In the most recent installment of our Into the Interface game for Mongoose Traveller, the PCs finally venture into the Interface proper and get their first opportunity to interact with an Aslan.
1846. While in dock at High Nara starport, Captain Cryo, Astrogator Wayne Masada, Chief Engineer Richy Jamoor, and Chief Gunnery Officer Barry Russell performed monthly maintenance on the Starjammer. The Chief Engineer recorded a Cr2,000 expense for replacement parts and materials.
0700. Captain Mirna Amjad of Solomani Security requested interviews with Starjammer crewmembers regarding the recent piracy incident in the outer system of New Sol (MAGY 0503).
1337. The resident entertainer, Daren Gardner (professional name HotLolz69420xxx), left the ship for a meeting with Irvin Savitr, Corporate Strategy Manager for Kline Synthetic Technologies.
0209. Gardner returned to the ship with Non-Disclosure Agreements for all crewmembers, explaining that these were necessary in order to secure a major holovid deal that he was negotiating. All crew signed the NDAs.
1245. Purser and Medical Officer Howard reported that KST had deposited the balance of the charter payment, Cr250,000, into the ship’s account.
1800. Captain Amjad concluded interviews with the crew, but requested that the Starjammer remain in port until the inquiry was closed.
0600. The Owner, Bodyguard Android 3185D31A, “Sonny,” directed the Purser to distribute Cr20,000 bonuses to each crewmember. The crew was given one-week liberty to explore High Nara, an orbital habitat located at the L5 Lagrangian point between Wu and the moon Dal. High Nara consists of two counter-rotating cylinders, each hundreds of kilometers in diameter and thousands of kilometers in length.
The habitat houses a population of 360 million, the vast majority of which are Wuans: a self-geneered subspecies of Humaniti divided into a relatively small number of genotypes, each expressly designed for a specific role in Wuan society. High Nara receives some 1.5 million passengers each year from across the Solomani Confederation, Third Imperium, Aslan Hierate, and independent systems.
Most of the crew planned to buy new equipment, including better armor, weapons, and portable computers.
0900. The Owner visited Dr. Yijun Tan, an Agilitrix biologics consultant specializing in android health. Dr. Tan’s examination suggested that Verisim-8 androids have longer lifespans than more primitive models, and at the ripe old age of eight, Sonny could be expected to live another twenty years or more.
0800. Medical Officer Howard proposed that the Owner purchase an autodoc for the ship’s infirmary: a small self-contained diagnostic, pharmaceutical, and surgical system. A TL14 unit, costing upwards of MCr1, is even able to resurrect patients who have been declared dead. The Owner declined to act on Howard’s proposal.
1000. Gardner received delivery of a modified Popov Robotics Vigil 1000 security robot, similar in design to the AN-427 model popular in the Imperium. Gardner named the robot Tech-9, the O.G. Killzilla.
0001. Imperial citizens throughout High Nara, including the entire crew of the Starjammer, celebrate Holiday, the first day of the year on the Imperial calendar.
0800. Captain Amjad announced that Solomani Security had closed the investigation into the incident at New Sol and that the Starjammer was free to leave port.
0953. The Owner placed a notice on the High Nara information net that the Starjammer was available for new charters.
1149. The Owner received an inquiry from an individual seeking a charter for herself and two additional passengers to Himitt (DARK 2206), a lawless, low-technology Aslan world located in the Buffer Zone of Ruih subsector, outside Solomani Confederation space.
2000. The Captain and the Owner attended a private dinner with the prospective client, Madi Ross, a successful young executive with Transstar, a large Solomani transportation line.
Madi’s father had been a prosperous broker on Renfrew Station (DARK 2904), her homeworld. Nine months ago he was murdered by one of his own employees: Timn Xezni, a lowlife drifter who then made off with some family money and fled into the Buffer Zone. Madi took a leave from Transstar and dissolved her father’s business, using the funds to pay for bounty hunters to find Xezni and bring him to justice. Madi’s bounty hunters had learned that Xezni was hiding out on Himitt. She sought transport for herself and the bounty hunters to Himitt, as well as return transport to Wu.
Madi submitted a proposed itinerary and offered to pay 1.3 million Solomani credits for the charter, which she insisted was fair value and incorporated a reasonable premium for risk. She also pointed out that the exchange rate with Imperial currency was generally at par or slightly favorable to Imperials. During the interview Madi demonstrated that she had thoroughly researched the Starjammer and its crew, and that Irvin Savitr had provided a very positive reference.
