Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Out of Out of the Abyss

We finished the Out of the Abyss 5e adventure last night on Roll20, and it was a pretty fine end to a fun campaign that took us all the way through the pandemic and back again. We began on January 28, 2018 but only got in a handful of monthly sessions before we went on hiatus. We picked the campaign back up at the very end of 2019 and then pretty much played weekly all through last year. In total, we completed 56 sessions and I’m going to guess a bit over 130 hours.

A total of 9 players and 17 characters cycled through the game, though we only had a few PC deaths. At the end, we had six PCs: Trent Purpling, drow necromancer; Jigme, gnome monk; Titus Basswood, elf ranger; Jhandor Jobis, half-orc barbarian; Jalen Stoutmantle, cleric of Pelor; and Leaf Woodcock, elf druid.

I need to collect my thoughts about the adventure in a future post—my overall feelings are a little complicated, but I do want to relate a bit about last night’s final session.

Serious Spoilers Follow!

The final chapter of OotA involves the characters planting a magical device that will draw in all of the demons rampaging across the Underdark to a single place, where—being demons—they will be induced to battle each other to the death. The characters are then expected to dispatch the weakened survivors.

My party elected to place the device directly in the drow city of Menzoberranzan. They had successfully banished Baphomet, Yeenoghu, Zuggtmoy, and Juiblex, leaving only the demon lords Orcus and Demogorgon for the final battle. The default script then has a weakened Demogorgon to fight the PCs.

Under the circumstances, I found the final battle to be rather wanting. Just from a time perspective, I couldn’t see a fight with a weakened Demogorgon lasting much more than 30 or 40 minutes. A bit anticlimactic, if you ask me.

I also wanted to integrate the final battle more fully into Menzoberranzan. After all, the PCs effectively dropped a WMD in the middle of a bustling drow city: I wanted to show the consequences of that choice.

So I greatly expanded the base script for the final battle. I also wanted to really amp up the epic factor for this last session. I pulled out my copy of the 3.5e supplement Hordes of the Abyss and added some additional demon lords from that excellent source into the scenes of chaos and destruction. I wanted to present a series of horrific, powerful demons without a lot of explanation or exposition; many of the descriptions I used were adapted straight from Hordes.

The following script of my final battle was intended to be just a baseline for improvisation. I ad-libbed a lot of description based on player questions and ideas. Some embedded notes indicate game-mechanical directions, and I was ready if the PCs wanted to interact with any of the scenes I described.

The waiting is the hard part. Time seems to drag as you remain alert, weapons drawn, every nerve singing with the tension in the air all around you.

On the street before you, a drow merchant haggles with a potential buyer over a spider-silk cloak. Two off-duty guards lounge about, passing a wine skin back and forth. Three drow thugs shake down another merchant, holding a knife to his throat. A shabby, destitute drow, a strange sigil carved into his forehead, staggers through the street, murmuring about a great double prince.

Finally, a swirling light begins to flare in the darkness. A barely audible humming shakes you to the core, rising and falling like a vast heartbeat in the depths. 

A hush falls over all of Menzoberranzan. All of you suddenly feel very . . . different: calmer, and somehow more hopeful. It is easier to focus. You realize that for months and months a certain part of your waking energies has been spent fighting off the demonic madness, and without this constant drag on your mind you are able to think clearly again. On the street, the merchant and his buyer shake hands in agreement. The two lounging guards stand up and straighten their tunics. The thugs pick up the merchant they were harassing, and apologize. The destitute drow stops, looks around, as if awakened from a dream.

Then the calm breaks and the press of madness returns, now even stronger than before. You hear a faint rustling whisper, growing louder and louder. A dark line of scurrying rats, scuttling spiders, and flapping bats stream across the streets and rooftops, away from the outskirts of the city.

The glow of faerzress gathers and brightens, creating swirling pools like holes torn in the air. A roar sounds from far away as shadows move in the depths of those pools of light. 

The demons are coming.

You hear, in the distance, screams. Bells ring. Flames jet up in the darkness several blocks away, some nearly reaching the ceiling of the great cavern. Screams are joined by smashing, splintering, roaring, and insane, wicked laughter.

A patrol of two dozen drow guards, accompanied by a dozen bugbear slaves, begins to form up in the streets. But although the captain calls out orders, the guards begin bickering and shoving one another. Suddenly, the bugbears attack their masters, and the guards are caught by surprise by the onslaught.

[Psychic wave of anger, frustration, and fear. Take 20 psychic damage, DC 16 Wisdom save for half.]

A monstrous, blue-faced parody of a mandrill, twelve feet high, with enormous black raven wings with rotting feathers [Mandrillagon] roars and lopes forth into view. It is accompanied by nine rampaging demons, looking like powerfully muscled orangutans with filthy, rusty-red fur [barlgura demons]. These demons seize and rip apart the guards and bugbears and eat them in the streets. 

[2 barlgura demons]

A rickshaw, pulled by a massive, scarred troll carries a haughty drow priestess. She is accompanied by an elite guard of twelve female drow fighters. The priestess consults with an officer, then points to a distant area and the group charges ahead, toward the chaos.

A bandy-legged, 24-foot-tall giant [Kostchtchie] strides through the streets with a thunderous roar, just as snow begins to fall and an unnatural chill rolls across the scene. He wields an immense maul crafted of cold iron, his malformed head jutting above his hunched shoulders. The giant swings his hammer back and forth, smashing several orangutang-demons, splintering and battering entire drow buildings to rubble. The towering mandrill demon sniffs the air, then swiftly clambers up to a rooftop and disappears.

[Each creature within 30 feet of a point you choose must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 bludgeoning damage and falling prone on a failure.]

