2-AFl Lo NiHierateG
Seasoi1521E9C4000-0Ba Fl Lo Lt NiG
Troti'ih1221B000526-9As Ni VaG
Weisaow1327ACS NB6566H7-AAg Ga NiHierateG


Khtoiakta, Subsector K of Dark Nebula, contains 35 worlds with a population of 90.5 billion. The highest population is 70 billion, at Oiirl. The highest tech level is E at Syailei, Troutiyka and Oiirl.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Aftea1826ACSD2007KB-8Na VaAHierateG
Aiwaosois1821C1004H6-BNi VaHierateG
Eakhoi2123NC7869H6-AGa HiHierateG
Easouyao1721NA1003H5-CHt Lo Ni VaHierateG
Eieiau1830ACSA5436KA-CHt Ni PoAHierate
Eiouktoh2427C4336L5-ANa Ni PoHierateG
Ekhiy2023NB6273L6-BLo NiHierateG
Ewirarl2021ACSB2004K8-9Ni VaHierateG
Fyawahri2026A100899-DHt Na VaG
Ha'yesfer2321C1007L3-8Na VaHierateG
Hakhyas2027ACSB5545KB-BAg NiHierateG
Hloktye1725D8A36M6-8Fl NiHierateG
Iouhtah2128C66A8N4-ARi WaHierateG
Iyaiah1925NA1005L8-CHt Ni VaHierateG
Iyhahorl2125E4373K6-6Lo NiHierateG
Khtektawoa2122ACSB1005K9-CHt Ni VaHierateG
Khtyasitrao2322ACSB4364K8-DHt NiHierateG
Kihahouwu2028C2006M8-ANa Ni VaHierateG
Oiirl2430ACSA553AJB-EHi Ht PoAHierateG
Oskvo2422X31038D-7Lo NiR
Saftahfeal2221NB8836L8-BNi RiHierateG
Sequel2225C773973-9Hi InG
Sewalair2121ACSC5435NA-9Ni PoHierateG
Steiaseah1927E1004M5-ANi VaHierate
Styaroir2325C1008H8-9Na VaHierateG
Tenarna1825MB436233-BLo NiG
Troi'1923E7879H8-8Ga HiHierate
Troutiyka2230ACSB0002H7-EAs Ht Lo Ni VaHierateG
Yelrailr1829C1002KA-BLo Ni VaHierate

Kimson’s Stand

Kimson’s Stand, Subsector L of Dark Nebula, contains 25 worlds with a population of 24.7 billion. The highest population is 20 billion, at New Libdis. The highest tech level is E at Dranweis and Petal. The Solomani Confederation administrative center for the subsector is at New Libdis.

Kimson’s Stand
NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Abmi3223FB98A103-9Lo Ni WaSolomaniG
Aokhtiyfti2728C1001N9-9Lo Ni VaHierateG
Besmam2523MB64159B-ANi PoAG
Bridgehead3121C100566-7Ni VaSolomaniG
Cupuepue3226B9D5456-9Fl NiSolomaniG
Dranweis2624A100632-EHt Na Ni VaASolomaniG
Earltras2527FB6A1965-8Fl HiSolomaniG
Fa'aher2830NC7965L3-AAg NiHierateG
Gallbre2629E200303-7Lo Ni VaSolomaniG
Garnenshold3129A886436-9Ga NiSolomaniG
Gilead2921X586879-1Lt RiRG
Jodar3125C576631-7Ag NiSolomaniG
Kanna2824C431510-6Ni PoSolomani
Macario2829E0008A7-7As Na VaSolomaniG
New Libdis2922FC87AABB-CHi Ht In WaASolomani
Petal3024A426547-EHt NiSolomaniG
Renpire3027B686342-AGa Lo NiSolomani
Resengan2623E556633-5Ag Lt NiG
Shin3123FB100421-CHt Ni VaSolomaniG
Tanjert-Nebo2821D566542-7Ag NiAG
Terenn3128C674559-7Ag NiSolomaniG