2247. The Owner and Captain accepted Ms. Ross’s offer, pending completion of their due diligence.
The Akuusir Cluster in Dark Nebula and Magyar sectors.
0800. The Purser paid the crew their monthly salaries from the ship’s account.
0855. Captain Cryo and Astrogator Masada proceeded to the Solomani Ministry of Information offices to apply for a Class II Commerce License, allowing travel to any Class C or D starport in the Solomani Confederation.
0914. High Nara has extensive Travellers’ Aid Society facilities, including a TAS hostel, and as the Imperium and Confederation do not have formal diplomatic relations, acts as a de facto Imperial consulate. Dame Vasilica Xylander is the Imperial liaison in residence.
The Owner notified Dame Vasilica of his intention to travel to Himitt. Dame Vasilica warned that ancient treaty agreements with the Aslan precluded the Imperium from most involvement inside the Buffer Zone, but she noted that an Imperial embassy was located on the Aslan world of Obalsa (DARK 2106), one parsec from Himitt.
1140. Daren reviewed the draft charter contract and added a rider guaranteeing him access to the bounty hunters “for documentary purposes.”
1332. Captain Cryo and Astrogator Masada applied for an Exit Visa at the Port Warden’s office.
1544. Brogue searched local databases for information on Madi Ross and confirmed the key details of her story. Her two bounty hunters, Roozer Cogbin and Dibefe, were verified as licensed and bonded to work within the Solomani Confederation and the Buffer Zone.
1825. Sensor Operator Ronald left the ship to obtain additional information about the two bounty hunters.
1937. The crew researched the Buffer Zone of Dark Nebula, a region of space with a long and complicated history. The area had initially been settled over 3,000 years ago by dissident Terrans who had rejected the Second Imperium. As the distant Imperium slowly collapsed and the Human worlds began to slip technologically, Aslan began moving into the region—at first as explorers and traders, then later as serious rivals to the Humans.
The resulting Aslan Border Wars were a series of small conflicts between the Humans and Aslan that lasted some 1,500 years, during which the borders shifted and blurred between the two species. Many Human worlds captured by the Aslan were effectively interdicted for centuries and allowed to regress to very low technology levels.
The arrival of the Third Imperium into the region brought new conflict with the major Aslan clans, culminating in the Peace of Ftahalr in 380. This landmark treaty ended the Aslan Border Wars and established a large Buffer Zone between the Imperium and the Aslan Hierate, consisting of much of Reaver’s Deep sector and portions of Dark Nebula.
However, the breakaway Solomani Confederation, established in 871, has not recognized the Peace of Ftahalr and has seized numerous Human and Aslan worlds in the Buffer, including most of the Akuusir Cluster, a string of 32 systems connected by jump-1 distances, located in Ruih, Akuusir, and Danvers subsectors.
The Akuusir Cluster contained several primitive Human populations that culturally identify with the Aslan; many such worlds have proven very difficult for the Confederation to assimilate. These populations often speak Aslanic, a simplified patois of Trokh, the dominant Aslan trade language that is notoriously difficult for Humans to master.
0421. Ronald returned to the ship to report that both bounty hunters are veterans of the Solomani Confederation Army and have reputations as hard-nosed but effective operators. Roozer Cogbin, a somewhat older fellow, was born in the Buffer and worked both sides of the border for many years. Debife, though considerably younger, had successfully brought in some very dangerous and elusive bounties.
0730. The Captain met again with Madi in an attempt to deter her from undertaking the charter, pointing out the many dangers of the Buffer. But Ms. Ross would not be swayed and insisted on personally bringing her father’s murderer to justice. Reluctantly, the Captain accepted the charter.
1410. The Captain looked into purchasing a protocol robot for translation services and to assist with social interactions with the famously touchy Aslan. An Aslan-made Hikare’ model, one of the Hierate’s most sophisticated personal robots, is a common sight on board Aslan vessels. However, the Owner balked at the nearly Cr700,000 purchase price. Instead, the crew bought translation software for their personal computers and the Owner bought similar software for himself and JUNO.
1730. The Captain posted to the High Nara information net a job notice for a translator and cultural guide.
0900. The Captain interviewed a female Aslan, Hrol (short for Hroloueayeiua), for the open translator position. Hrol, who asked to be called “Harli,” provides translation and cultural consultation services for merchants working in the Buffer. She was fluent in Anglic, Aslanic, and her native Trokh.