A winged demon [Pazuzu] swoops down from the darkness above to attack the giant. The winged figure has the body of a tall, well-proportioned man, but its legs end in powerful birdlike talons and its four feathered wings shine with oil and writhe with smoke on his back. Its head combines the features of a handsome man and a feral hawk, its cruel, hooked beak filled with a forest of needle teeth. The giant roars and charges, but the winged figure vomits a swarm of buzzing locusts that envelop and devour the screaming giant.

A headless troll, carrying an empty, burning rickshaw, races through the streets away from the chaos, before tumbling into a heap in the streets.

A phalanx of five horned and winged fire demons [balor] marches down the street, driving a pack of burning giant spiders before them. The demons are fourteen feet tall, wreathed in fire, and bear whips and flaming swords. Behind them marches another fire demon, but even larger and carrying a greataxe [Belaphoss]. Its red flesh is covered with glowing black sigils. As these demons advance the buildings along the street alight on fire. 

[Each creature within 20 feet of a point you choose must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 3d6 fire damage, or half as much damage on a success.]

At an intersection the fire demons meet a strange shimmering in the air, announcing the arrival of a shape, little more than a billowing white diaphanous sheet [Pale Night]. Closer inspection reveals a lithe and seductive form beneath the sheet, a voluptuous feminine figure indistinct and hazy. Now and then the edges of the sheet rise a little too highly, yet never rise high enough to reveal the details that writhe beyond.

The fire demons roar in unison and charge the shimmering figure, which floats down to embrace one of their number. The fire demon cries out in terror, becomes insubstantial, and disappears. The remaining fire demons immediately fall back.

Lightning blasts play upon the roof of the great cavern. Somewhere something large and brittle shatters.

The great mandrill demon leaps from the rooftops upon the largest fire demon and rampages among the group while the shimmering figure hovers and watches. The mandrill demon rips two fire demons apart, tearing one’s arm clear off and breaking the horns off a second, before being cut down and destroyed by the surviving fire demons. The mandrill demon screeches as it burns. The fire demons suddenly rise up, as if heeding a silent command, and then hustle away as the shimmering figure watches.

[A character you choose must make a successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw to dodge a stray attack. On a failed save, the character takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage.]

A darkly handsome, ebon-skinned man nearly 9 feet tall [Graz’zt] arrives with some two dozen naked, fawning drow in his wake. When the dark figure stops the drow fall to the ground, clutching and kissing his feet. The man’s slightly pointed ears, yellow fangs, and six-fingered hands mark him for the demon he is. 

The shimmering figure floats down to street level. Immediately, many naked drow rise and blindly rush the shimmering figure. They are easily destroyed each in turn but the dark man slashes the shimmering figure with an enormous, wave-bladed sword. Again and again the sword slashes through the shimmering figure until it flashes brightly and is gone. 

As soon as the shimmering figure disappears, a great, high-pitched wailing sounds and many drow hiding in the rubble are clearly driven mad, wandering dazed out from their shelters and into the streets.

A group of six drow warriors, bloodied and battered, come rushing through the streets. Their weapons are discarded, they run for their lives. 

[Sound of Demogorgon]

Dozens of terrified drow citizens rush through the street, headed toward the great cathedral of Lolth. Many are trampled. The dark man skewers one for fun and laughs.

In the vault high above the streets of Menzoberranzan, an aerial battle: on one side a massive demon, 15 feet tall, with the body of a grossly obese man, the head of a ram, leathery wings, a barb-tipped tail, and thick-furred legs ending in cloven hooves. This is dread Orcus, Demon Prince of Undead. He is accompanied by thirteen flying figures: pale, thin, wearing tattered black rags. On the other side, the four-winged, hawk-headed demon prince with dozens of vulture-headed demons. The pale flying figures dart and wheel until they break through the vulture-demon ranks, allowing Orcus to close and strike the hawk-headed demon prince with his skull-tipped wand. Black energy bursts from the wand and the hawk-headed demon prince is destroyed, tumbling down to smash in the city streets.

[3 vrock demons land]

Now comes Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons himself, accompanied by three large demons, six-armed women with the torsos and tails of great serpents, along with a dozen capering toad demons. Demogorgon and his guards clash with the three remaining fire demons back in the intersection. The snake-women and toad demons destroy the two smaller fire demons, but are themselves destroyed in turn by the largest fire demon. Demogorgon batters the largest fire demon with a series of tentacle blows, breaking its flaming greataxe and finally knocking it low.

[Roar of Demogorgon]

The dark man with the wave-bladed sword turns to face Demogorgon, and begins to speak.

But a 30-foot-tall wave of black, putrid water rushes down the street. An enormous black shape [Dagon] emerges from the roiling waters to swallow the dark man whole, destroying him. The water dissipates and the monstrous demon prince flops upon the street. The demon is immense, its glistening bulk heaving monstrously as a writhing storm of hook-suckered tentacles unfolds from its shapeless lower body. Its two longest tentacles terminate in immense five-fingered talons. Its head is that of a deep-sea fish, twisted with cruelty and leering with a primordial intelligence, its stiletto-like teeth immense and translucent. Its body is not quite sea serpent, not quite mollusk, and not quite shark, but somehow, horribly, a combination of all three.

[Wave of terror and revulsion. Anyone viewing Dagon takes 30 psychic damage, half on a DC 18 Charisma save.] 

Orcus and Demogorgon immediately close with the titanic fish demon, along with a mob of vampires and lesser demons. Buildings are flattened and scores of demons and vampires are extinguished before the giant fish demon is brought low.

Orcus and Demogorgon turn on each other.