Hrorehe, Subsector M of Dark Nebula, contains 32 worlds with a population of 5.2 billion. The highest population is 4 billion, at Hai Ei. The highest tech level is D at Ihkealresiy, Hkitei and Khohoa.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Aoaou0135C9B65K8-9Fl NiHierateG
Aotui'asiyr0334ACSB3007H5-CHt Na VaHierateG
Eakhyehiyye0740E5446N3-6Ag NiRHierateG
Eaoer0336ACSB2003K9-CHt Lo Ni VaHierateG
Eohe0536B7766L6-AAg NiHierate
Eoyaea0435ACS NB3104H9-CHt NiHierateG
Feakh0835NA4222L5-BLo Ni PoHierateG
Hai Ei0836E6659H9-8Ga HiHierateG
Hasyesya0832D5512M8-7Lo Ni PoHierateG
Hkahr0533D5556L6-6Ag NiHierateG
Hkiho0140E5532L7-7Lo Ni PoHierateG
Hkitei0634NB75A3L7-DHt Lo Ni WaHierateG
Ihkealresiy0440ACSA3107J3-DHt NaHierateG
Ioa0339C3006L7-8Na Ni VaHierateG
Iykye0136NC6B66L6-9Fl NiHierateG
Iytaow0432ACSC4324K7-9Ni PoHierate
Iywaiwofu0337ACSA6543J9-CHt Lo NiHierateG
Khohoa0733ACSB3102M6-DHt Lo NiHierateG
Khtyu0239NA3106L7-BNa NiHierateG
Ktaherl0837ACSA5836H5-CHt Ni RiHierateG
Sualriyw0636C68A8K7-BRi WaHierateG
Traihoa0437ACSB98A4N4-CHt Ni WaHierateG
Waohar0738NB1004N8-9Ni VaHierateG
Wiykhearl0335E1006J6-7Na Ni VaHierate
Woira0439ACSD6687J9-6Ag RiHierateG
Wuarloikh0338B5545M2-BAg NiHierateG


Kou, Subsector N of Dark Nebula, contains 30 worlds with a population of 129.5 billion. The highest population is 70 billion, at Eikhilua. The highest tech level is E at Teayokhtae.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Aiheisaus1637E1004K3-7Ni VaRHierate
Eiefei'os1235ACSA4264JA-CHt NiHierateG
Eikhilua1236D310AJ9-CHi Ht In NaHierateG
Fiyhiyha'0938ACSB4324KA-BNi PoHierateG
Hriysahoah1039B6679N2-BGa HiHierateG
Hroilr1536ACSA5567K8-CAg HtHierateG
Htaka Oea1331C4357L9-9Hierate
Ikhoalreih1439C1005N9-9Ni VaHierateG
Isikhas1232C1003M6-7Lo Ni VaHierateG
Kheiei1034NC1004L7-CHt Ni VaHierateG
Kofyoha1440ACSB6962K9-BLo NiHierateG
Loihuawaw1634ACSB7983K7-ALo NiHierateG
Oakhiyye1240B3105K8-DHt NiHierateG
Oihaiyo1434C4337K8-9Na PoHierateG
Ouifauhai0940ACSB77A5J6-DHt Ni WaHierateG
Seiyasar0939ACSB4106M7-ANa NiHierateG
Soukhi'0934E1002K6-ALo Ni VaHierateG
Suikhiyeisela1337C2009K7-CHi Ht In Na VaHierateG
Taiea1535ACSC5475H9-9Ag NiHierateG
Taleiw1037ACSC1005NA-7Ni VaHierateG
Teayokhtae1238NA3106H6-EHt Na NiHierateG
Tlaea'yeryel1640D4225M9-9Ni PoHierateG
Uryarlil0937D2008J9-8Na VaHierateG
Yoreah1431ACSD3101K2-9Lo NiHierateG


