Thursday, October 10, 2024

Non-Naval Bases in Dark Nebula

After generating a pile of non-naval bases for Aslan worlds in Dark Nebula sector I then wanted to see if the results were relatively consistent with the narratives developed for various worlds in The Deep and the Dark. With relatively few exceptions, the new base codes seemed to compliment the world descriptions:

Aleikhes (Dark Nebula 0710) - The capital of the powerful Yerlyaruiwo clan and the ancestral seat of the leading Yureare pride (pg. 201). As expected, Aleikhes has a Clan Stronghold base. The clan megacorporation Tlasayerlahel also maintains the highport with associated shipyards, consistent with an Aslan Corporate Facility base. Tlasayerlahel also runs a Research Station focused on meson spinal technology. 

Aowoiktes (Dark Nebula 1705) - A non-aligned world in the Buffer (pg. 209) ruled by a coalition of exohierate clans led by the Yeahtauheih. Aowoiktes has several Clan Strongholds and Corporate Facilities associated with on-world clans, as well as Ihatei Camps scattered across the surface.

Arakhal (Dark Nebula 2729) - A border world on the edge of Solomani space and controlled by the Iyare, vassals to the Arao’e (pg. 254). Naturally enough, Arakhal has an Ihatei Camp populated with Aslan hoping to make their mark in a future conflict with the Hisol’i.

Bacci (Dark Nebula 1123) - A non-aligned world just inside the Buffer and ruled by the technophobic Awiykhalr, a former vassal of the Yerlyaruiwo (pg. 239). The Ihatei Camp is filled with second sons from Hierate and exohierate clans. While many are just passing through, most are seekers called to the harsh spiritual discipline of the Awiykhalr philosophy.

Cuoon(Dark Nebula 2105) - A non-aligned water world in the Buffer occupied by the exohierate Iyoilyaoei (pg. 209). In addition to being the Iyoilyaoei Clan Stronghold, Cuoon contains a Research Station devoted to bootstrapping the colony to a stellar tech level. 

Elahkilr (Dark Nebula 2203) - A non-aligned world in the Buffer (pg. 210). Elahkilr is the Clan Stronghold of the exohierate Hraiiyeeiyea clan.

Erelefo (Dark Nebula 2335) - A Khaukheairl garden world in Yokhui subsector (pg. 268). The world is a Clan Stronghold for the ambitious Kyorloiwahiry pride, and the clan corporation Oakhowus maintains an on-world Corporate Facility.

Erloufteaw (Dark Nebula 0725) - A split control, hostile world dotted with played-out mines and abandoned settlements (pg. 235). Scattered bands of second sons have set up miserable Ihatei Camps across the planet.

Ftahalr (Dark Nebula 1208) - A non-aligned world, stronghold of the Aehikew clan, who are guardians of the treaty world (pg. 205). In addition to serving as the Clan Stronghold for the Aehikew, Ftahalr also has a Research Station devoted to promoting human-Aslan relations and preventing future interspecies conflict.

Hakhyas (Dark Nebula 2027) - The capital of the venerable Owyahiy clan, former members of the Tlaukhu now fallen on hard times (pg. 248). Hakhyas is the Clan Stronghold for the Owyahiy. The clan has not been able to mount a significant migration fleet for decades, and now the capital world is becoming crowded with Ihatei Camps filled with restless males without immediate prospects.

Htehekah (Dark Nebula 1127) - An interdicted world under the control of the Tlaukhu vassal Ewehi in fief to the mighty Yerlyaruiwo (pg. 240). The Yerlyaruiwo maintain a Research Station in system, though the purpose of the facility is a closely guarded clan secret.

Iopfen (Dark Nebula 1217) - A non-aligned industrial world inside the Buffer (pg. 223). Iopfen is dominated by the exohierate Ausikhahear, exiled from the Hierate for adopting human customs such as gambling. The Corporate Facility reflects both the Ausikhahear mines as well as their high stakes casinos.

Khaiai(Dark Nebula 0425) - A split control world designated for ritual clan wars (pg. 235). Khaiai has a large Ihatei Camp populated with males hoping to serve as mercenaries for one of the warring clans. 

Ktaherl (Dark Nebula 0837) - A rich, split control world inside the Hierate (pg. 261). The Corporate Facility is controlled by Eawaol Khtesa, a cross-clan venture specializing in the breeding and training of elite racing animals such as khta.