Hrol had been born to a minor independent clan, Hraiiyeeiyea, on Elahkilr, a non-aligned Aslan world in the Buffer. With excellent references and a polished interview, the Captain hired her on the spot for a monthly salary of Cr2,000 plus bonuses.
"Harli" Hrol (Hroloueayeiua)
Female Aslan consultant, Age 30.
UPP 776B95.
Homeworld Elahkilr (DARK 2203 A676757-8).
Skills Admin-3, Advocate-0, Broker-1, Deception-1, Electronics (computers)-2, Gun Combat (slug)-1, Language (Anglic)-2, Language (Aslanic)-1, Streetwise-1, Tolerance-1, Vacc Suit-1.
Comments Hrol served four terms in the merchant company of her clan, Hraiiyeeiyea.
1400. The Solomani Ministry of Information issued a Class II Commerce License to the Starjammer.
0700. Miung-3357-C, an assistant to the High Nara Associate Port Warden, met with the Captain to review the Exit Visa application. The assistant reiterated the risks of the Buffer Zone: starships entering this area do so at their own peril, as many local systems lack basic resources and the Solomani Confederation would be unable to render aid.
1641. Exit Visa issued.
1700. The Purser reported that Madi had deposited the first installment of the charter payment, Cr650,000, into the ship’s account.
0536. All passengers and crew aboard.
0605. Customs stamped the crew and passenger manifests. The Purser reported all open accounts closed out with a Cr10,500 payment to the Port Authority for berthing fees. All hatches closed and secured. [TAS forms appended to this log.]
0704. Customs issued a clearance to depart.
0750. Departure flight plan filed with Wu System Control.
0755. Engineering reported the Impetus-E power plant online.
0820. Flight plan approved, Starjammer cleared for undocking. Engineering reported the twin Mark V maneuver drives online. Ship decoupled from port and made for Linate jump point.
1013. Linate jump point reached. Astrogator Masada generated jump vector and transmitted confirmation to Wu Control. JUNO received the coordinates and controlling data.
1014. Initiated count-down. Final system checks completed. Jump drive engaged. Engineering reported drive capacitors charged.
1015. Entered jumpspace.
1540. Daren interviewed Roozer, who was initially surprised to be recorded. The veteran bounty hunter explained that he was extremely familiar with the wild region of Ruih subsector beyond the Confederation border. He disclosed that Xezni had been shuffling back and forth between Wang (DARK 2506), inside Confederation space, and Himitt, just outside. Roozer claimed to have contacts on Wang who would help track down Xezni. Roozer also revealed that he normally works alone and resented having to work with the much younger Dibefe. Daren insisted that Roozer show him the tools of his trade, which included a stunstick, heavy revolver, and a trusty “Acer” ACR-10 advanced combat rifle.
1643. Daren interviewed Dibefe, a younger but equally confident bounty hunter, also resentful of having to work with another. Dibefe showed off his SGR-12 gauss rifle, “a precision killing instrument,” as he described it.
1419. Emerged from jumpspace approximately 6.7 million km from Seba, a gas giant orbiting the G1 V primary at 0.7 AU. Seba is surrounded by a particularly large magnetosphere that traps charged particles, which in turn form intense radiation belts of widely varying size. The TAS issued an Amber Zone for the system due to the navigational hazard created by these belts. The Astrogator plotted a course to Linate, a desolate moon orbiting Seba.
1440. Weapons Officer Boone requested the log note that work conducted in an Amber Zone system is entitled to hazard pay at twice the standard rate.
1614. Sensor Operator Ronald scanned the area and accessed the in-system communication directory. Made comms contact with the inbound Htuih Ua, a 400-ton Eakhau-class Aslan free trader out of Aowoikies (DARK 1705), Captain Hfauh commanding. The Htuih Ua announced that it was carrying transport from Renfrew (DARK 2904).
2237. Arrived in orbit around Linate and received permission to land at the starport. Linate occupies an advantageous position on a main trade route running coreward-rimward along the spinward edge of Confederation; the starport handles about 40,000 displacement tons of weekly trade.
Iouo Interstellar Yards operates the local shipyard, notable as the only TL14 yard in the Urartu Cluster. The yard has a total capacity of 5,000 displacement tons and specializes in building smaller commercial ships.