Yohkui, Subsector O of Dark Nebula, contains 25 worlds with a population of 18.9 billion. The highest population is 9 billion, at Ewausiaktiy. The highest tech level is E at Yohkui.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Asefihea1740ACSA6454H7-CHt NiHierateG
Atoiloilol1939NB5534HA-BNi PoHierateG
Eahkihkao2033E5742K5-7Lo NiHierateG
Eftase1940NB7676L6-AAg Ga NiHierateG
Eiaohe2039C1005K8-ANi VaHierateG
Ewausiaktiy2136E3109N8-7Hi In NaHierateG
Hkayuea2140ACSB1006HA-DHt Na Ni VaHierateG
Hkyosali2132E5566MB-6Ag NiAHierateG
Htao'ewyalr2038ACSC4235J8-7Ni PoHierateG
Hteaokhewi2139ACSC59A1H8-9Lo Ni WaHierateG
Ihtye1731E9A85J8-8Fl NiHierateG
Irihroalea2432ACSB5535H8-BNi PoHierateG
Riyai2040E7526NC-6Ni PoAHierateG
Tloueaeiei2037ACSB3108H9-CHt NaHierateG
Yetiuaya2340X7684L8-3Lt NiRHierateG
Yohkui2138ACSA0009H8-EAs Hi Ht In Na VaHierateG


Staai, Subsector P of Dark Nebula, contains 30 worlds with a population of 105 billion. The highest population is 70 billion, at Treege. The highest tech level is E at Ohkiylyo and Hynri-lavo. The Solomani Confederation administrative center for the subsector is at Jingleswelt.

NameLocationBasesProfileTrade CodesTravel CodeAllegianceGas Giants
Araljarg2940C423552-ANi PoSolomaniG
Brimate2837FB100865-CHt Na VaSolomaniG
Canaan3238C58677B-4Ag Lt RiSolomani
Caparro3032FA574131-CHt Lo NiSolomaniG
Cybi3235E100455-7Ni VaASolomani
Eiar2539ACSC8847M8-8Ag RiHierate
Gimemuh2938E310000-0Ba Lo Lt NiSolomaniG
Hyefteite2639C4217L6-ANa PoHierate
Hynri-lavo3036A538543-EHt NiSolomaniG
Ikhalil2737E7647K6-6Ag RiHierateG
Ilalt2937A759300-ALo NiSolomaniG
Jingleswelt2732FB574AB8-DHi Ht InSolomaniG
Junganyika3236B100401-CHt Ni VaSolomaniG
Khaolao2635NA3102H8-ALo NiHierateG
Kihaikhir2739ACS NA8964H6-DHt NiHierateG
Kintato3138C544551-5Ag Lt NiSolomaniG
Miken3033FB678564-9Ag NiSolomaniG
Nanrenet3038A538242-ALo NiSolomaniG
Oeafowyahlulr2537E6A29N5-9Fl HiHierateG
Ohkiylyo2734A3108M6-EHt NaHierate
Oskkan2834C859498-5Lt NiSolomaniG
Sacrifice3232C545646-6Ag NiSolomani
Theleme2836C300540-ANi VaASolomaniG
Treege3132B542ABA-CHi Ht In PoASolomaniG
Tua'aiou2936ACSB7874J9-BGa NiHierateG
Uiftaoa2536E5646N4-6Ag Ni RiHierateG

Copyright Information

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2021 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Materials produced by Digest Group Publications (DGP) are copyright © Roger Sanger. Any use of Digest Group Publications’ copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this Web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights. Usage is intended to follow the guidelines announced by Roger Sanger on the Traveller Mailing List for preserving the overall Traveller milieu.

Friday, November 26, 2021

All your Base are Belong to Us

Control of the strategically vital border world of Kihaikhir (DARK 2739 A896476-D) is divided between several Tlaukhu and independent clans. The Eakhtiyho and Yerlyaruiwo both maintain large Tlaukhu bases in-system, while the Hwriayro and Yoroa have smaller clan bases to support system defense.

I polled various Traveller groups and message boards as to whether the low number of Aslan bases in Dark Nebula were likely the result of accident or intent. No real consensus emerged, but Jim Kundert suggested I look at differences between unreviewed or reviewed sector data.

This was good advice: the Aslan data on Traveller Map represent a pretty wide range of provenance. About half of the sectors with Aslan Hierate worlds were not reviewed by the T5 Second Survey project and are currently marked “Unofficial.” These generally use CT or MT data formats and appear to have been created using CT Aslan worldgen. For example, Waroatahe sector—created by Jo Grant and Jeff Zeitlin, with modifications by Joshua Bell—is generally consistent with CT Aslan. Approximately 18% of the Waroatahe systems have the N base code, which I would treat as Tlaukhu bases, and about 29% of the Waroatahe systems have the S base code, which I would treat as clan bases.