Leftearl (Dark Nebula 0615) - The clan capital of the small but prosperous Eakhtawa clan (pg. 219). In addition to containing the Clan Stronghold, Leftearl is also the headquarters for the clan controlled company Ahterle Iy’ou, which provides asteroid mining and other resource extraction services.

O’awiy (Dark Nebula 2525) - A border world on the edge of Solomani space (pg. 257). The mainworld is currently held by the Lahtouyo in fief to the Staoiyloulr, which is in turn a vassal of the mighty Yerlyaruiwo. O’awiy is ostensibly the Lahtouyo capital, but the Class E starport is much too poor to qualify for a Clan Stronghold base. A large Ihatei Camp is swollen with males spoiling for a chance to battle the hated Solomani. 

Oakhiyye (Dark Nebula 1240) - The capital of the combative Hwriayro, a multi-world clan. Oakhiyye contains the Hwriayro Clan Stronghold as well as a Research Station focused on planetary engineering. The Hwriayro hope these technologies will allow them to recreate their lost clanworld, now occupied by the Solomani.

Oifalrouw (Dark Nebula 0109) - A cold, low population world held by the Multworld Hlaotiyoiho clan (pg. 202). Oifalrouw contains a Corporate Facility controlled by the clan mercenary company E’al Htoukha, and is used as both a training site and a venue to demonstrate company capabilities to prospective clients.

Oiirl (Dark Nebula 2430) - A high population Hierate world controlled by the Hkihaohe (pg. 248). Oiirl is the Clan Stronghold and its Corporate Facility is the headquarters of the clan corporation Hwais ei Hkihaohe, which designs and manufactures high quality starships.

Pannusgario (Dark Nebula 1003) - The non-aligned capital of the ancestor-worshiping Fteaaikhe’ clan (pg. 206). Pannusgario contains the Clan Stronghold, a Corporate Facility for the clan corporation, and a sprawling Ihatei Camp. The Fteaaikhe’ have opened their world to any second son willing to be initiated into their clan cult, creating a large and highly motivated military force composed of desperate, landless males.

Saftahfeal (Dark Nebula 2221) - The capital world of the trading clan Tlerlearlyo (pg. 249). Saftahfeal is a Clan Stronghold; the Corporate Facility base code reflects the many on-world corporate headquarters for various Tlerlearlyo companies. 

Syailei (Dark Nebula 1724) - The capital world of the Estoieie’ (pg. 250). Syailei contains a Clan Stronghold, a Corporate Facility, and a Research Station. The Corporate Facility is the headquarters for Steasehaor, an Estoieie’ company focused on warship design. The Research Station is engaged in the development of advanced naval weapon systems. 

Teaoiyekh (Dark Nebula 2839) - A rich world on the edge of Solomani space, controlled by the Hlyueawi (pg. 272). Although Teaoiyekh is the domain of the Hreakhela’, one of the Hlyueawi’ s oldest and strongest prides, the Class E starport is too poor to qualify for the Clan Stronghold. The system does contain a Research Station, though the nature of the work done there is known only to the Hlyueawi.

Yohkui (Dark Nebula 2138) - An important, industrial planetoid belt controlled by several different Hierate clans (pg. 268). A consortium of Tlaukhu clans operates an in-system Research Station working on advanced starship hulls and propulsion systems.

The Traveller, 2300AD and Twilight: 2000 games in all forms are owned by Mongoose Publishing. Copyright 1977 - 2024 Mongoose Publishing. Traveller is a registered trademark of Mongoose Publishing. Mongoose Publishing permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Mongoose Publishing is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Mongoose Publishing’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Aslan Non-Naval Bases

I turned in the manuscript for Clans of the Aslan last week. Like The Deep and the Dark, this was a lot of fun to write and I felt like I had a much better handle on the mission this time out. Here’s hoping it will make the Mongoose 2025 release schedule!

I’ve been so heads down for the last seven or eight months I haven’t kept up the blog and need to catch up on a few things. Over on the latest iteration of Andy Slack’s Halfway Station blog, he’s been revisiting his old work on Dark Nebula, which was highly influential on my own development of the sector. Andy really helped me understand the possibilities offered by the Dark Nebula board game, which contains one of the most evocative maps ever developed for the Traveller universe, even if it doesn’t fit easily with existing sector data.

Andy’s constructing a new trading campaign set in the Dark Nebula that I have been following closely over the last couple of months. I’m looking forward to seeing more from the maestro.