The sounds of battle finally die away, the ground before you stained black and red with demonic blood and ichor. In the terrible grip of Demogorgon, even the mighty Orcus looks almost small. Tentacles hold the Demon Prince of Undeath in a crushing grip, slithering across the maggot-riddled flesh of the horned demon, as they tighten inexorably. A strangled gasp issues from the demon lord’s throat as a horrific crunching sound echoes throughout the cavern and his skull-topped wand clatters onto the floor.

Demogorgon casts aside the limp form, which melts away as Orcus returns to the Abyss that spawned him. The Prince of Demons throws back his two heads and roars his triumph. As he does, his nearer head turns, burning eyes raking across the battlefield. Filled with bloodlust and battle rage, the demon lord searches for another target.

[Roar of Demogorgon]

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Betelgeuse Sector

I was recently reading Leroy W. L. Guatney’s archived Traveller site, IISS Stellar Cartography. In the 90s and early 2000s, Leroy did a lot of development work on the trailing and rimward regions of Charted Space, particularly the Hive Federation. Many of his names for sectors appear to have been incorporated into Traveller canon.

I noticed something I hadn’t before: Leroy had named a “Betelgeuse sector” four sectors rimward of Magyar. This sector, which lies roughly 135 to 180 parsecs from Terra, is currently unnamed on Traveller Map.

The star Betelgeuse is a M1 Ia red supergiant, the tenth brightest star in the Terran sky. It is located in the constellation of Orion, which lies roughly rimward/spinward-rimward from Terra—so Leroy’s Betelgeuse sector is in the right direction relative to Terra.

Betelgeuse is normally listed as 642.5 light years (197 parsecs from Terra), which would unfortunately put the star outside the boundaries of Leroy’s Betelgeuse sector.

However, the star’s distance has been notoriously hard to pin down. A recent study found Betelgeuse to be about 25% closer than currently understood: an estimated 548 light years (168 parsecs) from Terra. And happily, this finding would put Betelgeuse squarely within Leroy’s sector, in either subsectors I/M, N, O, or P, somewhere on an arc from hex 0130 to hex 3234, plus or minus a lot, due to the vagaries of projecting 3-D stellar data unto a 2-D jump map.

Given this serendipity, I propose naming the sector located at (-1, -7) Betelgeuse. And while we’re at it, let’s place the following system in hex 1632 of that sector:

Betelgeuse Sector (-1, -7)
1632ArdraX000000-0As Ba Va{-3}(500-5)[0000]---0004NaXXM1 Ib

Betelgeuse sector lies directly rimward of Holowon sector, and is a wilderness area only eighty parsecs removed from the edge of Charted Space. Betelgeuse would be a bright star from almost any world in Magyar sector, as well as any of the rimward sectors of the Solomani Confederation.

Copyright Information

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2021 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Materials produced by Digest Group Publications (DGP) are copyright © Roger Sanger. Any use of Digest Group Publications' copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this Web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights. Usage is intended to follow the guidelines announced by Roger Sanger on the Traveller Mailing List for preserving the overall Traveller milieu.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

A Guide to New Sol

Attention, Attention. This is an automated message. The world of New Sol is hereby interdicted as of January 22, 5623 by resolution of the 57th Secretariat of the Solomani Confederation. All travel by foreign ships to any world in the inner system is prohibited. —Warning Beacon message, recorded 341-1102.

New Sol (Magyar 0503 D501956-7). Red Zone. High Population, Industrial, Ice-Capped, Non-agricultural, Vaccuum.

New Sol is a Solomani Confederation system located in the Urartu Cluster, sometimes known as the Clan Cluster, a string of 38 worlds connected by Jump-1 distances. The Cluster extends from Akuusir subsector in Dark Nebula to Clan and Eery subsectors in Magyar.

System Data

The mainworld, with a population of 9.8 billion, occupies a heavily industrialized system with six inhabited secondary worlds, including Edom (F6B48CA-A), with a population of 538 million.

Primary Aeetes. Spectral Class G3 V. Mass 0.99 M☉. Stellar Radius 0.99 R☉. 100 Diameter Limit 0.92 AU. Luminosity 1.06 L☉. Absolute Magnitude +4.69.

New Sol System Navigation Data
Orbit NameUWPRemarks
Primary AeetesG3 V 
0 HleayuaeeaY9B0000-0Tz
1 KtaaY7A0103-7Tz
2 CanaanYAAA27A-AHo Mi
3 New SolD501956-7Hi Ic In Na Va Fo
 40LystraY100211-9Mi Sa
4 EdomF6B28CA-ACo
5 GathYAA3102-8 
 65Gittite MoonH400699-7Mi Sa
6 IyaSize Q SGG 
7 HfoileiiauSize Q SGG 
8 FteihSize Q IG 
9 KaaiiaSize L IG 
10 EyaaiyY6A1000-0Fr
IS Form 11Star System Data

Planetary Data

Mean Orbital Radius 130.15 million km (0.87 AU). Period 317 days 18h 43m. Rotation Period 22h 36m 11s. Axial Inclination 39° 34′ 23″. Diameter 8,756 km. Mass 0.28 M🜨. Density 4.7 g/cm3. Mean Surface Gravity 0.58g. Escape Velocity 5.049 m/s. Surface Atmospheric Pressure 0.00 atm. Composition N/A. Hydrographic Percentage 10%. Mean Surface Temperature 27.75° C.

The mainworld is a medium-sized, airless planet. New Sol has no surface water but large subsurface ice deposits.

Socio-Political Data

Total World Population 9.84 billion. Primary Cities Thaeta, 4 billion; Megipa, 2 billion; Mioza, 1.3 billion; Figura, 1 billion; Jisa, 800 million; Kyekhui, 667 million. World Government Feudal Technocracy (New Sol Directorate). Law Level Moderate law (all firearms except shotguns prohibited). Tech Level Pre-Stellar (7). Primary Trade Goods minerals, polymers, bulk precipitates.