About a quarter of the Aslan sectors have been updated to the Traveller5 data format but have not received T5SS review. For example, Touchstone. Such sectors are labeled “In Review.”

And finally, about a quarter of Aslan sectors are in Traveller5 data format and received a T5SS review. For example, Dark Nebula. These sectors are labeled “Official.”

Most of these Official sectors originally appeared in Atlas of the Imperium. And all of these sectors demonstrate similarly low numbers of Aslan bases as Dark Nebula.

But Ustral Quadrant is illustrative because this sector did not appear in AotI but did receive a T5SS review. Out of 148 Hierate systems in Ustral Quadrant, approximately 14% have Tlaukhu bases and 29% have clan bases: this is consistent with CT worldgen. So it appears that the ultimate source of low base levels is not the T5SS review, but AotI.

Because AotI apparently did not generate government data and because government data is necessary for CT Aslan worldgen, I’m increasingly inclined to think that the low level of Aslan bases in Dark Nebula is a mistake.

As a proof of concept, I applied random base determination from CT Aslan worldgen on those Hierate systems in Dark Nebula that do not currently have bases. And as a result, I ended up adding Tlaukhu bases to 27 systems and clan bases to 74 systems, bringing the totals up to 34 and 83 respectively, which is very much in line with the 38 Tlaukhu bases and 81 clan bases we would expect from CT worldgen.

Although this appears to be a huge change, looking at these new bases on a map of Dark Nebula was in no way overwhelming. In fact, the new bases make a lot of sense when placed around the Aslan homeworld and set beside the highly militarized systems of the Solomani Confederation. I therefore recommend the following changes:

  • Uiwe (0106) - Add base R.
  • Oifalrouw (0109) - Add base R.
  • Aiaokheh (0305) - Add bases RT.
  • Earle (0307) - Add bases RT.
  • Eakhtya'i (0402) - Add base R.
  • Oiwohas (0707) - Add base T.
  • Aleikhes (0710) - Add base T.
  • Tyakhyo (0115) - Add base R.
  • Ftaikhao (0116) - Add base R.
  • Hteoe (0117) - Add base R.
  • Kikeasa (0314) - Add base T.
  • Etlaorla (0315) - Add base R.
  • Huuira'alr (0317) - Add bases RT.
  • Htaheatelr (0411) - Add base R.
  • Hkyewao (0519) - Add base R.
  • Kahkeheas (0520) - Add base R.
  • Leftearl (0615) - Add base R.
  • Oiaous (2020) - Add base R.
  • Eiyea (0128) - Add base R.
  • Syerakhir (0222) - Add base T.
  • Yehta (0226) - Add base T.
  • Seilrye (0227) - Add base R.
  • Iyyoiy (0321) - Add base R.
  • Ktaol (0327) - Add base R.
  • Ruiloih (0328) - Add base R.
  • Ye'aeaoafokh (0330) - Add base R.
  • Yokiyheir (0423) - Add base R.
  • Ao'iyaulra (0627) - Add base T.
  • Khteau (0628) - Add base R.
  • Ahaiehea (0726) - Add base R.
  • Aiaiso (0727) - Add base R.
  • Ftihahe' (1023) - Add base R.
  • Ilkhah (1027) - Add base R.
  • Hoirhesyea (1223) - Add base R.
  • Ftaosye' (1225) - Add base R.
  • Weisaow (1327) - Add bases RT.
  • Iyokh (1430) - Add base R.
  • Aowaelr (1529) - Add bases RT.
  • Riyikahail (1628) - Add base R.
  • Aftea (1826) - Add base R.
  • Eieiau (1830) - Add base R.
  • Iyaiah (1925) - Add base T.
  • Ewirarl (2021) - Add base R.
  • Ekhiy (2023) - Add base T.
  • Hakhyas (2027) - Add base R.
  • Khtektawoa (2122) - Add base R.
  • Eakhoi (2123) - Add base T.
  • Aohitao (2126) - Add base R.
  • Khtyasitrao (2322) - Add base R.
  • Iweakhte (2426) - Add base R.
  • Oiirl (2430) - Add base R.
  • Arakhal (2729) - Add base R.
  • Fa'aher (2830) - Add base T.
  • Iykye (0136) - Add base T.
  • Khtyu (0239) - Add base T.
  • Aotui'asiyr (0334) - Add base R.
  • Eaoer (0336) - Add base R.
  • Iytaow (0432) - Add base R.
  • Eoyaea (0435) - Add bases RT.
  • Afteariw (0436) - Add base R.
  • Woira (0439) - Add base R.
  • Ihkealresiy (0440) - Add base R.
  • Hyeirih (0537) - Add base R.
  • Khohoa (0733) - Add base R.
  • Waohar (0738) - Add base T.
  • Fuihafai (0834) - Add base R.
  • Feakh (0835) - Add base T.
  • Ktaherl (0837) - Add base R.
  • Seiyasar (0939) - Add base R.
  • Ouifauhai (0940) - Add base R.
  • Kheiei (1034) - Add base T.
  • Taleiw (1037) - Add base R.
  • Eiefei'os (1235) - Add base R.
  • Teayokhtae (1238) - Add base T.
  • Kofyoha (1440) - Add base R.
  • Taiea (1535) - Add base R.
  • Hroilr (1536) - Add base R.
  • Loihuawaw (1634) - Add base R.
  • Eihkeha (1638) - Add base T.
  • Asefihea (1740) - Add base R.
  • Atoiloilol (1939) - Add base T.
  • Eftase (1940) - Add base T.
  • Oakheiye (2031) - Add base R.
  • Tloueaeiei (2037) - Add base R.
  • Htao'ewyalr (2038) - Add base R.
  • Ehairiwa (2131) - Add base T.
  • Yohkui (2138) - Add base R.
  • Hteaokhewi (2139) - Add base R.
  • Hkayuea (2140) - Add base R.
  • Irihroalea (2432) - Add base R.
  • Euhisai (2434) - Add base R.
  • Eiar (2539) - Add base R.
  • Kihaikhir (2739) - Add bases RT.
  • Tua'aiou (2936) - Add base R.