2306. Docked at Linate starport, commenced refueling and renewal of ship life support.
0700. Chief Engineer Jamoor, assisted by Astrogator Masada, began monthly maintenance activities on the ship.
0800. Brogue searched local computer databases for any comms references to the Starjammer, but found none.
1132. Ronald left the ship and ventured into the starport in search of more information about Xezni.
1630. The Chief Engineer recorded a Cr2,100 expense for replacement parts and materials.
2320. JUNO recorded an urgent request for medical assistance on the starport concourse.
2341. Ronald returned to the ship.
0135. Achieved liftoff from Linate starbase, began maneuvering for Angle jump point.
0351. Made comms contact with the Urartu Gold, a 200-ton Type SA1 Solomani flat trader out of Greenvald (MAGY 0504), carrying a load of teff grain, inbound from Reynold (MAGY 0105). Captain Philandros Lina.
0953. Entered jumpspace.
0400. Adjusted grav plate settings throughout the ship to 1.03 g, the first step of a gradual transition to the 1.22 g surface gravity of Angle.
0830. Ronald shared new information about Xezni that he had gleaned at Linate starport. Xezni had reportedly fallen in with Kal Lazzari and his gang of brigands and pirates. The Lazzari gang, notorious for their brutality and ability to evade capture, operate out of low population and low law level worlds in Ruih subsector.
0001. The Owner marked the ninth anniversary of his incept date with a brief toast on the bridge.
1100. Wayne asked Hrol for a primer on Aslan culture, which she gladly provided. Hrol explained that the sexes have very different roles in Aslan society: males are concerned mostly with military operations, acquisition of territory, and political affairs, while females are concerned more with industry, trade and commerce, and with the accumulation of wealth and knowledge. Aslan place great emphasis on the gender of those they deal with, whether Aslan or alien, and tend to assign gender to others based on social rather than biological bases.
Hrol further explained that the Aslan have long been a noble and proud warrior race, devoted to those in authority above them and responsible for those who owe fealty from below. Aslan society is based on the family and its relationships. Aslan pride makes them a touchy race, and Aslan give or take offense quite easily.
Finally, Hrol noted that the ancient peace treaties presented all Aslan caught up in the Buffer Zone with an agonizing decision: either retain the existing bonds to kindred and allied clans in the Hierate, but relinquish all holdings in the Buffer; or retain these Buffer lands but sever all formal ties to the Hierate. Her own clan, the Hraiiyeeiyea, elected to remain behind on their ancestral world of Elahkilr (DARK 2203).
1943. Exited from jumpspace. The Astrogator reported that the ship had emerged 1.6 million km from the mainworld.
Began maneuvering to the starport. Angle is a low-population world relatively unattractive for settlement, being tidally locked to its M2 V primary and possessing a standard oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere tainted with highly toxic sulfur compounds.
2008. Made comms contact with the Katzensprung, a 400-ton Type SA Solomani trader out of Waq (DARK 2819), arriving from Colcan (DARK 2805) and carrying freight. Captain Alfia Stefans commanding.
2350. Arrived in orbit around Angle. As the starport lacks a highport component, unstreamlined starships remain in orbit and are refueled by shuttles from the mainworld.
0005. The Starjammer landed onworld and docked at the Angle starport. Commenced refueling and renewal of life support systems.
0900. Although the Angle Class A starport is large and fairly new, the facility is mostly empty with many vacant storefronts and empty warehouses. A joint Solomani Confederation Army and Naval base is located near the starbase.
The shipyard, operated by Iouo Interstellar Yards, has a total building capacity of 10,000 displacement tons. The yard generally utilizes offworld labor and specializes in constructing smaller military ships such as escorts, destroyers, and patrol frigates.
1155. Brogue reported that, based on a review of available registry data, Lazzari—and presumably, Xezni—appeared to be using the Linsey Vigo, a 300-ton Aslan Yeao-class armed packet registered out of Doning (DARK 1804), to move back and forth between Wang and Himitt.
0800. The purser paid the crew their monthly salaries. The Captain gave the crew 24 hours liberty in port.
1321. JUNO, which had been monitoring system control channels, reported that the outbound Lara O’Dea, a 1,000-ton light freighter, had received a partially coded message about the Starjammer right before it jumped for the Colcan (DARK 2805) system. Ronald reported that the Lara O’Dea was registered out of Doning (DARK 1804 A431523-A) and claimed to be carrying agricultural goods from Greenvald (MAGY 0504 B864695-A).