Although Terrans surveyed the New Sol system relatively early in the Rule of Man period, none of the planets proved hospitable. The mainworld was first settled in earnest by Aslan ihatei during the Long Night, who named the world Tyestea. Humans began immigrating to the system during the Solomani period as interstellar trade was reinvigorated across the Urartu Cluster.

Humans and Aslan shared New Sol for centuries with relatively few incidents, establishing scattered settlements across the planet’s surface. These modest industrial settlements eventually grew into a cluster of powerful city-states. In 742 a Solomani Party faction gained control of Megipa City and began a unification campaign that culminated in a planetary constitution in 891.

The world government eventually grew into a feudal technocracy, wherein all senior governmental positions were held by a hereditary Solomani Party leadership. This system was notoriously corrupt and frustrated native industrial interests by hampering lucrative trade with Aslan markets.

In 1099 the Party system was overthrown in a bloodless popular revolution led by the new Magyar Free Trade party. In response the Confederation interdicted the world, but New Sol has proven extremely resilient: while the Solomani Navy has placed a small picket of patrol frigates in the inner system to enforce the interdiction, the New Sol starport at Thaeta remains open and commercial traffic continues to flow, though at a much reduced rate.

The mainworld harbors a remnant population of some 40 million Aslan, mostly found in the ancient domed city of Kyekhui.

Copyright Information

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2021 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Materials produced by Digest Group Publications (DGP) are copyright © Roger Sanger. Any use of Digest Group Publications' copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this Web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights. Usage is intended to follow the guidelines announced by Roger Sanger on the Traveller Mailing List for preserving the overall Traveller milieu.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Revised Starjammer

Kline Control, this is IMV Starjammer. We’re clearing 100 diameters, on approach to the Grendel jump point. Preparing to jump outsystem, no estimated time of return.

Now that we’ve re-redesigned the armed packet (Type U) and discussed generating starship chrome to flesh out individual vessels, let’s revisit the Starjammer with these ideas. This level of detail wouldn’t make sense for any old ship, but is certainly appropriate for a ship owned or operated by the PCs.

The Starjammer Armed Packet

Starjammer crew patch, alternate Vilani text. The legend reads “IMV Shaanseri.” Not worn while on duty within the Solomani Confederation due to political sensitivities.

The I.M.V. Starjammer [Vilani: Shaanseri, lit. “sun-diver”] is a modified Type U armed packet, potentially the prototype for a TL14 redesign of the venerable TL12 Pemami class. The Starjammer appears to have been developed as a joint venture between the Magyar shipbuilding firm Allied Prefabricated Ships & Vessels and the Vegan engineering tuhuir Tsyasha Kwa.

The Starjammer had its keel laid down at the APS&V shipyard at Kugle (Magyar 2423 A522656-E) on 011-1082 and first flew on 295-1083. Its homeport is Kline (Magyar 3012 A642987-E). Based on the official registration data, the ship has had only a single previous owner, Three Sectors Exports, LIC, and one previous captain, Marko Shugilii, though no further information about either the company or captain is readily available from the standard databases.

The ship’s official log records only sporadic travel between Kline and Shululsish (Solomani Rim 0214 A584A52-F), with occasional jaunts to Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222 AA89A98-F) and Hsuishlesh (Solomani Rim 1120 A644986-E) in the Vegan Autonomous District. However, close examination indicates that the hour meter gages on major ship components have much higher runtimes than would be expected from the log entries. The Starjammer has an immaculate maintenance record, which is remarkable for any commercial vessel with 20 years of service.

The Starjammer is currently an Imperial flagged ship registered on Kline and assigned the registration number 338-C-2725. The owner aboard is the synthetic person 3185D31A, also known as “Sonny,” a Kline Synthetic Technologies Verisim-8 android designed to closely resemble a Human. The ship’s master and pilot is Captain Cryo, and the Executive Officer and astrogator is Wayne Masada. The Second Officer and chief engineer is Richy Jamoor, while the Third Officer is the medic and purser Howard. The Fourth Officer is the Starjammer’s sensor operator Ronald.

One of the Starjammer’s most notable upgrades over a standard Type U is JUNO, the primary on-board computer: a Tsyasha Kwa JN0 Model/6.3. JUNO runs a highly optimized Vegan operating system that utilizes an unusual architecture. The computer’s default display uses the Vegan language, though this can be changed to either Anglic or Vilani. This powerful Vegan-manufactured component has enough processing power to simultaneously run both Evade/2 and Fire Control/3 programs, giving the little ship a significant edge in any firefight. JUNO also runs Intellect and Jump Control/3 programs, as well as a Counselor program, which functions like a Digital Friend specialized for clinical evaluation and treatment.

While not a true Artificial Intelligence, the computer’s sophisticated programming provides a measure of self-awareness and responsiveness. In conversation JUNO appears both attentive and intuitive, exhibiting a self-assured and almost genteel personality. The computer is highly inquisitive with strong maternal impulses, closely monitoring the physical and emotional states of all crewmembers and passengers, and freely offering advice on nutrition, sleep patterns, physical activity, and interpersonal relationships. JUNO expresses reservations about most off-ship activities and readily volunteers library data about planetary crime statistics, environmental hazards, or any dangerous native organisms.

The ship’s secondary computer is a more conventional Shululsish Internetworking UDA Model/3. In contrast to JUNO, UDA presents an abrupt and rather cold personality.

JUNO maintains a patronizing and almost resentful attitude toward UDA, “that old busybody.” UDA, in an uncharacteristic flash of personality, sometimes refers to JUNO as “Her Highness,” and appears to actually enjoy questioning JUNO’s decisions.