Non-Naval Aslan Bases

As I worked on Clans of the Aslan I was looking at the Mongoose rules for Aslan bases, which were first detailed in Gareth Hanrahan’s Aslan alien module for MgT 1e (2009). In addition to the standard clan and Tlaukhu bases, Hanrahan introduced a series of new non-naval base codes for Aslan:

  • Clan Stronghold (ACS): This is a “large clan facility,” and likely the ancestral seat of an important pride or a strategically important world. Although not specified, I assume a large contingent of clan ground forces would be present. Perhaps this is roughly equivalent to a Type M military base?
  • Corporate Facility (ACF): This indicates the presence of a “large factory or corporate headquarters.” This could be a useful code that doesn’t have a close analog to legacy codes.
  • Research Station (ARS): A “clan-funded science facility,” directly analogous to the Imperial research station, which is indicated in Traveller5 not by a base code but a remark like “Rs” or RsA, RsB, etc.
  • Ihatei Camp (AIC): Indicates a band of “landless males looking for retainers or conquests.” Although there’s no direct match in the legacy codes, the remark Px (Prison, Exile Camp) comes pretty close.

Although these non-naval base codes are still used in MgT sector data, the rules for generating these bases are not included in either Pirates of Drinax or Aliens of Charted Space 2. When I developed the MgT sector data for The Deep and the Dark I looked to previously published sectors for guidance, and it appeared that they mostly converted the base codes from Traveller Map data but did not determine new non-naval bases. So I followed that practice for Dark Nebula and Reaver’s Deep.

However, I have been thinking about taking these rules for a test drive through Dark Nebula. One of the first questions that occurred to me was whether or not these non-naval bases applied to exohierate clans living outside the Aslan Hierate. Exohierate clans can and do have strongholds, corporations, and ihatei—and there’s no reason such clans couldn’t have research stations also. The subsector data format used by Mongoose Traveller doesn’t readily identify non-aligned worlds controlled by Aslan, but Traveller Map does via the “NaAs” allegiance code. In the end I decided to apply these non-naval bases to Aslan worlds outside the Hierate.

The Clan Stronghold base is fairly straightforward to apply: worlds are more likely to have a stronghold with better starports and if they are dominated by either a Single World clan, a Major clan, or a Vassal or Major Vassal clan (Government Types J, L, M, and N). Why Multiworld clans (Government Type K) don’t get a bonus to this roll, I really don’t know. Personally, I would be inclined to only give the stronghold bonus to the three Government types indicating control by a sovereign clan—J, K, and L—and not to the vassal clans. For exohierate clans, I gave a +2 bonus to all worlds except Captive (Type 6) or Balkanized (Type 7).

A Corporate Facility base favors Rich, High Tech, and High Pop worlds, though it’s not clear whether these three remarks stack or overlap. Personally I would be inclined to give a single bonus to a world with either High Tech or Industrial trade classifications. The Research Station base only gives a bonus to High Tech worlds; I’d be inclined to add a bonus for worlds with Small Facilities (Government Type G).

The Ihatei Camp base can be a little difficult to implement since one of the bonuses is based on being “within 6 parsecs of a border.” I agree with the basic concept: Ihatei bands are most likely to gather on the fringes of the Hierate, where open territory is most likely to be found. But in application this is tricky because one has to refer outside a spreadsheet to Traveller Map or other source to determine whether or not the bonus applies. For the purpose of my test drive, I assumed that all Aslan worlds inside the Buffer counted as a border world. I would expect a lower Law Level should give a bonus—a gang of ihatei rabble are probably more likely to be driven off from high Law Level worlds.

Here are updated base codes for Aslan worlds in Dark Nebula:

Aslan Bases in Dark Nebula
A'awiy1716ACS, ACF, ARS, AIC, M, NA959678-C-
Aftea1826ARS, AIC, RD20079B-8Hierate
Ahaiehea0726ACS, ACF, ARS, RA786846-CHierate
Aiaokheh0305R, TC434445-9Hierate
Aleikhes0710ACS, ACF, ARS, TA755657-DHierate
Aohitao2126ACF, AIC, RB534843-BHierate
Aohoikiy0207ACF, RA40016B-DHierate
Aotui'asiyr0334ACF, RB300775-CHierate
Aowaelr1529ACS, R, TB562976-BHierate
Aowoiktes1705ACS, ACF, AIC, M, NB433787-A-
Arakhal2729AIC, RC5688BB-8Hierate
Asefihea1740ACF, RA645477-CHierate
Atayekhe0421ACF, AICB54616A-9Hierate
Besmam2523M, NB64159B-A-
Brensat1609ACS, ARSA8A3689-8-
Canshar1304ACF, AIC, M, NA696444-C-
Cuoon2105ACS, ARS, MB96A621-7-
Eakhoi2123ACS, TC786976-AHierate
Eakhtya'i0402AIC, RD427755-9Hierate
Eaoer0336ACS, ARS, RB200369-CHierate
Earle0307R, TC532A79-9Hierate
Easouyao1721ACS, AIC, TA100375-CHierate
Eftase1940ACS, TB767636-AHierate
Ehairiwa2131ARS, AIC, TA72657B-AHierate
Eiar2539ARS, RC884788-8Hierate
Eiefei'os1235ACS, ACF, ARS, AIC, RA42648A-CHierate
Eieiau1830ACF, ARS, AIC, RA5436AA-CHierate
Eiyea0128ARS, RB8B3699-9Hierate
Eohe0536ACS, ARSB776686-AHierate
Eoyaea0435ARS, R, TB310479-CHierate
Erelefo2335ACS, ACF, TB657836-AHierate
Ewei0839ACS, ACF, ARSB310444-AHierate
Ewirarl2021ACS, ACF, RB200448-9Hierate
Feakh0835ACS, AIC, TA422235-BHierate
Foiheliy0922ARS, AICC310411-A-
Ftahalr1208ACS, ARS, MB522853-7-
Ftaosye'1225ACF, AIC, RB431477-DHierate
Ftyuealoi0416ACS, ACF, AICAAD5546-EHierate
Hai Ei0836-E665979-8Hierate
Hakhyas2027ACS, AIC, RB55458B-BHierate
Hkayuea2140ACF, AIC, RB10067A-DHierate
Hkyewao0519ACS, RB200585-BHierate
Hoirhesyea1223ACS, RC755748-8Hierate
Hroilr1536ACS, ACF, RA556788-CHierate
Htaka Oea1331ACSC435789-9Hierate
Htao'ewyalr2038ARS, RC423588-7Hierate
Htealyahwa0112ACS, ACF, ARS, AIC, RA585745-CHierate
Hteoe0117AIC, RC594778-8Hierate
Huuira'alr0317ARS, AIC, R, TB410474-CHierate
Hyesiyr1622ACS, ACF, AIC, RA100688-AHierate
I'etle0916ACF, AICB100247-C-
Ihkealresiy0440ACS, ACF, RA310733-DHierate
Ikharistei1620AIC, M, NA20068A-9-
Irihroalea2432ACS, RB553578-BHierate
Iyaiah1925ACS, ACF, TA100558-CHierate
Iyokh1430ACS, ACF, RA300449-CHierate
Iywaiwofu0337ACF, ARS, AIC, RA654349-CHierate
Iyyoiy0321ACF, AIC, RA6A3479-BHierate
Jardeng1604AIC, M, NB424676-A-
Kahkeheas0520ACS, ACF, AIC, RA777547-BHierate
Khaolao2635ACS, AIC, TA310478-AHierate
Khoakta1918ACS, M, NB200211-A-
Khohoa0733ACF, ARS, RB310246-DHierate
Khteau0628AIC, RC9A4435-AHierate
Khtektawoa2122ACF, AIC, RB100599-CHierate
Khtyasitrao2322ACF, RB436448-DHierate
Khtyu0239ACS, TA310697-BHierate
Khtyu0827ACS, ACF, ARSA310A96-EHierate
Kihaikhir2739ACS, ACF, ARS, AIC, R, TA896476-DHierate
Kikeasa0314AIC, TC40015A-7Hierate
Ktaherl0837ACF, RA583675-CHierate
Ktaol0327ACF, AIC, RB8C5977-DHierate
Ktarua0614ACS, AICC563646-8Hierate
Kusyu1226ACS, ACF, ARS, AIC, R, TA876976-EHierate
Leftearl0615ACS, ACF, RB200787-DHierate
Loihuawaw1634ACS, RB798367-AHierate
Monlin1617ACF, ARSB100444-C-
Oakheiye2031ACF, RB56379A-AHierate
Oakhiyye1240ACS, ACF, ARSB310558-DHierate
Oarua1121ACS, AICB579510-7-
Obalsa2106ACF, AICB5858C8-6-
Ohkiylyo2734ACS, ACF, AICA310846-EHierate
Oifalrouw0109ACF, RA646215-9Hierate
Oiirl2430ACS, ACF, RA553AAB-EHierate
Oiwohas0707ACS, TA100686-BHierate
Ouifauhai0940ACS, ACF, RB77A546-DHierate
Pannusgario1003ACS, ACF, AICA5839DB-A-
Riyikahail1628ACS, RA7A2112-AHierate
Ruiloih0328ACS, RB100123-AHierate
Saftahfeal2221ACS, ACF, TB883658-BHierate
Siniob0819ARS, AICA200223-C-
Syailei1724ACS, ACF, ARS, TA435787-EHierate
Syeaa'isiy0612ACF, AICB636777-BHierate
Taikheia'io0926ACF, AIC, M, NA77A777-A-
Taleiw1037ACS, RC10056A-7Hierate
Teaiyre0427ACS, RB423448-DHierate
Teayokhtae1238ACS, TA310676-EHierate
Tenarna1825AIC, M, NB436233-B-
Tiylewoiw1930ACS, AICC9C6887-9Hierate
Tloueaeiei2037ACS, ACF, AIC, RB310879-CHierate
Traihoa0437ACF, RB98A434-CHierate
Tua'aiou2936ACS, ACF, RB787449-BHierate
Uaoya1305ACS, ACF, ARS, AIC, M, NA422556-E-
Uaweisa1205ACS, ACF, AICB7B2676-A-
Uiaio0224ACF, AICB777448-BHierate
Usiyao1418ACS, ARS, AICA666623-7-
Waohar0738ACS, TB100488-9Hierate
Weaiyiy1320ACF, AIC, M, NA646497-B-
Weisaow1327R, TB656677-AHierate
Yehta0226AIC, TC10087B-AHierate
Yeyofui'1708ACS, ARS, AIC, M, NA548344-B-
Yohkui2138ARS, RA000978-EHierate