1340. The Captain canceled liberty and recalled the ship’s crew.
1500. All hands gathered on the bridge to discuss the current situation. Evidently Xezni or Lazzari had spies in the Angle starport on the lookout for pursuers, and presumably the Lara O’Dea was now carrying a warning ahead of the Starjammer.
The crew debated how to proceed. Captain Cryo suggested scrapping the charter and returning to Wu, but the Owner wanted additional options. The crew decided to attempt a simple ruse.
1630. The Chief Engineer made an urgent request to the starport for access to starship overhaul facilities and placed orders for new—and very expensive—jump drive components. Richy claimed that the Starjammer’s Vegan-made jump drive has suffered a critical fault and would require at least two weeks in the Angle yards. Given the small size of the starport, word quickly spread throughout the facility and to all ships docked at the port.
0800. The Captain met with Madi to ensure that she appreciated the increased risk posed by Xezni likely being warned about her bounty hunters. Although Madi tried to bluff her way through the discussion, she had clearly not considered the possibility that Xezni would have either the foresight or resources to place his own spies in starports.
0900. Brogue arranged for the Starjammer to be transferred to a repair hangar in a remote part of the starport.
1730. Brogue announced that a glitch in the starport registry system would cause a 48 hour delay in updating the database records of ship arrivals and departures.
2000. JUNO reported that three different ships in the last 24 hours had already jumped out of Angle for the Colcan system, each potentially carrying news of the Starjammer’s “dilemma.”
2100. The Owner held an impromptu birthday celebration for Daren in the passenger lounge.
0746. Achieved liftoff from the surface of Angle, began maneuvering for the Colcan jump point.
1150. Reached Colcan jump point.
1153. Entered jumpspace.
0400. Adjusted grav plate settings throughout the ship to 1.20 g, part of a gradual transition back to 1.0 g standard gravity.
2123. Roozer Cogbin, following a long session of drinking in the passenger lounge, announced his extreme displeasure at having an Aslan on board the Starjammer, to say nothing of one serving as crew. Other crewmembers escorted the bounty hunter to his stateroom before Hrol could be made aware of Roozer’s opinion.
0700. Captain Cryo approached Madi to express his concerns about Roozer’s outburst. Madi assured the Captain she shared his misgivings and would personally ensure that her employees treat all Starjammer crew, regardless of species, in a professional and courteous manner.
1548. Exited jumpspace. The Astrogator reported that the ship had emerged 1.43 million km from Colcan, a hostile planet with a corrosive atmosphere composed of helium gas with very large quantities of ammonia and methane. The Solomani Confederation had established a joint forward operating base in orbit in 967.
1820. A sensor scan picked up the CSS Germanicus, a 25,000-ton light carrier, standing by at the Colcan 100-diameter limit.
1938. Docked at Colcan starport, which has only an orbital component operated by the Confederation Navy. A small team of scientific researchers working for the Confederation Army are the only inhabitants of the mainworld surface.
2000. Commenced refueling.
2032. Brogue reported that the starport registry indicated that the Lara O’Dea had jumped out of the system for Wang approximately 19 hours earlier, carrying word that the Starjammer was grounded back in Angle with a bad jump drive.
0307. Refueling complete, undocked from Colcan Orbital. Began maneuvering for the Wang jump point.
0757. Reached Wang jump point. Began preparations for jump.
0758. Engineering reported a warning indicator on the E2X jump drive, possibly a faulty charge in the capacitors. Chief Engineer Jamoor proposed running a bypass and JUNO concurred with this recommendation. The Captain reviewed the calculations and despite the urging of the bridge crew, aborted the jump so that Richy could run a full diagnostic on the jump drive system.
1329. The Chief Engineer reported that the E2X jump drive unit was once again reading nominal. JUNO and UDA both confirmed his assessment.
1347. The Captain ordered resumption of the jump procedure.
1411. Entered jumpspace.
0400. Adjusted grav plate settings throughout the ship to 0.99 g, part of a gradual transition to the 0.91 g surface gravity of Wang.
1201. Emerged from jumpspace approximately 1.1 million km from Wang. Began maneuvering for the mainworld.
1410. Made sensor contact with the Satwor Affluence, a 400-ton Type SA Solomani trader out of Satwor (DARK 2610), carrying trade and transport, arriving from Caprona (DARK 2607). Captain Dusanka Babik commanding.