Starjammer Details

The Starjammer is easily recognized as a Type U variant due to its sesquiplane airframe configuration, designed to improve handling in atmosphere without adding substantial weight to the craft. An armed packet utilizes two distinctive sets of wings: a smaller pair above a larger pair. In atmosphere the Starjammer can reach a maximum speed of 2,565 km/h and has a cruising speed of 1,924 km/h. Retractable landing pylons support the ship while on the ground.

Ship ProfileArmed Packet (U-CA33).
ManufacturerAllied Prefabricated Ships & Vessels/Tsyasha Kwa.
Hull300 displacement tons (airframe). 4,200 cubic meters.
DimensionsLength 50.7 m; Beam 50.2 m; Draft 11.1 m.
Mass4,890 tonnes unloaded, 5,003 tonnes loaded.
ElectronicsOne Tsyasha Kwa JN0 Model/6.3 on-board computer and one Shululsish Internetworking UDA Model/3 backup computer.
EngineeringOne Tsyasha Kwa Impetus-E 750 MW fusion power plant coupled to one APS&V Type E2X jump drive/governor unit and two Mark V 3G impulse maneuver drives.
GraviticsShuiwo Wuish inertial compensators and adjustable floor field.
PerformanceOne jump-3 (3 parsecs) and 3g constant acceleration for up to 30 days.
Armor36 mm bonded superdense plating.
ArmamentOne dorsal triple turret mounted with Delgado M3C 250 MJ pulse lasers, two triple turrets mounted with Delgado S2A semi-automated missile launch racks.
CrewPilot, Astrogator, Engineer, Steward, Medic.
AccommodationsSixteen staterooms (three luxury), four low berths.
CargoTwenty-four tons.
Ship‘s CraftOne Ling Standard Products Sirvaan four-ton air/raft.

The hull of the ship is smooth and strong. Penetrating the hull is possible only with anti-ship weaponry. While a standard Type U has a light armor layer of crystaliron, the Starjammer’s armor is composed of bonded superdense alloys, which provide better protection with only a fraction of the mass. Superdense alloys are created by compressing the molecular structure of crystaliron materials in extremely high gravity fields, while bonded superdense materials have electron bonds artificially strengthened by means of a field similar to that used in damper technology.

Air/Raft Doors: Sliding doors are located in the aft starboard section of C Deck for access to the air/raft docking space. These doors are normally closed. Suitable controls inside the bay and on the bridge can open the doors, as can a coded command from the air/raft itself.

Airlocks: The Starjammer has three separate airlocks, all sized for Humans. The airlocks protect the interior environment through a set of interlocking doors. On worlds with acceptable atmospheres, JUNO will allow both sets of doors to open at the same time.

Each cycling of an airlock includes routine decontamination for potentially harmful biologics, with x-rays, ultraviolet light, and as necessary temperature extremes, ultrasonics, or chemical agents. Additional equipment is available for decontamination from corrosive or radioactive environments.

Inside each airlock are four vacc suits and an emergency cabinet with a patch kit, fire extinguisher, and first-aid kit. Power sockets for the operation of tools are also available in the airlocks.

Emergency Airlock: This airlock is accessed from the passenger section in the stern of the Starjammer’s A Deck.

The Port and Starboard Airlocks: Twinned air locks allow controlled access to the Starjammer’s B Deck. Both airlocks are accessed from the lower wings of the ship. The Port Airlock is normally reserved for passengers, while the Starboard Airlock is used by crew.

Biometrics: JUNO uses biometric identification to distinguish between crewmembers and passengers and track their movements throughout the ship. Access to sensitive shipboard areas and systems is restricted to authorized personnel only.

Bulkheads: The major structural components of the Starjammer, the ship’s bulkheads are generally composed of either superdense or bonded superdense materials. Slug throwing weapons are ineffective against bulkheads.

Bulkheads form the outer hull and compartmentalize the ship for damage control and environment maintenance in the event of disaster. All deck floors and ceilings are assumed to be bulkheads.

Cameras: The Starjammer has security cameras in public areas, including the galley, infirmary, cargo bay, passenger lounge, and airlocks. Authorized personnel can view any camera from any terminal.

Cargo Doors: These large hinged doors, located in the bow of C Deck, fit snugly and are pressure-tight, allowing access to the cargo hold. Powered, with extendable ramps, these doors allow large cargo items to be loaded easily.

Computer Terminals: Computer terminals are available on the bridge, in the drives rooms, the lounges, all staterooms, and the cargo hold. These terminals allow access to the Starjammer’s library data, JUNO’s computational ability, and to other capabilities of the computer. Safety interlocks prevent these terminals from tampering with the main functions of the ship.

Interior Walls: These partitions are non-load-bearing panels firmly fixed in place. They are not pressure-tight and cannot withstand a concerted assault.

Iris Valves: These pressure-tight automatic portals are set in bulkheads. An iris valve functions much like the iris of a camera: many panels retract to leave an open passage or extend to block the portal with solid metal. Iris valves are operated by pressing a touchpad on the wall next to the valve. A valve may be locked from either side or by JUNO, and a red light shows on the panel to indicate this condition. Valves cannot be forced closed if already open.

Valves are very difficult to force open once fully closed. Gunfire and explosions simply block the valve tighter. Iris valves close automatically when a pressure difference is sensed between the two sides of the bulkhead and the ship’s power is on. They will not close fully until the valve is clear of any foreign objects such as legs, hands, etc.

Life Support: The Starjammer has a Kline Synthetic Technologies Khika-7 bioregenerative Total Life-Support System with variable environmental controls, 350 kg daily capacity. The Khika-7 includes the self-regenerating air supplies and filtration system, food and water stores, waste handling system, and other consumable supplies needed to keep the passengers and crew comfortable and healthy while aboard a ship in flight. The life support systems can produce edible food from algae and mycoprotein, though the product is a bland-tasting, dry, flaky paste or cake, often gray or brown. Flavor additives make the product more palatable.