A few hot takes on the results. First, this procedure generates a lot of additional data, but I’m not sure it’s worthwhile to grind this out for each and every Aslan sector. For an individual world or subsector? The new codes could certainly be helpful for a referee.

I think the modifiers can and should probably be reviewed and potentially rebalanced—they’re in the zone but could probably be dialed in for better results. For The Deep and the Dark and Clans of the Aslan I identified several clan capitals using Traveller5’s Importance stat. A clan capital roughly fits the description of a Clan Stronghold, and the randomly generated strongholds more-or-less matched up with the capitals I had selected by hand.

The Traveller, 2300AD and Twilight: 2000 games in all forms are owned by Mongoose Publishing. Copyright 1977 - 2024 Mongoose Publishing. Traveller is a registered trademark of Mongoose Publishing. Mongoose Publishing permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Mongoose Publishing is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Mongoose Publishing’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Journel of the Travellers' Aid Society 3

Mongoose recently completed a successful Kickstarter campaign for The Journal of the Travellers’ Aid Society 3, which was fully funded in only 43 minutes and ultimately picked up 1,257 backers pledging £131,832 (roughly $169,340). The campaign raised enough money to develop volumes 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 of the JTAS, which provides short articles on Charted Space for Mongoose Traveller. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I have several articles slated for the first few issues, many of which were pieces cut or trimmed from The Deep and the Dark.

PDF versions of Volume 13 have already been sent out to backers, and I had three articles in the “Charted Space” category:

“Confederation Admiral Arturo Coglan.” When I initially developed my own version of Magyar sector, fairly little canonical information was available, though much could be inferred, interpolated, or extrapolated by looking at neighboring sectors of Reaver’s Deep, Dark Nebula, Daibei, and the Solomani Rim. I was struck by the large number of high population worlds with poor starports and low tech levels in the Imperial subsectors of Magyar, which generally corresponded with areas of fighting during the Solomani Rim War. Based on this, I began to imagine a Sherman’s March-like campaign through the sector, which destroyed infrastructure and economically devastated the region. 