In addition, I suggest a similar exercise be conducted for Hlakhoi, Staihaia’yo, Ealiyasiyw, and Iwahfuah: majority Hierate sectors that were based off AotI data.

Copyright Information

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2021 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Materials produced by Digest Group Publications (DGP) are copyright © Roger Sanger. Any use of Digest Group Publications’ copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this Web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights. Usage is intended to follow the guidelines announced by Roger Sanger on the Traveller Mailing List for preserving the overall Traveller milieu.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Aslan Bases in Dark Nebula

Following the inconclusive end of the Solomani Rim War… Solomani attention has since turned to other frontier areas, including the Aslan territories. Fortunately for the Aslan, the encounters have primarily been between the Solomani and either the Yerlyaruiwo or the Khaukheairl, both clans strong enough to hold their own with the Solomani (CT Aslan 3).

A heavily militarized section of the Aslan/Solomani frontier in Dark Nebula.

With this passage in mind, I reviewed the Dark Nebula sector data for evidence of Yerlyaruiwo or Khaukheairl military forces on the Confederation border. I wasn’t shocked to find scant support: Tlaukhu worlds aren’t exactly rare, but with ten different power blocs, finding a cluster of worlds associated with any one bloc—even the two most powerful blocs—is fairly unusual.

But as I started to dig in, I realized that the total number of Aslan bases seemed fairly low, particularly when compared to the Solomani Confederation. Even knowing that the Aslan have notorious difficulty coordinating inter-clan efforts, and knowing that most clan navies are constructed to fight other clans rather than interstellar states, for such a militaristic race to not mount some kind of defense in the face of Human aggression seemed rather odd.

But the number of Aslan bases in Dark Nebula didn’t just seem low in light of hostilities with the Solomani. The number of bases seemed low compared to a normal Aslan sector.

Generating Aslan Bases

The CT Aslan module (1984) describes two different types of naval bases found in the Hierate: Tlaukhu bases, built and occupied by members of the Twenty-Nine, and clan bases, used by all other types of clans. These bases are determined during world generation much like Imperial navy or scout bases. But in addition to considering starport type, Aslan bases also consider government type.