Lift Shaft: The Starjammer has an elevator to lift personnel or goods between decks. This consists of a pressure-tight lift car and a shaft extending between all three decks. Ordinary sliding doors close the shaft when the lift car is not present. The lift car itself is sealed with a sliding door that is pressure-tight. Between decks, the lift shaft is sealed by pressure doors, maintaining integrity between the decks.

Maintenance Hatches: At some points, small, unobtrusive maintenance hatches have been placed in bulkheads to allow repair or service personnel access to machinery or equipment. Maintenance hatches normally stand closed and are generally ignored. Maintenance hatches are unpowered and lock with a common service key. All Starjammer officers have a key that fits all maintenance hatches.

Manual Hatches: These portals are hinged pressure doors secured by a handwheel and extending bars. They are not automatic, and are not controlled by JUNO; simple sensors will indicate to the bridge if a hatch is open or closed.

Ship’s Cat: The Starjammer has one Thinking Machines, Inc. J0NZ-E-model pet robot, designed to be an endearing, affectionate ship’s cat. This particular unit closely resembles a male tabby cat, though its fur is beginning to get ragged. J0NZ-E occasionally wears a white peaked cap with a tiny cap badge bearing the Starjammer’s insignia. The ship’s cat is able to use the lift and open all iris valves, even accessing spaces restricted to crew members. Occasionally JUNO cannot determine the robot cat’s location within the ship. J0NZ-E has an unsettling tendency to emerge anywhere, even behind bulkheads closed off with manual hatches.

Sensors: The Starjammer features a Shululsish Internetworking 774-A integrated electronics suite that includes communicator, sensor, and jamming components. The 774-A communicator is a basic multi-frequency broadcast communicator capable of sending and receiving radio signals over great distances to carry voice and image information. Transmissions may be scrambled (encrypted), but if continuous will be received by all radios within range. Lasercom is a tight-beam directional communicator using a modulated laser beam. Only another lasercom can receive its signal and only if directly in the path of the pencil-thin beam.

The 774-A contains a military-grade sensor suite to facilitate operations in frontier systems by using different sensor technologies to provide advance warning of potential threats. An array of infrared thermal imaging and low-light telescopic cameras gives the bridge crew a visual picture of objects within range in a 360-degree arc. The radscanner is a multifunction energy scanner that can detect and scan for various types of radiation, such as radio, neutrino, or radar emissions from all directions simultaneously. Neutrinos can reflect the presence of stars, starship or world fusion reactors, or nuclear activity. Radar/lidar arrays project focused radio pulses in sweeping scans of an area and interprets the returned signals (the echoes) for information about a physical object’s size, distance, and speed.

Finally, the 774-A includes a sophisticated electronic countermeasures system that scrambles or distorts the transmissions and readings of other sensors. This component contains a laser/radar detector, area radar jammer, deceptive radar jammer, infrared jammer, and batteries.

Signage: All passenger areas have dual language signage in both Anglic and Standard Vilani, which can be a source of consternation for Solomani Confederation officials and passengers.

Sliding Doors: These portals are set in interior walls. Sliding doors save space over more conventional swinging doors, and so are standard on most starships. They are not air-tight, and serve merely as privacy screens.

Sliding doors are powered, and when the ship’s power is on they open completely when a touchpad is pressed on the wall next to the door. Such doors may be locked (from either side or from JUNO) and a red light shows on the touchpad panel to indicate a locked condition. Shipboard courtesy considers locked doors a call for privacy, and they are respected except during emergencies. When the Starjammer’s power is off, sliding doors will not open automatically, but can be manually overridden with brute force.

Staterooms: These cabins support four basic functions: sleep, personal sanitation, privacy, and storage of personal items. For sleep, the stateroom provides a large bed adapted to Human dimensions. When not in use, the bed folds into a wall storage niche, allowing more space for other functions during non-sleeping periods.

For personal sanitation, the stateroom includes a wash basin, toilet, and a shower. All fold into niches in the wall when not in use. Privacy is a major function of the stateroom; long periods of travel in jump make it essential for everyone that a place be available for personal privacy and solitude.

Personal possessions can be stored in the large number of built-in shelves, drawers, and compartments in the stateroom. Bulk equipment not needed while in flight often remains stowed in the cargo hold, but personal clothing, equipment, or even hobby materials are kept in the stateroom for easy access.

All staterooms contain an inconspicuous emergency locker with rescue balls.

Vertical Shafts: Ladders leading through portals between decks are present at vertical shafts. Each portal is sealed with a hatch. One shaft, located in the forward starboard section of the ship, connects all three decks. A second shaft, located aft, connects the quarters and operations decks.

Interior Conditions

Normal interior conditions on the Starjammer generally approximate those of a livable world surface.

Atmosphere: The interior of the Starjammer will normally be pressurized to one standard atmosphere with an oxygen/nitrogen mixture. Each compartment can be set to different settings; the default setting is 0.55 atmospheres with very low humidity, consistent with a thin breathable atmosphere. Recycling equipment maintains the atmosphere and removes waste gases. Airlocks may be pressurized or in vacuum, depending on the last use of the facility.

JUNO monitors atmosphere pressure and quality, temperature, and other conditions. Alarms will sound if the gas mixture strays out of certain limits, if atmospheric pressure drops too low, or if a fire is detected. Air and water quality is also monitored for known pathogens, and for any condition that threatens the health of anyone aboard.

Gravity: Deck flooring includes integral grav plates. Sections of the internal grav plates can be turned on or off, adjusted from 0.1 to 2.0g, or even reversed, locally or by JUNO. The Starjammer’s default gravity setting is 0.5g, though the ship is normally set to one standard gravity. The negative grav field is used on the cargo deck to assist in loading and positioning cargo.