About the same time I had recently finished The Killer Angels, Michael Shaara’s great historical novel about the Battle of Gettysburg. His sympathetic portrait of Confederate General James Longstreet helped spur a popular reappraisal of Longstreet’s legacy, which had been trashed by “Lost Cause” enthusiasts following the Civil War. Longstreet inspired Admiral Coglan, though this concept began to drift as I fleshed out Coglan’s nemesis, Imperial Admiral Miiri Elixibeth Kemper, who herself was initially modeled on Sherman but eventually grew to more closely resemble Bill Belichick (seriously!). In my own campaign the current subsector duke of Clown is the Duchess Dorotti Shulimaar Kemper of Kobayashi, the second generation clone of Admiral Kemper.

“The Endurance of Ftahalr.” The Peace of Ftahalr is a pretty remarkable treaty by any measure. First, it has held for over 700 years. Second, it was only executed by four major clans and the Imperium—meaning technically, it binds less than 0.1% of the 4,000+ clans found in the Aslan Hierate. To understand why the Peace has held, it’s important to remember the singular role honor plays in Aslan society, as well as the Tlaukhu’s role in establishing and enforcing treaties. To an Aslan, a treaty is not simply a legal instrument: it is a debt of honor.

“The Hkiyrerao Passage.” The one section cut from The Deep and the Dark manuscript that I really rued was the story of Hkiyrerao, the Tralyeaeawi navigator on the Iyeheilr, the first Aslan ship to reach the Solomani Rim. Her story was heavily influenced by C. J. Cherryh’s Chanur novels, which I think are invaluable in understanding the female Aslan point of view. I’m very glad to see the piece resurrected.

Although I don’t think the contents of JTAS volume 14 have yet been announced, JTAS 15 is slated to contain the following articles I worked on:

Mercenaries of the Deep and the Dark: Learn about seven new mercenary companies found in Reaver’s Deep and ‘the’ Dark Nebula including Caledon Highlanders, Longshot Inc., Wolmaran’s Black Jackets and more… 

* * * * *

Nymph Provincial Merchant: An interstellar trade vessel commonly encountered in the Reavers’ Deep region. Its triple turret allows it to defend itself should it become necessary. 

* * * * *

Trade Pioneers: Brand new career option for your Travellers. Become an employee of an entrepreneurial company are get dispatched to the unexplored and underexploited regions of Charted Space. Choose from three assignments: analyst, negotiator and factor.

I can’t wait to see the rest of the JTAS volumes!

Monday, July 22, 2024

It’s Here!

Last week my hard copy of The Deep and the Dark arrived, and it’s a real trip to finally get a chance to hold it in my hands. I’ve got a Traveller game scheduled for later in this week, and appropriately enough today is the 47th birthday of the Traveller game. So I’m looking forward to a jam packed week of Traveller goodness.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Life Hack: Use Read Aloud for Aslan Words

I experienced the most remarkable serendipity recently. A few weeks ago I was working on a Word document for work when I accidentally activated the “Read Aloud” feature, which I’ve never done—and I have used this program nearly daily for over 30 years. 

I was a little surprised to have triggered the function but even more surprised by the natural-sounding voice that emerged. The voice perfectly read out a very technical section of a document that had several unusual place names, names that regularly trip up natives. In retrospect, given how quickly AI technologies have emerged it shouldn’t have been such a surprise that these readers would have gotten so sneaky good.

I put the experience out of mind but a few days later I spied a discussion thread—I think on Reddit—recommending using the Read Aloud feature to help proof draft texts. I often try to read my own writing aloud when I’m editing myself and find the technique can help catch many errors or awkward phrasing that would get missed on the page. But I still miss many things—my reading brain will still sometimes skip or smooth over problematic bits. But to hear someone else read my text gives me a little more distance to appraise my own work. The advice seemed sound and I resolved to give it a go soon.

A few days after that I was working on a passage from Clans of the Aslan that I kept reworking and reworking but I still wasn’t quite sure about. On a lark I decided to run the passage through Word’s Read Aloud and the results were amazing. Hearing the passage aloud helped me hone in on one particularly knotty sentence, but even more helpful was to hear the program pronounce Aslan names.

I’ll be the first to admit that the Trokh conlang can produce many words that look interesting on the page but can be the very devil to read aloud. Personally, it’s all the vowels that tend to trip me up: I lose track of where the stress should fall. And really, like any other language, the trick is to keep pushing through because once you hesitate you’re lost. A computer program, though, never worries and just goes for it. 