Dark Nebula bases were first detailed in the CT module Atlas of the Imperium (1984). That partial sector data was then used as the basis for the sector data in the MT supplement Solomani and Aslan (1991). And that data was the basis for the current data on Traveller Map.

I had long assumed that the Aslan bases in Atlas of the Imperium had been determined using CT Aslan world gen. In order to check that assumption, we can compare the actual number of bases in Dark Nebula against the expected number of bases that would be produced from Aslan world gen. But first, we need to break those worlds out by starport and, instead of using Government type, I’ll substitute the T5 allegiance codes, which provide similar information.

There are 234 Aslan Hierate worlds in Dark Nebula:

Hierate Worlds In Dark Nebula
AllegianceStarport Type
Split Control (AsSc)111412260
On-World Clan (AsWc)658260
Multi-World Clan (AsMw)620125140
Tlaukhu Clan (AsTX)6811370
Vassal Clan (AsVc)2711860
Tlaukhu Vassal (AsTv)36115110

From here we can calculate the total number of bases we would expect to have for each combination of starport and allegiance code.

Tlaukhu Bases

The Tlaukhu clans maintain larger, more powerful, and more advanced navies compared to other clans. Their bases can be found on worlds directly controlled by Tlaukhu members, their vassals, and split-control worlds. The following table details the percentage chance for having a Tlaukhu base at different Hierate systems:

Frequency Of Tlaukhu Bases
AllegianceStarport Type
Split Control (AsSc)58.33%41.66%27.77%16.66%
On-World Clan (AsWc)
Multi-World Clan (AsMw)
Tlaukhu Clan (AsTX)83.33%72.22%58.33%41.66%41.66%
Vassal Clan (AsVc)
Tlaukhu Vassal (AsTv)41.66%27.77%16.66%8.33%

Note that this table details the potential presence of one or more bases in a single system. In a split control world divided up by six different Tlaukhu clans, each clan could have its own in-system base. Similarly, a world directly controlled by a Tlaukhu clan or its vassal might, at least theoretically, host multiple Tlaukhu bases if an allied clan from the same power bloc were present in-system.

Multiplying the number of worlds of each category by the corresponding frequency, we can determine the expected number of systems with Tlaukhu bases in Dark Nebula:

Expected Tlaukhu Bases
AllegianceStarport Type
Split Control (AsSc)663000
On-World Clan (AsWc)000000
Multi-World Clan (AsMw)000000
Tlaukhu Clan (AsTX)566100
Vassal Clan (AsVc)000000
Tlaukhu Vassal (AsTv)122000

Using CT Aslan world generation, we would expect 38 systems with Tlaukhu bases, which is surprisingly close to the 39 systems with naval bases we would expect to produce using the default world gen system from The Traveller Book.

But let’s take a look at the actual numbers from Dark Nebula:

Actual Tlaukhu Bases
AllegianceStarport Type
Split Control (AsSc)300000
On-World Clan (AsWc)000000
Multi-World Clan (AsMw)010000
Tlaukhu Clan (AsTX)120000
Vassal Clan (AsVc)000000
Tlaukhu Vassal (AsTv)000000

Less than 20% of the expected number of systems in Dark Nebula have Tlaukhu bases. No wonder the Solomani have been able to snatch up so many border worlds!

Clan Bases

Clan bases are naval bases built by any clan other than a member of the Tlaukhu. Generally, clan navies are smaller and less advanced than Tlaukhu forces. The following table lists the chances for one or more clan bases to be present in different Hierate systems:

Frequency Of Clan Bases
AllegianceStarport Type
Split Control (AsSc)72.22%58.33%41.66%27.77%
On-World Clan (AsWc)72.22%58.33%41.66%27.77%27.77%
Multi-World Clan (AsMw)83.33%72.22%58.33%41.66%41.66%
Tlaukhu Clan (AsTX)
Vassal Clan (AsVc)72.22%58.33%41.66%27.77%
Tlaukhu Vassal (AsTv)58.33%41.66%27.77%16.66%

Multiplying these frequencies by the corresponding number of worlds lets us calculate the expected number of systems with clan bases:

Expected Clan Bases
AllegianceStarport Type
Split Control (AsSc)885100
On-World Clan (AsWc)433100
Multi-World Clan (AsMw)5147200
Tlaukhu Clan (AsTX)000000
Vassal Clan (AsVc)145200
Tlaukhu Vassal (AsTv)223100

Using CT Aslan world generation, we would expect to have 81 systems with one or more clan bases in Dark Nebula. By way of comparison, using The Traveller Book world gen we would expect to generate 62 systems with scout bases.