Shuiwo Wuish inertial compensators negate the effects of high acceleration and lateral gee forces while maneuvering. A ship’s passengers cannot normally tell whether they are moving through space or grounded on a planet surface unless they look at a viewscreen. Notwithstanding the use of grav plates, personnel are normally confined to their staterooms or to acceleration couches in the lounge when the ship is taking off or landing.

Light: Most areas have full intensity lighting available, sufficient for reading with ease. The intensity of lights can be varied by a simple wall switch positioned in each room. JUNO can also be used to vary lighting and to monitor its levels. Emergency lights are also set into the ceiling, ready to activate using internal battery power should the ship’s power grid shut down.

Some areas of the ship have special lighting capabilities. The bridge and corridors can be lit in red light to preserve night vision.

Plumbing: Standard, but simple, sanitary facilities (including toilet, sink, and shower) are available in each stateroom, as well as on the bridge and in the drive rooms.

Power: The Starjammer’s Tsyasha Kwa Impetus-E 750 MW fusion power plant provides power for heat, light, and other essential services within the ship. As long as the power supply is operational, life support, ventilation, and recycling continue on a constant basis. Wall outlets situated throughout the ship provide connections for most uses. Such connections are Imperial standard.

Temperature: The interior of a normal ship is about 20 degrees centigrade. The temperature in each room in the ship can be individually adjusted either by JUNO or through local controls. The default temperature is 35 degrees centigrade, which is rather hot for most Humans.

Inside the Starjammer

The Starjammer is typical of the armed packets, built with three decks parallel to the direction of acceleration. Fuel tankage is carried on both sets of wings.

Starjammer Deck Plans. Click to inspect.

A Deck (Quarters)

The uppermost, or quarters, deck holds the staterooms, lounges, infirmary, low berths, and access to the dorsal turret, as well as attachment points to the upper wings. During flight passengers are generally restricted to this deck and encouraged to remain within the passenger compartment in the stern unless they need to visit the Galley or Infirmary.

A. Lift. See Ship Details, above.

B. Vertical Shaft. See Ship Details, above.

C. Ship’s Locker. The Starjammer carries the following items in its locker:

  • Five TL14 emergency skill wafers (Astrogation, Engineer (M-drive), Engineer (J-Drive), Medic, Pilot)
  • Twelve vacc suits
  • Three hostile environment vacc suits
  • Four submachine guns, each with 50 loaded magazines
  • Four autopistols, each with 50 loaded magazines
  • Three mobile comms
  • One survival kit
  • One field medical kit

D. Galley. A variety of preserved foods are available from this computer controlled kitchen. Most meals are stored in a condensed state until selected by a crewmember or passenger.

E. Dorsal Turret Access. A retractable ladder provides access to the dorsal triple turret, which mounts three Delgado M3C 250 MJ pulse lasers. A rechargeable power cell provides power for each shot while Fusion+ components generate the power required to maintain the rate of fire. This weapon system can be operated manually by a gunner from within the turret, or remotely from the gunner’s station on the bridge, or automatically by JUNO.

S1. Captain’s Stateroom. This stateroom is slightly larger and better furnished than the other crew staterooms, with wood paneling.

S2–S6. Crew Staterooms. These staterooms represent standard accommodation. The furnishings fold into the wall in order to save space. Each room has a computer terminal and doubles as an intercom, and some sort of shelves, cabinets, or racks for storing personal possessions. An armed packet with a full complement of gunners requires the crew to double up with bunk beds.

Crew Lounge. This area is where most crew members spend their time when not sleeping or on duty. The lounge has tables, chairs, entertainment consoles, and exercise gear as well as an attached kitchen area.

S7–S16. Passenger Staterooms. These staterooms are standard accommodations but better equipped than the crew cabins. The walls of each stateroom can be adjusted to display a variety of color schemes or murals and passengers can adjust the appearance of their quarters to suit their individual tastes. Staterooms 11 and 12 are slightly larger than the others and assigned to passengers travelling High on a first come, first served basis.

Passenger Lounge. This area is where the passengers take their meals and spend most of their time when not in their staterooms. This lounge has been plushly carpeted and lavishly furnished. The lounge decor includes walls finished in a fine wood paneling, various exotic plants scattered about, and fine art on the walls. The dining area includes two tables with chairs. A foldable game table and an entertainment holo-projector can be deployed as desired.

Infirmary. The sickbay provides workspace for medical personnel to treat wounds and illnesses on an outpatient basis. The Starjammer’s infirmary has facilities for treating up to five patients, including four beds, one diagnostic table, and one operating table.

Low Berths. This area contains the low berth units, medical supplies used in awakening passengers, and a fresher.

Fuel Scoops and Processor. This equipment allows for the collection and purification of raw fuel from a gas-giant atmosphere or planetary ocean, turning this material into refined fuel. Fuel processors use catalytic grids and molecular filters to extract the hydrogen from gas-giant atmospheres.

Fuel Tanks. These are ultralight self-sealing internal tanks for storing liquid hydrogen, with cryogenic equipment. These tanks are not normally accessed during flight.

B Deck (Operations)

The middle, or operations deck, contains critical areas and is not normally accessible to passengers while in flight. Bulkheads divide the operations deck into several distinct compartments: the bridge, the power plant, jump drives, and maneuver drives. B Deck also contains the attachment points for the lower wings.

Avionics. This area is crammed with electronics, including the Starjammer’s military grade sensor suite as well as transmission jamming equipment. Access is available through two small maintenance hatches from the bridge.