In general, I found the program did a pretty good job of tackling Trokh words and phrases. I assume it’s applying English pronunciation rules for Aslan, which is probably why the pronunciations generally sound right to my ear. Oddly, the one word that the program really seemed to botch was “Hierate.”

I have sometimes thought that the intimidating appearance of the Aslan language has kept many referees and players from running Aslan scenarios or characters. Maybe using this one simple hack can help anyone master Trokh with just a few simple keystrokes. Try it out! It’s the next best thing to DuoLingo for Hisol’i.

Copyright Information

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2024 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Materials produced by Digest Group Publications (DGP) are copyright © Roger Sanger. Any use of Digest Group Publications’ copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this Web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights. Usage is intended to follow the guidelines announced by Roger Sanger on the Traveller Mailing List for preserving the overall Traveller milieu.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Happy MayDay!

The Iconic Cover of the Basic Traveller set.

The original Traveller featured the iconic Mayday! on its box: the universal distress call M’aidez! (French for Help Me!), generally expressed in English as “Mayday.” Traveller traditionally celebrates May 1 as its holiday.

In honor of the game’s 47th anniversary, I’ve recently developed a quartet of unofficial Aslan sectors for Traveller MapEtakhasoa, Kefiykhta, Waroatahe, and Karleaya are all live on the site. All are sectors on the spinward/rimward fringes of the Hierate and there are fairly few published details for any of them.

Etakhasoa and Kefiykhta had previously existed only as dotmaps from DGP’s Solomani and Aslan: The Rimward Races book. I generated new sector data mostly using the Traveller5 Book 3 rules, with political details and bases created with good old CT Aslan - Traveller Alien Module One. I did break out Mongoose’s excellent new World Builder’s Handbook for stellar details and help with some other questions. 

Kefiykhta (-7,-4) is a true frontier for the contiguous Hierate: beyond are only pockets of Aslan colonies amidst unclaimed systems and those held by outcasts or alien races. This is a recently settled and relatively peaceful area, with lands still plentiful enough to prevent significant interclan conflict. Clans from the Uiktawa and Seieakh blocs of the Tlaukhu have holdings here, and the Seieakh capital is located at Hkawuakhiys (Kefiykhta 0928 A000988-D).

Etakhasoa (-5,-4) is a couple of sectors trailing of Kefiykhta, nearer Kusyu. About a quarter of the sector is outside the borders of the Hierate, including a noticeable carveout in subsectors J, L, M, and N—an artifact of the Cultural Purge, I suspect. This area was originally settled by Aslan separatists, but since the Cultural Purge has been relatively peaceful. The Tlaukhu members lykyasea and Uiktawa are known to have holdings in this sector.

Jo Grant and Jeff Zeitlin had partially generated data for Waroatahe and Karleaya and I worked with that information. The system locations were generally based on the Solomani and Aslan dotmap, and the existing data included names, UWPs, remarks, bases, and PBG. While the UWPs and bases didn't seem to use the Aslan world generation system, I tried to retain as much as possible while bringing everything up to T5SS standards. So most names were preserved. Starport, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Population were generally retained. Government, Law Level, Bases, Allegiance, and TL were regenerated using AM1 and then adjusted where necessary to fit T5SS standards. Stellar data was generated using World Builder’s Handbook

Waroatahe (-6,-3) is dominated by the Eakhtiyho (Hrasua) bloc and has been one of the most turbulent sectors in the Hierate. The Alien Realms adventure “First Son, Lost Son” was set in Waroathe and eventually located in subsector N, “Hekisearai.” The Hrasua clan capital is located at Ouh (Waroatahe 0333 A567884-D) and their ally the Fteweyeakh keep their capital at Aoieyakh (Waroatahe 2310 B8C6A86-C).

Karleaya (-5,-3) is an old sector, having been settled for over 3,000 years. Politically, it is currently split between the Tralyeaeawi and Aokhalte blocs. There’s a Chirper world in subsector H per Dronye - Traveller Alien Module Five. The Aokhalte capital is at Iykte (Karleaya 1306 A848A89-D), while the clan capital of the Aiheilar, a Tralyeaeawi ally, is at Oihtieal (Karleaya 2902 A573A77-E).

Here’s to 47 more years of Traveller!

Copyright Information

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2024 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Materials produced by Digest Group Publications (DGP) are copyright © Roger Sanger. Any use of Digest Group Publications’ copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this Web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights. Usage is intended to follow the guidelines announced by Roger Sanger on the Traveller Mailing List for preserving the overall Traveller milieu.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Aslan Corporations in T5SS Data

Captain card from the Traveller Customizable Card Game.