1523. Arrived in orbit above the mainworld, a rich and habitable planet with only a primitive technology level, lacking electricity or hydrocarbon power. Seas cover much of the world’s surface, with most land concentrated in a single southern continent. The native Human population retains many cultural influences from the Aslan, including the Aslanic language. In 1054 the Solomani Confederation deposed the indigenous world empress, Saeae Zui, and replaced her with a provisional government overseen by Solomani advisors.
Most of the world’s population is concentrated in a series of coastal cities; the rugged interior contains many wild and lawless areas. Graceful, Aslan-style sailing ships ply the seas while caravans work the crude trade roads. The starport is located at Yooi, the largest city.
World Map Grid |
World Name (and UWP) Wang D789899-2 | Subsector and Sector Location of World Akuusir/Dark Nebula |
Date of Preparation 134-1098 | Hexagon Scale (km) 1,005 |
IS Form 8-E | Size 7 World Map Grid |
1528. Prepared ship for atmospheric entry.
1552. Landed at the Yooi starport, little more than an airstrip with hangars and a control tower.
1622. Starport officials came aboard to inspect the crew and passenger manifests. A Solomani physician conducted full physical inspections of everyone while port officials reviewed the ship’s log. The officials noted that an Exit Visa will be required to leave Wang. While all crew and passengers were cleared for entry, the officials left behind a port guide, Iyoi Hou, to stay aboard the ship. As a port guide, Iyoi would act as a witness to supervise and ensure compliance with all procedures and regulations while the Starjammer is in port.
1700. Began refueling.
1730. Brogue reported that the Linsey Vigo was docked only a few berths away from the Starjammer.
1800. Madi, Roozer, and Dibefe prepared to venture into the city to meet a local contact with knowledge of Xezni’s movements. The Captain suggested that, because the bounty hunters are known in Yooi and Xezni was aware that they were coming, it would be better to first send new faces into the city so as not to alert the fugitive. Reluctantly, Madi agreed.
1915. Ronald, Brogue, and Hrol ventured into Yooi, a beautiful trade city filled with graceful, ornate Aslan architecture. The trio proceed to the night market where they sought out Stoi Yu, a purveyor of off-world goods.
2000. Refueling complete. The Starjammer’s purifying plant began processing the starport’s unrefined fuel.
2100. Ronald reported that his team had made contact with Yu. The merchant said that Xezni and several other members of Lazzari’s gang were currently in the city but that it would take some time to identify exactly where the brigands were staying. Yu scheduled a follow-up meeting for noon the following day with Roozer and Dibefe.
Tech-9, the O.G. Killzilla.
1033. While Roozer and Dibefe prepared to enter Yooi, Brogue arranged to have their weapons smuggled in with them. Hrol and Madi entered the bridge to monitor the developing situation from there.
1100. The Owner, Brogue, Wayne, and Howard scouted the nearby Linsey Vigo. Daren, disappointed that he could not bring Tech-9, remained aboard the ship. The scouts observed several Linsey crew members moving in and out of the ship, as if preparing for a hasty departure. The scouts did not spot Xezni among the group.
1204. An explosion from somewhere in Yooi rocked the starport. The scouts immediately returned to the Starjammer.
1207. Neither Roozer nor Dibefe responded to Hrol’s comms requests.
1221. Wayne sent a drone up to investigate the explosion. As the drone hovered over the smoldering market, Wayne reported a mass casualty event and tremendous confusion.
1240. The Captain ordered all hatches closed and preparations made for takeoff. Iyoi Hou, the onboard port guide, registered a formal complaint. Hrol escorted Madi off the bridge and down to the passenger section.
1243. The Chief Engineer initiated power plant startup procedures. The crew opened the ship’s locker and began distributing arms. Iyoi Hou registered a second complaint.
1245. Weapons Officer Boone reported that the shipboard weapons systems were unlocked and online. Iyoi Hou registered a third complaint.
1248. JUNO reported that although Yooi traffic control had ordered the Linsey Vigo back to its berth, the ship was taxiing out to the runway.
1249. Boone reported that none of the weapons had a clear line of fire at the Linsey.
1250. Sonny and Howard made for the cargo deck and the air/raft.
1302. Sonny and Howard piloted the air/raft out of the Starjammer and set the grav vehicle on a direct collision course with the Linsey. Iyoi Hou registered a fourth complaint.