Bridge. The bridge is the nerve center of the Starjammer. It contains consoles for the pilot and astrogator, as well as separate stations for the chief engineer, a sensor operator, and a gunner. Any of the ship’s turrets can be operated from the gunner’s station. The bridge is outfitted with holographic displays.

The port bulkhead contains an iris valve leading to the port airlock and the lift. As the bridge is a critical area, this iris valve is usually locked at all times. The hatch in the starboard bulkhead leads to the starboard airlock and the vertical shaft that connects to the quarters and cargo decks. The hatch in the aft bulkhead opens directly into the power plant compartment.

C. Computers. Although JUNO and UDA, the ship’s primary and secondary on-board computers, are distributed throughout the Starjammer and can be accessed from any of the ship’s consoles, particularly vital or sensitive electronics are housed in this specially shielded and protected compartment located just off the bridge. This area also contains reference manuals and spare components.

D. Port and Starboard Turrets. Each turret mounts three Delgado S2A semi-automated missile launch racks. Each turret holds twelve Delgado XS-7 250mm high explosive anti-ship missiles. The port turret has evidently been replaced, though this is not detailed in the ship’s log or maintenance records. Examination of the area around the new turret shows signs of extensive blast scoring.

These turrets can be manually operated by controls within the turrets, by the gunner’s station on the bridge, or automatically by JUNO.

E. Utility Space. This small area has a refreshment station that dispenses drinks and snacks, and contains fire extinguishers, two emergency lockers with vacc suits and emergency gear, and storage cabinets with spare parts and tools.

F. Fresher. These facilities are provided for bridge crew use.

G. Captain’s Office. This small space is used for administrative and planning activities.

Power Plant. This compartment houses the Tsyasha Kwa Impetus-E 750 MW fusion reactor, a very advanced TL12 power plant able to produce more energy with a much smaller footprint. This area, along with the drives compartments, contain wall-mounted tool racks, diagnostic equipment, and repair and spare parts compartments.

Jump Drives. This compartment contains the APS&V Type E2X jump drive/governor unit, another very advanced TL12 design able to generate jump fields using less energy and with less drive tonnage. The E2X allows the Stajammer to make jump-3. Engineering functions that cannot be controlled by JUNO, such as the tuning of the drives or making repairs, must be undertaken by the engineer in the drive room. A small access corridor within the drive room allows most parts of the drives to be inspected and repaired.

Maneuver Drives. Each of these two compartments contains a single APS&V Mark V impulse maneuver drive unit. These advanced drives are compact and require less energy. Together, these two Mark V units allow the Starjammer to achieve continuous 3g acceleration.

M. Fabricator. This compartment contains a Tsyasha Kwa Sutler 1100, a TL14 Maker device that uses nanotechnology to fabricate temporary tools, parts, and equipment from raw materials. The maker requires detailed specifications of the item to be manufactured as well as suitable feedstock. The Sutler 1100 unit is capable of printing TL12 items up to one displacement ton in volume. The Fabricator compartment also contains stores of common feedstock.

This compartment also contains a ladder up to A Deck.

C Deck (Cargo)

The bottom, or cargo deck, consists of two main compartments: the cargo hold and a docking bay for the air/raft.

Cargo Hold. The flooring of the hold is bare plating marked with guidelines for the placement of cargo containers. The ceilings are lattice-work with lighting panels well inset so that mishandled cargo will not crush them. Several mechanical fixture points permit cargo containers to be firmly locked to the deck or walls. The cargo hold shows fairly recent damage from small arms fire, including at least one laser blast in the ceiling.

The cargo doors have an unsightly weld patch from recent battle damage. Since there is no airlock, the entire cargo hold must be evacuated before the outer doors can be opened.

Panels in the cargo hold port and starboard bulkheads provide narrow access to landing struts.

Air/Raft Docking Bay. The Starjammer has a four ton, Ling Standard Products Sirvaan open-topped air/raft, a standard grav vehicle used to run small errands while the ship is in port planetside, loading and unloading cargo. Massing four tons, the air/raft is capable of lifting the pilot and five passengers plus 0.25 tons cargo. It has a 100 kph cruise speed and endurance up to 1,500 km. A Sirvaan can reach orbit if required.

The entire docking bay is a close fit for the air/raft and is an air lock with interior iris valves leading to the cargo hold.

Starjammer Design Details

Hull Points 120

Crew Pilot, Astrogator, Engineer, Steward, Medic, Gunner x3

Maintenance Cost Cr7,797 per month

Purchase Cost MCr187.125

The Starjammer, Armed Packet
TL14 TonsCost (MCr)
Hull300 tons, Streamlined18
ArmorBonded Superdense, Armor: 5127
M-DriveThrust 3 (reduced size, energy efficient)820
J-DriveJump 3 (reduced size, energy efficient)2445
Power PlantFusion (TL12, reduced size, energy efficient), Power 153810
Fuel Tanks4 weeks operation, J391
BridgeStandard, Holographic Controls201.875
 Sensor Station11
ComputerComputer 30 (Primary)40
 Computer 15 (Secondary)2
 Jump Control/30.3
 Fire Control/26
SensorsMilitary Grade24.1
 Countermeasures Suite24
WeaponsTriple Turret (missile) x226.5
 Triple Turret (pulse laser)14
SystemsFuel Scoops
 Fuel Processor (100 tons per day)50.25
 Medical Bay42
 Maker Workshop20.1
CraftDocking Space51.25
StateroomsStandard x13526.5
 High x3182.4
 Low Berths x420.2
Common Areas171.7

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The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2021 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Materials produced by Digest Group Publications (DGP) are copyright © Roger Sanger. Any use of Digest Group Publications’ copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this Web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights. Usage is intended to follow the guidelines announced by Roger Sanger on the Traveller Mailing List for preserving the overall Traveller milieu.