But yet again, we find that the actual number of systems in Dark Nebula with clan bases is far less than expected:

Actual Clan Bases
AllegianceStarport Type
Split Control (AsSc)210000
On-World Clan (AsWc)200000
Multi-World Clan (AsMw)010000
Tlaukhu Clan (AsTX)000000
Vassal Clan (AsVc)100000
Tlaukhu Vassal (AsTv)011000

This is only a little more than 11% of what we would expect from CT Aslan world generation.

Note that Atlas of the Imperium lists two additional worlds in Dark Nebula as having clan bases: Troi' (DARK 1923 E787A78-9) and Fiyhiyha' (DARK 0938 B43248A-B). Neither system has a base in the current Traveller Map data. I think this was an intentional decision for Troi', as worlds with Class E starports normally cannot have bases. I suspect that Fiyhiyha' was simply a mistake, so I recommend reinstating the base there.


Here’s a summary of our analysis of bases in Dark Nebula:

Summary Of Hierate Bases In Dark Nebula
AllegianceStarport TypeTotal

I honestly don’t have a great recommendation for what to do here in part because I don’t understand what happened. And I was surprised not to find any past discussions on the Traveller Mailing List or on the Citizens of the Imperium board.

We see similar patterns in other Aslan sectors from Atlas of the Imperium. There the percentage of systems with either Tlaukhu or clan bases are Hlakhoi 7%, Ealiyasiyw 9%, Staihaia'yo 10%, and Iwahfuah 12%. Keep in mind that the Atlas of the Imperium provided the basis for all subsequent versions of sector data, official and unofficial. And the reviewers of the T5 Second Survey project generally considered the Atlas the gold standard source.

Which begs the question, how did Atlas of the Imperium determine the presence of Aslan bases? The Atlas was published the same year as the Aslan alien module, so the developers might or might not have had access to the Aslan world gen sequence. But even if they did, that system uses Government type to determine the presence of bases. And the Atlas did not generate Government data.

A low number of Aslan bases in Dark Nebula might have been a simple mistake—a faulty random formula, for example. But although MT Solomani and Aslan uses the same world gen sequence as CT, the authors of that supplement did not take the opportunity to correct the number of Aslan bases in their Dark Nebula data.

But I’m not convinced the low number was an intentional decision, either: It doesn’t make a lot of sense given steady Solomani encroachment on Aslan space.

A couple ideas might partially rationalize the current data. As discussed above, each Aslan clan maintains its own naval bases. Overlord and vassal clans can have separate bases, partners in a power bloc might have separate bases, and certainly rivals on a split control world would have separate bases. So many of the “missing” bases might actually be right in front of us, stacked up in single systems. Kusyu alone, for example, might have dozens of different Tlaukhu bases.

Further, many clan bases might be present but simply not be shown on Traveller Map. Maps of Imperial space, for example, do not show every single planetary or colonial naval base, even though they must exist. As CT Spinward Marches notes, “any world with a tech level of 7 or 8 and a population of 6+ will probably have a base for the local (planetary) naval forces (such forces will be capable of interplanetary, though not interstellar, flight). Any world with a tech level of 9+ and a population of 6+ will probably have a base for local naval forces (which are capable of interstellar flight, where necessary)” (40).

Although I think the low number of Tlaukhu bases might be a problem. I’m reluctant to recommend adding a bunch of new bases to the map willy-nilly. Has anyone else ever considered these questions before?

Copyright Information

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2021 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Materials produced by Digest Group Publications (DGP) are copyright © Roger Sanger. Any use of Digest Group Publications’ copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this Web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights. Usage is intended to follow the guidelines announced by Roger Sanger on the Traveller Mailing List for preserving the overall Traveller milieu.