Aslan - Traveller Alien Module One (1984) introduced a special world generation sequence for Aslan worlds. While Population is generated just as with Human worlds using 2D - 2, Government is generated with a special table producing Aslan-specific Government codes to provide “a clearcut idea of the distribution of power in an Aslan society” (34).

Aslan Government code G indicates a “Small station or facility. Either operated by an offworld clan or controlled by a company (the only instance where a world is controlled by anything but a clan); population must be 3-” (25). Roughly 27.77% of Aslan worlds will have a Population of 3-, and half of those worlds will have Government G, meaning 13.89% of all Aslan worlds are small stations or facilities.

As described in my previous post on Governments and Allegiances in the Hierate, Traveller5 translated the old Aslan government codes into a combination of standardized government and expanded Allegiance codes—for example, an Aslan split-control world (Government Code H) would usually be converted to a Government 7 (Balkanized) world with an AsSc (Split Clan) allegiance. This change neatly captures the same amount of information without requiring a whole host of alien-specific government codes and is reflected in the T5SS data hosted on Traveller Map.

The one exception concerns Government Type G. While the T5SS originally used an “AsSf” allegiance code for Small Facility, this code ended up getting dropped. This is fine for small facilities “operated by an offworld clan” but loses facilities controlled by a company, “the only instance where a world is controlled by anything but a clan,” which I consider a very interesting exception.

Aslan corporations, it should be recalled, are uniquely female institutions. While some males may occupy titular leadership positions, females manage and direct corporations. After all, most males are supposedly unable to even understand or handle money. (C. J. Cherryh’s excellent Chanur novels provide some insight into how such a society might plausibly work.) In Traveller, Aslan corporations generally fit into one of three different structures: 

  1. Independent companies owned by an unmarried female or a group of unmarried females unaffiliated with a specific clan (for example, Reastirlao),
  2. Affiliated companies owned by unmarried females associated with a single clan (for example, Tlasayerlahel “Interstellar Merchants”), and
  3. Jointly Controlled companies owned by unmarried females associated with several different clans (for example, Khu Su’ikh “Five Shields”).

As I’ve been working on the Clans of the Aslan manuscript I’ve been thinking a lot about the role of corporations in Aslan society, and in particular the unique role an Independent company would play. For those females with no interest in or prospects for marriage, and a desire to escape the confines of clan life, such an institution would likely represent an exciting and liberating opportunity found almost nowhere else in Hierate society. Why stay on the family manor bowing and scraping for your idiot brother when you could take to the stars and run your own sector division?

So where are all the corporate-controlled worlds on Traveller Map? And how could one encode such worlds in the Traveller5 sector data format? First, keep in mind that Aslan corporate worlds would generally be limited to Population codes 0,1, 2, or 3. At one time I proposed implementing a new “AsCp” code for “Aslan Hierate, Corporate Control” worlds but upon further reflection I think we can describe all three types of corporations using creative combinations of Government 1 and existing Allegiance codes.

One could indicate or deduce the presence of an Affiliated Aslan company by the combination of Government Code 1 (Corporate-controlled) and the AsMw (multi-world), AsVc (vassal clan), AsTX (Tlaukhu clan), or AsTv (Tlaukhu vassal) allegiance codes, thus showing a corporation associated with a single clan. For example, an Allegiance of AsT0 and Government 1 would suggest a world controlled by an Yerlyaruiwo bloc company, which might mean the megacorporation Tlasayerlahel.

One could likewise indicate a Jointly Controlled company by combining Government Code 1 with the AsSc (split clan) Allegiance.

But how about a truly Independent company? Although it’s a little but of a stretch, we could combine Government Code 1 with the AsXX (unknown) allegiance, particularly if we expand the definition of the AsXX code to also include “unclaimed by any clan.” It’s not a particularly elegant solution, admittedly, but I really like the notion of independent Aslan companies controlling whole worlds, and possibly even entering into conflicts with neighboring clans. There’s some real story potential there.

Copyright Information

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2024 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Materials produced by Digest Group Publications (DGP) are copyright © Roger Sanger. Any use of Digest Group Publications’ copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this Web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights. Usage is intended to follow the guidelines announced by Roger Sanger on the Traveller Mailing List for preserving the overall Traveller milieu.