1303. Both Sonny and Howard bailed out just before the air/raft accelerated directly into the bridge of the Linsey, breaching the hull in a dramatic explosion.
1305. The Linsey Vigo shuddered to a stop at the edge of the tarmac. Iyoi Hou registered a series of additional complaints.
1309. The cargo hatch of the Linsey opened and several men emerged firing assault rifles.
1311. Ronald, Brogue, Wayne, Daren, and Tech-9 emerged from the Starjammer to return fire.
1313. Half of the Linsey crew were down, including one blasted by Tech-9’s laser carbine. Timn Xezni appeared with a submachine gun and raked Ronald with a burst of automatic fire. The sensor operator fell, badly wounded, and Medical Officer Howard rushed to perform first aid.
1314. Timn Xezni, the last Linsey crewmember standing, was gunned down.
1331. Starport security arrived on the scene.
1700. Starport officials confirmed that Roozer and Dibefe had likely been killed by an improvised explosive device in the Yooi market, along with 14 onworld residents.
2200. JUNO reported that all onboard fuel had been refined.
0800. A representative of the Wang Provisional Government announced that the entire city of Yooi was under security lockdown and declared a global day of mourning.
1200. Starport officials announced that the explosion in the Yooi market appeared to be the work of offworld terrorists from the Linsey Vigo, and that a full investigation into the incident had been launched.
1400. Madi Ross filed for salvage rights to the Linsey Vigo.
0800. Yooi security officials, assisted by Solomani advisors, began interviewing Starjammer crewmembers.
1200. A representative of the Wang Provisional Government announced that the security lockdown for Yooi had been lifted.
0800. The Captain announced 24 hour liberty for all crew to celebrate Boone’s birthday.
0300. Yooi starport security escorted three unauthorized guests off the ship.
0440. Medical Officer Howard reported that Brogue, Daren, and Wayne were currently in sickbay for various ailments. None appeared life-threatening.
0600. The Weapons Officer was ordered confined to quarters until further notice.
0700. The Purser paid the crew their monthly salaries.
1200. Yooi officials announced that the investigation into the marketplace explosion was now closed, and that bomb-making materials, along with numerous other contraband items, had been found aboard the Linsey Vigo. No questions were taken.
1300. Starport officials assessed Cr15,233 in fines to the Starjammer based upon Iyoi Hou’s formal complaints.
1530. Starport officials announced that Madi Ross had been awarded partial salvage rights to the Linsey Vigo.
1630. The Purser paid the starport fines, the port guide fees, and all fueling and berthing charges.
1655. Exit Visa issued.
0531. Departed from Yooi starport.
0553. Achieved orbit above Wang.
0601. Made comms contact with the CSS Demeter, a 200-ton Type SE Solomani escort, standing by at the 100 diameter limit.
0853. Colcan jump point reached.
0858. Entered jumpspace.
0400. Adjusted grav plate settings throughout the ship to 0.92 g, part of a gradual transition to 1.0 g standard gravity.
0058. Exited jumpspace, began maneuvering to Colcan Orbital starport.
0131. A sensor scan detected an Aslan merchant ship refueling at the outermost gas giant: the Tiykhu, a 200-ton Kteiroa-class seeker out of Alaoyaah (DARK 1714), arriving from Dengmi (DARK 2605). Captain Ktaweiyeiei commanding.
0548. Reached Colcan Orbital. Began refueling.
0639. Departed Colcan Orbital.
1026. Sensors detected the CSS Surprize, a 1,000-ton Type SM Solomani patrol frigate, standing by off the innermost gas giant.
1129. Reached Baconan jump point, entered jumpspace.
0400. Adjusted grav plate settings throughout the ship to 0.93 g, part of a gradual transition to the 0.48 g surface gravity of Baconan.
2119. Exited jumpspace approximately 785,000 km from Baconan, a habitable agricultural world. Begin maneuvering toward the starport.
0009. Arrived in orbit above Baconan. Received permission to land.
0052. Docked at Baconan starport, commenced refueling activities and resupply of life support systems.
1904. Completed refueling, began fuel refining.
1648. Completed fuel refining.
0742. Cleared for takeoff from Baconan starport.
0807. Achieved orbit.
1029. Reached Wu jump point.
0400. Adjusted grav plate settings throughout the ship to 0.55 g, part of a gradual transition to 1.0 g standard gravity.
0839. Exited jumpspace. Established contact with Wu System Control.
1150. Docked at High Nara starport.